119 Search for the second prince. (3)

"Johan? How did you do that?"

"... just insects."

Leonhard turns his gaze on the suspicious servant. To put it simply, there was no further pursuit.

"Well, Johan, I want to hear a little bit about Philip."

"what do you want?"

"Is he the child of Sir Gearstar?"

When I ask Nahat, I turn my eyes round.

"It's a very straightforward question."

"It doesn't make sense to fix it in a place like this."


I smile with a bitter smile at Nahat, who looks at the dense trees. However, she immediately tightened her expression.

"Philip is a child born to Heinz and his young wife who died. However, I was told that she was so weak by nature that she had hardly ever appeared on the official scene. This is my first time. "

I knew that Heinz had a son, but I had never met him.

In addition, Heinz never talked about Philip from his own mouth. And so are Heinz's subordinates.

I might be thinking too much, but I was hesitant to pull out topics that seemed to be avoided, and I never touched on the topics of my son.

The other day, I was surprised when I first saw Philip. He is not quite like Heinz. The delicate features and slim body may resemble his deceased wife, but few would consider Philip and Heinz parents if not told. It's no wonder Nahat doubts.

"I see. I haven't seen him reasonably together .... Still, the child of Sir Gearster was sick. It would have been hard to live."

The thinned eyes of Nahato took on a slightly sympathetic color.

I would say shortly, because I agree.

Grenze seems to have flourished as a military base, and there are many people with military popularity. In the tide of respect for mighty people, some say that if the heir of the frontier is sick, they will be silent. Because Heinz-sama is a good man, the surrounding eyes become more severe.

As Nahat says, the environment in which Philip was put was not supposed to be friendly to him.

"But, Nahat"

But this is a different story. Whatever the background and for whatever reason, there should be no compassion and blindness.

Nahat controlled me by hand, trying to keep going.

"I know. I sympathize with Philip's circumstances, but that's all. If you're afflicting the people, you're not allowed."

Nahat does not hesitate.

"I'll give you the right reward"

It was a voice with a weight that I could not imagine as a pre-adult boy.

There is no hesitation in Haruhi's eyes that blinked slowly. I felt I was prepared to stand on top and saw a glimpse of the qualities of the king.

For a while, heavy silence flows.

Nahat muttered, "Well," as if to break it. He lifts his back from the leaning tree.

"Is it about to leave? If you take a long break, the roots are likely to grow."

Leonhardt, who had been silent until now, told Nahato to deliberately tease and relaxed his expression. I laughed and nodded and stood up.

Turn your ankle several times. It was a short break, but the pain seemed to have eased. With a slightly recovered body, he headed deep into the forest.

About an hour after I started walking. With the orange light coming in through the trees, I noticed that the sun had begun to tilt.

The forest is vast, but the location of the village should not have been so far. I hope I can reach it before sunset.

Almost at the same time, Leonhardt calls me with a small voice. When I raised my face, my eyes glanced. You are instructed to hide yourself by hand.

I hid in the shadow of a tree while leaning down. Nacht takes the same action one beat later.

"There is a guard in front of the village"

Leonhardt said in a hidden voice.

Apparently, he reached the village. However, it doesn't seem easy. Sigh and look next to it. Nahat, frowning, frustratedly clap his tongue.

Leonhardt, who was observing the direction of the village from behind the tree, seemed to be pondering, but turned to us to see if he had decided something.

"The lookout seems to be turning away here. Let's get a little closer."

I was imagined by Leonhardt's proposal. I'm more surprised to be turning away from you than a bold approach to approach.

I muttered in my heart that it was a lookout for what, but I immediately came across.

Prevent escape. Instead of assuming that a reckless person like us would come from outside, a guard to keep a sick person trapped from escaping. If you think so, you can explain.

If I had bad poop, I wanted to throw it out.

Approach the village slowly, keeping your posture low. I saw a fence made of wood and a stone gate. And one man near the gate.

I can't see my face, but my body wearing leather armor is strong. The long sword attached to the waist is a practical object with almost no decoration.

I tilt my head.

Philipp's private soldier must have been wearing fancy metal armor. However, it is not insane, such as wearing sheet metal armor in such a sultry environment.

"... It looks strange."

Leonhardt, who was watching the watch, muttered in a small voice.

When I was told, it was true.

The man is leaning and leaning on the gate. Are you dozing or drunk? I feel my ears and neck are red.


Thinking that much, I stop moving. As a result of guessing based on the information in my head, I came up with a bad possibility.

Perhaps Leonhardt came to the same idea. He has a rugged look.

"Please stay here"

Leonhardt, who told shortly, quickly unloaded. He removed his long sword from his belt and went alone to watch.

Involuntarily watch as you approach the object quickly with almost no sound. The lean action was like watching a wild beast hunt.

Leonhardt, who had a short distance behind the lookout, drew his dagger. However, it was re-sheathed without hitting the man's throat.

The body of a man leaning on the gate leans. Leonhard wasn't attacking at a speed we couldn't stop. Perhaps it was a bad feeling.

Leonhardt catches the leaning man's body and carries it on his shoulder. Leonhard returns to us and drops his man at the base of the tree.

"Don't get too close."

Leonhardt said in a serious voice.

The man leaned on the tree is red and his forehead is sweating.

Probably fever.

"A lookout is a sick person ..."

Nahat muttered with a bitter voice.

I don't know what to return, and I keep looking at my man with her mouth closed.


I was gazing dimly and realized that the face of the man was familiar. I saw it somewhere. Where did you see it

Not a Philip's private soldier. It was not such a close memory. Not a few days ago, but much earlier. You must have met many years ago.

He had no beard and his hair was even shorter. Leather armor and unadorned swords remain as they were. Laughing cheerfully with a sunburned face is very similar to his master ...


I finally remembered.

That's it. He is one of Heinz's subordinates.

Are you here?
