45 Reincarnation princess dialogue.

I sighed, looking at the text on the faded paper rather than reading it.

I don't know what Mikhail and Irine were talking about that day.

I'm worried whether it was a consultation on magic, but I'm hesitant to ask directly. I don't want to be asked why Mikhail knows that he is magical, and I'm not confident he'll be able to mislead him. And before that, I hadn't seen either since I hadn't seen either since that discussion.

There is very little information about Mikhail before being taken over by the Demon King, even in the game.

Therefore, I never knew what he thought and how he was going to move.


The second sigh sighed.

Get angry with yourself who is too useless.

Your life has been equivalent to a strategy book. It was an easy way to avoid traps you knew in advance. But it will be different from now on.

As a result of breaking flags and avoiding a disturbing future, the game and the current situation have made a huge difference.

You can't just use in-game knowledge.

Even if you lose the guidelines, you have to be able to walk.


"!? ……Ah!!"

A sudden call is made from behind, and the shoulder jumps. At the same time, the book on my lap was robbed by a hand extending from behind.

Twisting my body to get back, I turn back, and I harden.

"If you don't want to read, don't read"

He was shouted at his pale blue eyes, raised to show grumpiness. A piece of voice that does not even feel the temperature is thrown away.

I muttered in my heart, trembling with the feel of cold sweat falling down my back. Fail.

A man who wakes up from a large couch closes the book with a rough motion while being frustrated. I'd like to say that books that are historically valuable are not treated crudely, but I can't say that I was stunned before such a valuable book.

Go down from the edge of the couch that you were sitting on and stand on the floor.

Inhale deeply and put your strength in the belly. He tightened his expression and corrected his posture.

"Sorry, father."

Looking at me with my head lowered, my father cuts wrinkles deeply between the eyebrows.

"What is it?"

I was asked with a sharp voice.

Even if the young girl apologizes with a special attitude, the air that surrounds her is not loosened at all. I was amazed at myself, who knew it was such a person and was indulgently absorbed in thought.

This is my fourth visit to my father's room at night. There was no conversation that seemed to be conversational, but the time to read a book quietly was calm, and it might have been a little nervous. That's not a reason for folly.


I'm stuck with the words to return and bite my lips.

His father, with his cheek on his standing knee, glanced at me with cold eyes.

"I'm asking what an apology is."

I was repeatedly asked.

"... ho, a book"

The voice shook with tension.

He scolds himself about to drop and pulls his chin.

"I was opening a book without even reading it."

I'm honest, stupid.

When I first visited my father's room, I felt something similar happened. I was asked if I couldn't read it, and she replied, "I couldn't read it, but read it."

There is no progress at all.

But it can't be helped. If you don't have the head or courage to play with a trick, you have no choice but to challenge.

"I had the opportunity to browse precious books, but I was amazed at something different and stunned."

Sorry, and bow again.

Dad sighed with a surprised face.

"... if you think you can be tolerated if you are honest, you will be very misunderstood."

The words are harsh, but his expression and voice are somewhat softened.

The book that I kept away is pushed to me as if to press it. It was too easy to return and stunned, but as soon as I returned, I hugged the book tightly with both hands.

Father pulls the bottle from the table and pours all the remaining wine into a glass. Father muttered, saying, sitting down, watching the moaning without any taste.

Leave enough space for each person to sit down and sit down. He held down his chest hitting a bell and exhaled gently.

I tried to open a book this time to concentrate so that I would not be kicked out. However, he notices his gaze from the side and stops his hand.

I want to be silent, but I don't have the courage to read without worrying. He turned his gaze on his eyes.

"What distracted me"


"Is there any trouble? Let's talk."

The words I couldn't understand immediately. With his eyes wide open, he stares at Dad's face.

I think you were told to discuss your worries ... It's a hallucination. Isn't that so?

"That's a lot of trouble, like consulting us."

"Who said she would be consulted. I just listened."

"A, high"


I was relieved while being scared.

That arrogance is the father. Was good. For a moment, I wondered if I got into the parallel world.

But I'm relieved, but what should I talk about?

I can't afford to talk about Mikhail's magic, is there any more safe topic?

After a while, I opened my mouth.

"I was worried about my lack of applied skills."


"Yes. I'm vulnerable to sudden events. To some extent, I'm used to challenging for the foreseeable and lack the flexibility to respond to unexpected situations."

Father did not negate or affirm.

Turn your eyes on me to encourage the continuation of the story.

"I'm full of things I'm missing. I don't have the quick wits and lack of determination. When something unexpected happens, I'm just upset and can't do anything.

Even if the future begins to move in a completely different direction from the game, it cannot be stopped and lost.

I didn't know is not a reason. I didn't know, would not be a guilty mark.

The strength of the crossed hands rests on the book placed on the knee.

"I want to be able to respond to any situation."

I spit out words, watching my nails cut into my skin.

"……So that's it"

After a while, my father muttered in a small voice.

Turn your face over there, and I'll spell it. Unexpectedly close, there was an overfitted father's face.

I looked up to the limit and looked at me at a close distance, and my father exhaled a heavy sigh.

"My daughter was an idiot."


After 5 seconds, my father's words finally reach my brain.

Puki, a low voice leaked from my mouth with blue stripes in Komekami.

what did you say?

Has you forgotten your worries semi-forcibly, and what are you talking about now?

Looking at me looking at me in a state of anger, my father tilted my head mysteriously.

Platinum blond like silk thread sways and casts a shadow on Hakuseki's skin. Even such casual movements are like paintings, which make them even more uncomfortable.

Isn't it beautiful at all ?!, I almost swear.

"Father ... what is it now?"

"My daughter said she was a fool"

Father repeats words slowly, as if he had told his child.

It's quite good to stroke your nerves. Fucking father.

"Do you want to be able to cope with any situation?-What are you going to do with your little girl, who has only been born for ten years?"

Dad told him not to hide his ridicule, but to vomit.

I'm a princess!

But in reality I could only dye my face red with anger and shame and bite my lips.

I'm sorry. I'm irritated to death, but I can't say it.

It is hard to move that I am helpless and ignorant.
