"Brother..." Luobei took Dashan by the hand and said, "if there is a monster that has become a demon, we can communicate with it instead?"

"How would you like to communicate?" Mu Aoxing said with a smile, "you want to tell it that we have no malice at all. We don't want to kill any monster. We just want to find diyuanguo and leave immediately?"

As soon as Luobei wanted to nod his head, he sneered: "don't forget, we have killed many water animals in the lake."

Luobei bit his lip: "maybe the land monsters and the water beasts are two groups?"

"Even so, every five years, a group of human friars come to kill monsters and pick up natural resources and treasures. Do you think the bullied demon will believe us?"

LAN Jingyu weakly echoed: "Beibei, I think your highness 19 is right. I'm afraid that even if we have small demons, it's hard to communicate with them. The demons seem to hate that the same kind has become the spiritual pet of human beings. Will they be enraged by small demons instead?"

Luobei was stunned, and a heart suddenly fell.

They're right. The spirit and wisdom of monsters are limited, and they can't rise to the level of race pride and betrayal. But once they become demons, things will be completely different. If she wants to communicate with Xiaoyao, she will probably enrage that demon.

"Sister, there's a story I haven't told you before." Dashan suddenly whispered, "when I was in Mancheng, there was an eagle demon in the shop once. Sunspot kept hiding in the house and didn't dare to come forward. Until the eagle demon left, he told me that there was no apparent friendship between the demons. He said that the former demon world was also a world of the jungle, but later the demon clan was forced by the Terran and the demon clan, and there was almost no place to live. In order to reduce the loss, the clan leader and elders of the demon clan stipulated that they could not kill each other at will. "

"But many demons just listen on the surface, and they may attack their favorite prey secretly. Sunspot almost died in the mouth of an eagle demon, so he would rather stay in the dangerous city to disguise as an adult than stay in the family. He said that maybe after he is eaten by the eagle demon or other demons who also like to eat the vole demon, those demons will be punished, but no matter how much punishment he is given, if he has been eaten, he will not survive in any way. "

That's right. As long as people or demons die, there will be nothing. What's the point of justice being done?

Luobeibei listened in amazement, and suddenly remembered the reason why the mountain where she and her grandmother lived was located as a forbidden area and never allowed other members of the demon clan to come up easily. Suddenly, a cold hair stood up.

Is it true that in the demon clan, there are also people coveting her and her aunt?

"But..." Seeing that Luobei is suffering, LAN Jingyu can't help but change her position. "It doesn't have to be like this. I've heard that if monsters take some natural resources and land treasures, they are likely to open their minds and gradually turn into demons. Over the years since xiaozhoushan was opened up, many people have found precious natural resources and land treasures here. In theory, if monsters become demons, they should There have been demons for a long time, right? But in fact, no one has ever seen a demon. "

Mu Aoxing looked at him contemptuously and asked: "how do you know that there was no demon before? Maybe some of those friars who were damaged in the past years died in the hands of demons? "

"Anyway, I've already come here. I have to explore it." Luobeibei took a deep breath, "and, if there is that demon, and it has been staring at us, no matter where we go, we will be threatened. It's better to solve it as soon as possible, so as not to entangle in the future. There's no time to find medicine."

"Good! Knowing that there are tigers in the mountain, we should go to the tiger mountain. That's the way to practice Mu Aoxing clapped his hands and praised with a smile.

It's him who scares people, and it's him who encourages them. It's really LAN Jingyu looked at Mu Aoxing in amazement, as if he knew the 19 Prince again.

"Sister..." Dashan was again eager to dissuade him.

Luobeibei stopped him and said, "brother, I've decided. Now it's not only for Xiaojiao, but also for our safety in the next few days."

Dashan had to hold down his worries and shut up.

Along the way, the four people could obviously feel that there were monsters lurking around, but they were never attacked again.

In order to show his sincerity, Mu Aoxing asked LAN Jingyu to let all the monkeys go when he finally came to the foot of the Pingdingshan mountain. After they left for a long time, he began to climb the Pingdingshan mountain, which is at least 1000 meters at the foot of the mountain.

By this time, they had been climbing through the forest for nearly a day, and the sun had obviously tilted to the West.

Several peaks in the west of Pingdingshan block part of the sunlight, making a large section of the cliff below dark.

"Hey, I didn't expect to see the sunset in xiaozhoushan." Mu Aoxing took the lead in climbing up a section of Hengyan that had just been illuminated by the setting sun, and sat down with his long legs bent and stretched.

When's the time and the leisure?Luobeibei murmured in his heart, but when the mountain also jumped on the long and narrow protuberance, and saw that the sun had begun to turn red and dyed the white clouds on the edge of xiaozhoushan into a gorgeous sunset, he could not help but be deeply attracted by the beautiful scenery in front of him.

Why is the time in xiaozhoushan the same as outside? How does the secret place exist? Luobei thought in his heart, but did not ask the question. He just stood a little and signaled the mountain to continue climbing.

It's easy to get to the top of the mountain, but the future is uncertain. They'd better learn about the terrain before the sun sets.

The mountain climbs silently and suddenly raises its head.

"What's the matter, brother?"

"I feel the little horn." Haze for most of the mountain finally revealed a glimmer of joy, "it's on the top of the mountain."

"Oh, great!" Luobei is also happy for it, "let's hurry up."

Just after climbing for a while, I heard the sound of wings agitating above. Dozens of big birds suddenly flew down from the peak, and they were divided into two rows like guards, neatly in the air. A pair of eyes were coldly staring at them, as if staring at their favorite pieces of raw meat.

On the cliff of thousands of feet high, there are demons that can drive monsters and birds to use. On both sides, there are five or six or even seven or eight levels of demons and birds coveting. But in the secret place, they can't control magic weapons to fly. For ordinary people, this is really a huge pressure.

Luobei's heart can't help but tense up.

There is no other reason. If they fight on this cliff, they will no doubt have no advantage.

Moreover, in addition to these visible demon birds, her spiritual consciousness has been swept to the top of the mountain, and there are a lot of big black birds. Even if these big birds are not high-level, people who can survive and consume one after another are exhausted, let alone many of them are obviously high-level.

"There's a smart guy up there who knows how to line up troops?" Mu Aoxing didn't seem to notice the situation at the top of the mountain. Instead, the more he climbed up, the more relaxed he looked. He ignored the threat of the demon birds on both sides.

LAN Jingyu also wants to be natural and unrestrained in front of the north of Luobei, but her scalp is numb and she can't laugh. She can only keep close to the north of Luobei to protect her at any time.

But at this time, there was a loud laugh: "ha ha ha, stupid human, for a small eagle, you really fell into the trap?"

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