Luobei asked: "how do you get out now?"

"I think it's a bit strange," Fang said. "Originally, I thought that this boy was going to be killed by the dragon scale of his master. From then on, he would become a crazy man. Unexpectedly, just now he saw that you were going to be devoured by the green dragon. The spirit suddenly became very powerful and suppressed the dragon scale. For a moment, Ben said Zun was able to take the opportunity to get out quickly. So, girl, I'm not afraid to hide, but I'm really powerless just now. "

The spirit of elder brother Mu just now becomes powerful? Was he the one who gave the authority just now?

Luobeibei was stunned, suddenly felt that muaoxing was also full of profound secrets. After half a ring, he continued to ask: "how can you be sure that brother Mu is OK now?"

"I feel it." Fang Tianji said, but he didn't explain more, because he was still at a loss at this time. He couldn't figure out how the spirit of Mu Aoxing suddenly became so powerful, and it seemed to make him feel very familiar.

It's a pity that it has a little bit of that feeling. Before it has time to distinguish the aftertaste, it is quickly kicked out of the sea of knowledge. It only instinctively feels that muao star will no longer have the danger of madness.

"When will he wake up?" Luobei looked down at Mu Aoxing's face, and found that his complexion looked better, and his body was gradually warming up, and his heart was relaxed.

"Well I really can't say that. " Fang Tianji honestly said, "I can't get in touch with him now. I just feel that since he was able to break out like this, there should be no more danger next."

Luobei frowned and saw that Baoge and baomei squatted beside muaoxing and looked at him all the time. They thought they were just curious because they saw a new face, so they hugged them to their side.

But they didn't notice the color of research in their eyes and their eye to eye communication, and it seemed that something was about to emerge from their eyes, but they were held in her arms by her unintentionally. After feeling her warmth and caress, they immediately became a little confused. After struggling for a few breath, the mysterious things were completely submerged by the pleasant feeling.

"Cough Who are you talking to? " The parrot king, who has been curious for a long time, can't help but interrupt when he sees that Luo Beibei doesn't speak for the time being, and his eyes keep glancing at the halberd floating in the air.

although the parrot King started to perform worse, but personally experienced how strong the green Kok was, it was awesome to blame North and North, and it was still afraid of death. Besides, it still gave a lot of strength at the crucial time. Then he introduced the way: "this is your master's magic weapon. You call it" Xian Zun ".

"Magic weapon? Immortal Parrot king how tongue, "my darling, what kind of magic weapon can be called xianzun? How come I've never heard of it before? "

"How can a bird demon who doesn't have the same hair have heard of my name?" Fang Tianji snorted scornfully. This time, it didn't use to transmit sound, but actually made a human voice.

"Wow Can you still talk? " The parrot king was so surprised that he even ignored people's ridicule that he didn't have enough hair.

It thinks that it has a lot of knowledge, and knows that it can be regarded as a magic weapon. It can communicate with its owner, but it has never heard that it can communicate with people other than its owner, not to mention that the magic weapon can still speak.

"Who says magic weapon can't talk? It's a very humble opinion. " Fang Tianji looked down on him haughtily.

"Master! This is the real master! I'm here, sir. Please accept my respect! " The parrot King flew to the ground excitedly and knocked his head forward. However, because the snow was too loose and too hard, he dived into the snow and got covered with snow.

Luobeibei is reminded of the vulture because of the parrot King's gag. He is busy asking about the vulture's condition. Only then can he know that the vulture is seriously injured and is being protected by other demon birds in the middle to block the wind and snow. So he asks Baoge to guard muaoxing and baomei to follow him to check.

Although the demon birds are monster level and their feathers can protect them to a certain extent, they were forced by qingjiao to chase them. Almost all of them are exhausted. However, seeing that qingjiao has lost, they are still trying to protect the vultures.

The vultures were badly hurt. Almost all of their wings were broken and could not be closed. They were dripping with blood, and even some of them had condensed into blood ice.

Luobeibei quickly set up a protective shield to stop the wind and snow, and found out two heat preservation amulets. First, he pasted them on, then fixed and bound up his wings with a few branches, and then gave him some medicine.

"Thank you so much today." She gratefully stroked its feathers.

Although the vulture carried them away for a long time and performed bravely, she was not used to being so close to them and moved to the side uneasily.

"That Good girl, if you have another one, I'll be frozen. " Parrot King cheeky way, in fact, from the beginning to the end is not injured only it, but at the thought of being pulled out of the two tail feathers, it felt pain all over.Luobeibei thought that it had been hurt before, so he generously fed it two elixirs and checked whether other demon birds were hurt. Although they came here just now with green Jiaos on their backs, they were also forced to do so. Naturally, this account can not be counted on them.

Thinking of qingjiao, luobeibei looks back.

Just for a moment, qingjiao's body had been covered with snow for most of the time, and he still couldn't move.

"Come on, while the Dragon won't move, you can quickly take it as a pet." The parrot King swallows the elixir, and his spirit suddenly trembles.

"He wanted to kill me just now, and I took him as my pet?" Luobeibei can't understand the brain circuit of parrot king.

"You're stupid. If you kill it, it's just a way to relieve your anger. But if you take it as your pet, it won't dare to go west if you want it to go east from now on. It'll have to bear whatever revenge you want. How can you relieve your anger?" Parrot King couldn't bear to see her so stupid. He totally forgot that he had just strongly asked the two children to "take advantage of her illness and kill her".

The voice did not fall, already "ouch", but was patted by Fang Tianji: "no big or small, do you know what identity you are? You'll be honored as a girl in the future. "

"Yes..." Parrot Wang Dun remembered that although the little girl was weak, she couldn't stand her good relationship with her master and the immortal magic weapon. Besides, she had two little demons with amazing skills. She was really not the one who could be provoked by her own nonsense.

"I'm sorry, miss. Xiao Nan, I was just a little worried..." Afraid of luobeibei, parrot King quickly made amends.

Luobeibei didn't mind. On the contrary, his eyes lit up because of his suggestion. He let the demon birds stay with Mu Aoxing and Fang Tianji guard them. Then they really went to collect qingjiao.

Qingjiao is worthy of being obedient to all the monsters and birds. Although he was seriously injured, after a while, he woke up.

It struggled for a while, saw two small, eyes showed a trace of fear, but then glared at Luobei, obviously not so easy to yield, also want to wait for an opportunity to resist.

"Baoge baomei, help your sister hold it down, don't let it move." With two amulets, Luobei will no longer be afraid of qingjiao, but will smile.

Two small obediently a press head, a press tail, green Jiao immediately even struggle of strength all can't make out.

"Hum, do you know what this is? Now I'm a swordsman and you're a fish. I want you to die if you want to, and you'll live if you want to, you know? " Thinking of how qingjiao bullied himself and made him scared and desperate, luobeibei was angry. He pointed out the center of his forehead and wanted to force him to sign a master servant contract.

And then soon she was stupid.

It turns out that this green dragon has its own owner and can't be contracted again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!