Several times later, Yu Dong also understood that the main reason was their intelligence, so he had to give up for a while: "in this case, we can only try to make them get used to your absence, otherwise they will run around and even I will have no way."

Although under the guidance of luobeibei, the two children would not be able to sit on their stools and let Dashan carry them together while being held by luobeibei, Dashan still couldn't hold them alone, let alone himself, so if they trotted, he would have to follow them instead of forcibly detaining them.

Luobeibei thought for a while and said, "I'll go out and find some firewood now. I'll come back later. Next time, I'll extend the time a little. Before I get to Yecheng, I'll let them get used to it as much as possible."

Yu Dong nodded.

Luobeibei first did the ideological work for liangxiao. Because liangxiao seemed to have natural immunity to prohibition, he was afraid that they would follow him. He specially drew a line to coax liangxiao not to cross the line, and then he left the cave with Dashan.

In the first experiment, she was afraid that the two children would not fully understand what she meant, so she would run out to find her. She only wandered around, always paying attention to the situation on the other side of the cave. It took two quarters of an hour to go back with Dashan holding a pile of firewood. As like as two peas were as like as two peas, they stood in front of the line.

saw the two little hands staring at the hole at the first minute. The two hands clasped each other, and the little mouth closed tightly, though there was no crying. The same two looks of the same face on the little face were very distressed.

However, this seriousness immediately turned into a bright smile when he saw the appearance of luobeibei. Looking at luobeibei, his heart became more and more soft. He couldn't help hugging them and asked with a smile: "sister is back, are you happy?"

Two small grinning, a Wei a right to Qi Qi in her face a kiss, attachment to the silent overflow in the table, and the heart of luobeibei rub a mess.

Yu Dong said with a smile: "as soon as you left, they ran to the line seriously to wait for you. No matter how I talked to them, they totally ignored me."

"My sister is just going out to do something. It's definitely not that I don't want brother Bao and sister Bao." Luobeibei also kisses them and takes the opportunity to instill a similar thought, "my sister will go out in the future, but she will also come back. Don't worry, you should obediently listen to Uncle Yudong, OK?"

Two small look at Yu Dong, seems to resist the last sentence, only buried in her arms, did not respond.

"Take your time." Yu Dong is a little sad because of their dislike, but they don't even give face to Luo Beibei's elder brother Dashan, not to mention themselves. Their psychology is immediately balanced.

After a short rest, with the fall of the sunset, the dusk soon replaced the red sunset and made the mountain forest dark.

"Let's go." In the light of the stars, luobeibei and Dashan take their two children to climb all the way in the mountains and forests. They see the scene of chasing with the little demon before. This time, luobeibei lets go of the hands of the two little jade demons and intentionally guides them to play the game of chasing each other, so as to promote their growth.

Luobeibei is not sure how and when they became demons. However, it is certain that they are open-minded and curious about everything. They are also good at learning and absorbing new things. Therefore, during their journey, she will intentionally teach and help them to understand and be familiar with the new world.

For example, how to eat with small spoons and chopsticks like a normal human child? For example, what are the animals that you encounter when you walk at night? For example, when you hear a dog barking when you pass by a village, you will take them to see what comes out. For example, what is the use of the stone bridge and wooden bridge on a stream

Whatever you see along the way, whether it's ordinary or unusual, you will try to make them leave a rough impression first, just like her grandmother used to hold her to know different new things when she was just at the beginning of her ignorance, and intentionally let Yudong teach them a lot, so that when she went back to her secret place, they could have a better relationship harmonious.

In this regard, Yudong sincerely praised her many times. Luobeibei was very embarrassed about this, but Dashan was very proud and happy for her. He was even more enthusiastic about Yudong's attitude. Every time he ate, he was very eager to deliver food to him, which made Yudong very sad.

In this way, they walked along the overlapping mountains for several days. Because luobeibei would return to the two jade demons every time, they got used to it unconsciously. Although they would see if she came back from time to time, they would not wait in front of the lines any longer.

Then, Yecheng, which is surrounded by mountains, is finally in sight.

It's August 25. I don't know if Brother Yun has arrived.

Luobei is standing on the top of the mountain, looking at the city ten miles away, thinking that it has not been seen for a long time with Yun hanchu, and that the secret place of xiaozhoushan will open on the ninth day of next month. I can't help but feel surging. The scenes of the past are constantly flashing in my mind, and I just stare at the city for a moment."It's still early. Are you going to town now?" Yu Dong looked at the sun just after noon and asked her.

"Don't worry. Let's find a place to live first." Luobei wants to contact Yun hanchu immediately and answers rationally.

The secret place of xiaozhoushan was opened only once in five years. Although it is only qualified to enter the secret place above the fifth floor of refining gas and below the foundation period, there are many practitioners in leichen kingdom. The fifth floor of refining gas is not a difficult realm to reach. Even at the end of the Dharma period, there must still be a large number of people. Although many of them are non sects and non sects, most of them are disciples protected by families or sects.

In order to protect these disciples, all the families and sects have to come together with some elders of high-level cultivation. Therefore, Yecheng is a gathering of powerful people at this time. Even if Lord Yada comes in person, he may not be able to hide the demon very smoothly. What's more, Yudong has to bring two little jade demons who may be exposed at any time, so they are here If you can't enter, you can only find a hidden place outside the city to wait for yourself.

The secret place of xiaozhoushan won't open until September 9, and then it will come out ten days later. In the past few days, she and Dashan had to go to the city to participate in the elimination trials, which means that Yu Dong had to live in this hiding place for more than 20 days alone with her two children. How can we rest assured if we don't make good arrangements?

After watching Yecheng in the distance for a while, luobeibei and others are still quietly hiding in the surrounding mountains, looking for a shelter.

This move is one or two hours, finally passing a mulberry forest, Yu Dong suddenly stopped and pointed to a small ramp in the mulberry forest: "go there and have a look."

Luobei is a little confused: "Uncle Yudong, is this mulberry forest too short?"

Yu Dong smiles: "do you know what your uncle Yu Dong is?"

Luobeibei shakes her head. She has never asked this question. She only knows that Yudong is a subordinate that uncle Yada thinks highly of. Even the original chalky nine is because she said that the demonized ape is his cousin, so she knows that chalky nine is the ape demon.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "I'm a plant demon like granny Ge."

Luobei exclaimed in surprise: "Uncle Yudong, your noumenon Isn't it mulberry? " It's not easy for mulberry trees to become demons.

Seeing her surprise, Yu Dong nodded with a smile: "in those days, although the place where I took root was not the place where I gathered mulberry, there was a tiny spiritual vein. It was only after a long time that I was lucky enough to open my mind. I feel that there is a long abandoned cellar under the mulberry forest. Although it's a little shallow, with this mulberry forest, my eyes and ears are all around me. Now it's the season of picking mulberry, raising silkworms and picking mulberry fruits. It's unlikely that anyone will come here. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!