63 Request of reincarnation princess. (7)

As a countermeasure against scurvy, I decided to propose “Sauerkraut”.

In Germany, cabbage pickles are often used as a side dish.

The recipe is very simple.

First remove the cabbage core. Shred the rest and knead well with salt.

Transfer the juice to a bottle that has been disinfected with boiling water and put a weight on it. that's all.

"After that, ferment it in a cool place without sunlight for about a week.

Wipe your hands with a cloth and turn your eyes to Julius.

He rested his hand on his chin and glanced at the pot with unfinished Sauerkraut products.

"It's pretty easy."

Julius immediately answered, "I", to me who proposed to make a sample.

The place rents the kitchen of the restaurant where he is now, and as he hears what he needs, he looks very lively. Will the blood as a merchant make a noise?

I'm a little sorry for Julius, who can express any challenge, but all I needed was cabbage and salt.

"Did you miss it?"

Julius smiled with a bitter smile, as if I were being hungry.

"Honestly, just a little"

I ought to have asked for a caraway seed or a Laurier.

When I make it, some pepper is added.

But this time, we had to make it very simple.

Anyone can make it anywhere.

"But if you can make it with a small amount of material and effort, mass production is possible."


"The rest is how to distribute it ..."

I hesitate to Julius' words.

I don't worry about how to spread it. The method is decided. To that end, Leonhardt and Bianca took off.

But I was hesitant because I was a bit short of the courage to speak out.

Clasp your palm and tie your lips.

The throat was rattling.

"... Julius-sama"

"What is it?"

"I have a request"

When I saw my fear again, my astounded eyes grew sharply and took on a serious taste.

I was urged ahead with a look without words.

"Can you handle this as a product?"

To my heart, Julius appeared as if she had accidentally swallowed a foreign body.

"... It's a good story for me, isn't it?-It's a huge wealth, depending on how you handle it."

"No matter how high the value is, I can't spread it with my own power. Even if I teach you how to cook for free, it will end up with eyebrows."

Just as some say that there is nothing higher than free, many people are prepared to be given free of charge.

It is meaningless if you distribute a recipe and suspect that something is wrong.

If so, the mochi is a mochi shop. It's definitely better to ask a professional than an unskilled layman about doing business.

"Julius, who has a wide network of people and is trusted by many customers, can deposit with confidence."

"I'm honored to have you say that."

Julius smiles.

With a gentle face turned, my heart insisted on throbbing and pain.

It's hard to say ... but if you don't say it, the story won't proceed.

"But ... I'd like to give you two conditions while being selfish."


Julius repeated my words.

I'm surprised at what I said, but nothing seemed offended.

"First, we want to set the prices at a low price. We will not be foolish to be prepared for the deficit. We will not only pay for the material costs, but also for the labor costs and transportation costs, as well as the profits. It's okay to have it, but ... "

"I guess the margin is as small as possible."


A thin voice came out that I didn't like.

I am aware that I'm saying bad things. If you sell well, you should make profits lower in front of goods that can turn into gold. I can only imagine selling a fight to a merchant.

"What is another condition?"

Julius asks the question in his peaceful state, without swaying his voice.

Are you angry or not? I, who have different life experiences, are unlikely to be able to read.

I threw another bomb without knowing that the squib was lit.

"I want to attach a piece of paper that describes the recipe to the product so that anyone can reproduce it."


The green eyes were wide open.

The impact will not be the same ratio as before.

The first condition may be convinced if it is divisible that it should be a low-margin sale.

There is a lot of demand, and it is a monopoly. Depending on your skills, you can make a lot of money.

But the second overturns the first premise.

What I've said is synonymous with letting go of possession and throwing away product value.

I'm afraid to see Julius-like reaction, and my gaze gradually drops. But soon, he was ashamed of himself and corrected his posture.


Julius, muttering, murmurs.

Rather than asking me, it sounded more like a solitary talk.


"I thought the recipe was really easy or simple. Your dish, which was acting for my sister-in-law, was always elaborate and time-consuming. But if I make it personally, I guess it would be even more troublesome to make it even more delicious, because I made it in the basic form without doing it because there was a reason that anyone could reproduce it. ''

It would be so? And Julius smiled a little bit proudly.

I nodded while puzzled. In fact, the sauerkraut I made in my previous life was spiced as described above.

"You're really eager to study, because you don't just absorb the information you get, but apply it to make it better."

"It's such a good thing ... you say, Julius?"


"Do you refuse?"

"Why? I'm not going to be dead or dead, so I can say that I'm not interested in front of Kongoishi."

"If the recipe is widely known, it will have no commercial value, but it will be as good."

"That's not the case. There is as much as you can."

I can't hide my surprise from Julius who can say Sarari.

I solidified without opening my mouth halfway open.

"Well, it's a premise that you will cooperate."

"Of course!

Julius, who laughs, is reliable.

I was sorry that I could only think of two options, both annoying and angry. I felt so shameful that such an excellent and powerful person was crushing me but turned backwards.

"By the way, can I hear what I was interested in?"


Learning Julius leans her head, I lean her small neck.

"Why did you teach me how to cook before presenting the conditions?"


"If you have a condition that you really want to drink, keep the trump card to the end. If you ask a friend, it's a good idea to show the sincerity first, but you've paid for it, Talk to me? "

"That's right ..."

I glanced at the painful spot and my gaze swam involuntarily.

I don't want to say it because I'm sorry, but it's probably impossible to fool it. I was crispy and I kept talking.

"If Julius refuses, I have no other helper."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, so at that time ... let's do it."


I was as if I was stunned, like Julius.

"It's a good idea to show the conditions and say something like this, but if Julius handles it, it can't be a bad thing. I'm sure he will spread it more than I think .... … So, if I was refused, I thought I would just act as a friend and cook it. "

Roughly speaking, it is a round throw.

If you leave everything to Julius from the beginning, it will surely make you feel good. I knew, but there was resistance to just giving the recipe without thinking.

I think there is a big gap between trusting and putting responsibility.

So, for the time being, I added conditions.

Julius can bounce it off, which is definitely a problem in my own condition. There is a hole that I, an amateur, cannot understand about business.

If so, I was going to leave it to you.

Money and rights are not transferred because you just cooked as a friend. There is no problem even if Julius reproduces it and makes it a product.

"I'm sorry for being curious ..."

Muttering without power.

But there was no response from Julius.

When you raise your face wonderingly, you will be surprised at the rounded green eyes.

"You're just surprised."

Yup? What does that mean?

Julius continues to speak as if the muttered words arrived in her heart.

"Even though I have the virginity of my age, I can do it when I should be able to do it. And I can't afford to be arrogant and understand my height with that knowledge."

I don't know if they are being praised or degraded.

Despite having the blue color appropriate for age, it is fundamentally dead.

I'm big on my head, but I can see my life-size self.

I wonder if I translate it because of my twist.

"I'm grateful again. You are a wonderful person again."

Julius changed his broken tone.

Stretch your back and face me.

"I will accept this story. Let's do our best to meet your expectations."

"! Oh, thank you very much!"

I was relieved that Julius, who gave me a good consent, seemed to lose her power.

Julius, who looked at me weakly with a smile, had an expression as if she came up with something.

"There are about two.

He raised two fingers with a face like a child plotting mischief.
