If you are trapped in a place where there are mountains, water, flowers, grass, and even fruits and vegetables, there is no living thing except you, even insects and crickets. And although there are day and night, but neither the sun nor the stars and the moon can be seen, only white clouds float in the sky all the year round, the whole world is lonely, leaving only one person. What would you do?

Luobei has no chance to ask others about this question.

All she knew was that after experiencing failure after failure and suffering from spiritual torment, she finally understood one thing.

That is, if she still refuses to accept the fact of being imprisoned, and then tries to pass the time, she will soon be completely submerged by negative emotions such as anxiety, anger, missing, loneliness, helplessness, complaint and hatred. Then, in hopes and disappointments again and again, she will finally degenerate into a devil, and make the ugly plot succeed.

So the first thing she does when she wakes up every day is to tell herself that it's an illusion, an illusion that you can't measure the length of time with common sense.

Maybe you feel that day by day, year by year, has passed for a long time, but when you break through the dreamland and wake up, maybe it's just a short time. Since everything in the dreamland is just a dream, why do you deliberately record the time and add your own troubles?

In order to make yourself as full as possible, there is no chance for the demons to invade. Every day before going to bed, Luobei will arrange the time of the next day ahead of time.

For example, digging herbs, reclaiming wasteland, pruning and pruning trees, making clothes with castor bean, and even turning the original stream full of natural flavor into a garden flavor. In a word, anything that can pass the time will be recorded on the stone one by one, and then she pretends to do it for the first time every time, and happily completes it.

As for no one to talk to herself, it doesn't matter. She can talk to the stone, to the tree, to the stream, and treat everything in the valley as her friend.

In order to ease her yearning, she also made many clay figurines. Every day when she went home, she would say hello to "Mama". When she went out, she would take "Dashan elder brother" with her, and occasionally change "Mu elder brother" and "Yun elder brother", or Bao elder brother and Bao younger sister

However, there are many things that can be done. For luobeibei, the most important daily lesson is practice.

As for the question of whether to practice in vain or not, luobeibei never thinks about it. She only firmly remembers that human beings have a few words of encouragement, such as reading books a hundred times, the meaning of which is self-evident, such as diligence can make up for clumsiness, practice can make perfect, and heart can make it. Even if this is a mirage, as long as she is practicing every day and constantly reviewing, isn't it equal to practicing? She just didn't have time to master brother Mu's skill of turning mind into needle and Brother Yun's sword skill!

Of course, it's not easy for her to figure out these principles and stick to them. Even if she deliberately makes herself happy every day, humming songs from time to time, and turning back to the fawn's running and playing with her talent, loneliness and emptiness will still take advantage of them to corrode her determination and disintegrate her confidence.

Fortunately, she seems to be born with a talent to endure loneliness, as if she lived day by day a long time ago. After many alternations of the day and the night, she finally managed to get through the most difficult habit forming period and entered a quiet period. Then, more and more meditation time was naturally spent. Sometimes, she didn't even need to do anything else deliberately. As soon as she closed her eyes and opened her eyes, one day or even several days passed like this.

During this period, it is inevitable that there will be melancholy moments occasionally, but it is also easy not to rise the feeling of despair, and not to think about why there is no one to help themselves out and place their hopes on others.

What should come will come. If it doesn't come, it's useless no matter how urgent it is.

She told herself that as long as she could keep this bright heart and not be fascinated by all kinds of demons, sooner or later, this dreamland would break.


There are no seasons in the valley, and every day is like a day.

On this day, Luobei still woke up when the light was dim, and then went to sit on a stone in the middle of the stream as usual.

She thought it was an ordinary day, but in the middle of it, she suddenly opened her eyes.

I do not know when the thick clouds covering the valley began to thin up, as if in a short time will be completely dispersed.

Luobei's mind moved, and he was standing on a huge rock beside a long canyon.

These days, she sometimes turns deer's hooves into grass, sometimes turns people into running along the mountain path, and sometimes floats in the valley against the wind. However, she has never been able to successfully pass through the clouds surrounding the whole valley and step out of the valley. How can she come to the canyon at the junction with the outer world today?

Is it possible that after so long a stalemate with her, this dreamland can't be supported at last?

Luobeibei gazed at the high and deep canyon in front of her, which she had glided through the vines again and again. After standing for a long time, she finally took another step forward slowly.The clouds in the canyon are even lighter, but when her bare feet firmly step on the void, the clouds actually support her. Luobei didn't look down, but kept the mood for a long time and walked to the cloud step by step.

When she came to the end of the long Canyon, the last layer of cloud in front of her finally disappeared, revealing a new picture.

In front of us is a hillside.

It was a gentle slope, covered with green grass and various kinds of wild flowers. A stone table was placed in the grass. It seemed that it was only three or five steps away from her.

There are two stone benches beside the table. The grass at the foot of the bench is different from other places. It is short and sparse. It seems that it is not as prosperous as other places because it is trampled all the year round.

There is a game of chess on the table. The pieces are black and white, but the chessboard is carved directly on the table. On one side of the chessboard, there is a pot of one cup. The style is very simple and simple. There is still a little heat in the cup, but no one is drinking tea.

Beyond the stone table, you can see the farthest mountains. One of them is very lonely and independent among the mountains. The top of the mountain is haunted by a cloud. It's a little familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen it.

Luobei looks to the sky again.

The sky in the picture is just like the dawn. The sky is light blue, and a few stars can be seen.

Then she saw the first living creature.

That is a bird, a big bird, even if the distance is very long, still can see its body is quite huge and powerful.

The bird flew very fast and seemed to be coming towards her. In a short time, it came to the front of the slope and landed about ten feet in front of the stone table. The bird looks familiar. It seems to have seen it.

Luobei was a little confused. Then he saw a four legged animal jump down from the big bird. It looked like a fox, but it was not a fox. Its hair was light red. As soon as it landed, it ran to her happily. When he came to the front and back of heel, he immediately stood up, as if he could see her. He opened his mouth and yelled at her, but there was no voice. His eyes were full of excitement, and he even shook his tail wildly.

Luobei blinked, and suddenly heard a thump, as if a stone had fallen into a pool without waves. In an instant, there were circles of fresh ripples.

She remembered! Isn't that her little demon? It seems to have grown up a lot.

"Baby..." Luobeibei excitedly stretched out his hand when he wanted to touch the little demon, but he touched an invisible but seemingly several feet thick barrier.

The little demon lies on the barrier and shouts at her several times. Then she falls back to the ground and makes two turns. It seems that the big bird carrying it shouts a few times. Then she lies back and shouts at her through the barrier, as if calling her sister.

Not far away, the big bird seemed to have got the command, and it also spread its neck and sang a few times.

Then, the sky became lively and soon filled with the shadows of all kinds of birds.

After being alone for a long time, luobeibei finally saw a different world. Although it was silent, the pictures were still so vivid, which linked up her long silent anger.

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