Chapter 103.3 - The Second Year at the Academy - Joint Exercise 1 (3)

Chapter 103.3 - The Second Year at the Academy - Joint Exercise 1 (3)

The sound of metal clashing echoes across the grasslands.

On the second day afternoon, the joint training began.

Students of magic centered around Elphimia activate strengthening magic such as [Physical Up Other].

In response, students with blue cloth wrapped around both arms march out.

Lambert, Felix, and Elliot move out, but I remain in the main camp.

In the morning, squad leaders gathered under Captain Soval for a strategy meeting.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

As the open grasslands offer no advantage for clever tactics, the opinion arose from the seniors who experienced joint exercises last year that the key to victory is how close one can approach the enemys territory before the battle begins.

Soval adopted this approach and then disbanded the squads.

Many magic students are not adept at close combat or have limited magical power.

They werent very useful on the front lines.

Therefore, those with high mobility are positioned at the vanguard to cut deep into enemy territory as planned.

As a result, the vanguard, including those charging into enemy territory, consisted of 25, followed by eleven in the rear guard and 10 in the archery unit.

I thought Id be in the vanguard, but apparently, the seniors volunteered eagerly, so I was thrown into the archery unit with Karmal.

The vanguard approaches the enemy units with red cloth.

When the 3rd-year archery commander raises his arm to signal a halt, shooters including myself line up in rows and nock their arrows.


Arrows are released simultaneously, raining down on the enemys vanguard.

However, they are all blocked by shields, and the battle between the vanguards begins as if nothing happened.

No injuries?

I spin the arrow and examine the arrowhead.

If these were real, theyd pierce through the shields.

Youd get serious injuries then.

Karmar next to me responds as he holds his bow.

For safety reasons, the arrowheads are removed and replaced with thick fabric.

With this, not only the power but also the distance of the shots gets compromised.

Its begun.

We couldnt penetrate the enemy lines as much as we thought. Did they send out fast troops as well?

So, I started training in defense, but

The second years are being overly cautious.

While the third years swing their wooden swords vigorously, the 2nd years cautiously poke their swords forward.

It stings a little to see such timid movements.

Well, it cant be helped.

According to Cody, Lambert and I are considered the strongest candidates among the second years, during the previous outdoor training in the first term, several people witnessed me running around, which made me even more feared.

I dont understand why just running around is so scary, but anyway, the exercise wont be meaningful for me.

So, reluctantly, I pretend to trip and purposely let the 3rd years attacks land on me.

Yeah, that hurts a lot.

When I show signs of pain, the second years faces brighten up.

See, its not scary! We can take them down together!

Seems like theyve understood my thoughts, as the second years become more proactive in their attacks.

Thats the spirit.

I barely deflect the wooden swords and let them hit me a little to reassure them.

My performance, combined with their enthusiasm, kept the second years swinging their wooden swords energetically.

But really, is it this troublesome to be in the spotlight?

Halvish must have had a tough time without any opponents.

I recall the swordsman known as the strongest in the academy and suddenly realized something.

So, was he so skilled in shield techniques because he only focused on defense like me?

If thats the case, maybe having a target rather than just defending would be more beneficial for training.

Halvish only had Shield Strike after all

I remember my fight with Klaus.

Before receiving [Decisive Blow], what broke through my defense was the intermediate defense skill [Protection of the Beast].

It was neatly blocked by the shield, but the skill itself isnt exclusive to shields.

I deflected the incoming attack, reminded of Klaus, and ended up taking a direct hit.

Its quite challenging.

Wait a moment. Let me gather my thoughts.