126 Hope of the prejudice prince.

Run through the night forest.

Every second is as fast as you can, but you can't even scaffold in the dark.

Pure darkness spreads in the forest where the moonlight does not reach. It's as if the entire world has disappeared, except for the feet lit by the torches. The invisible darkness seemed to presage the future, and agitated me.

"Well ..."

Sharp cheeks on my cheeks. If you hold it reflectively with your palm, you will feel a slimy feel. An odor resembling iron rust blazes the nostrils and turns out to be blood. Maybe it has been caught on a tree branch.


"no problem"

Orcein walks ahead and calls his name to care. I wiped my cheek wound with the back of my hand and ran again.

Your feet are over the limit. If you don't care, you're going to fall from your knees.

My rough breathing is troublesome. The sound of the pulsating heartbeats is extremely harsh.

But he is not allowed to stop.

The lives of the people and friends are at stake. Does it stop even if your leg breaks?

Continue running with only energy and go through the forest.

Unwind the rope of the horse waiting quietly in the shade of a tree and straddle it. One of them was a young knight ... Peter was on board, and I decided to get him on the same horse as Orsein.

Raise the smoke and the horse runs.

Orseuin's rein handling is wonderful, but the shaking is still transmitted. With accumulated fatigue, consciousness was about to go away.

Keep your nails on your palm and keep your consciousness.

A small light was reflected at the edge of my field of view where I forcibly raised my face.


A distant, shimmering light.

It flashed like a torch flame.



Look up over your shoulder and point at the flame.

Orcein pulled the bridle and stopped the horse. Peter, running a little behind, approached with a mysterious look.

"What happened?"

With his index finger pressed against his lips with Peter leaning his head, he said "quietly" without words.

The distance is quite large, and there is no torch here. This is unlikely to be noticed, but just in case.

Kill your breath and watch.

Perhaps around ten people, based on the number of torches.

"I'm heading for the forest."

Orcein said in a hidden voice.

The light moving away gradually appears to be heading in the direction of the forest entrance, as he says.

"At this time of the day?"

The date is changing.

The expression of dawn is closer than that of midnight. What the heck is there in the forest?

"In a change of lookout?"


I couldn't immediately nod to Peter's words.

Isn't there too many people for a lookout change? But I can't say otherwise.

"How do you do it?"

Orcein asks.

What should I do? Do you want to go? Or return to the forest? I'm sorry for the troubled time.

I shook my head to shake off my anxiety.

"... Hurry ahead"

I don't know the purpose, but if I miss my life, I won't get into the forest.

After both worrying and getting lost. What I need to do now is to return with help as soon as possible.

The horse starts running again according to the signal of Orseuin who nodded.

I look back once to be drawn to something. The distant little light burned to the retina intensely.

I turned to the front and grabbed tightly around my chest.

Even though I told you that it was my fault, my unfounded anxiety did not go away.

Why is my heart so noisy?

Suffocation is not only due to wind pressure.

What is this feeling? Fear, tension, frustration?

I'm in a hurry to feel anxious about making a terrible mistake.

"Please stop!"

I cried if I noticed.

Orcein pulls the reins, surprised by the sudden stop. The clever horse stopped without any rampage.

Peter, who passed by, turned back after a while.

"Nacht, how are you?"


When asked by Orcein, I couldn't answer right away. I am still at a loss for this period. Is my choice really correct? Isn't it just wasting time?

But I couldn't ignore this commotion.

"I'm sorry to change my opinion, but I want you to return."

"Do you want to follow the group just before?"

"Please, I have a bad feeling."

When I told him, Orcein contracted his expression.

Informing Peter that he is confused and returning, Orcein turns his horse's neck.

Run through the road again.

I want to pray faster and faster. Even though it is hard to face the front with wind pressure, the flowing landscape can be seen slowly. I felt even frustrated.

Dokudoku and heart are making an unpleasant sound.

Every moment I felt for a moment, the forest began to appear.

A lot of torch lights stay at the entrance of the forest. After all, it was a change of lookout. Are you thinking too much?

Orcein slows down the horse.

I lost my body at once. And exhale for a long time.

I'm reluctant to waste my time, but the relief of being overwhelmed is better.

Looking back over his shoulder, his eyes meet Orcein. After apologizing to him and Peter, I decided to leave for the Imperial City again.

But just before I opened my mouth, a strong wind blew.


I open my eyes to the smell brought by the wind. Orcein also noticed, with a grim look he stared at the forest.

A strong oily smell that pokes your nose. It's not just an amount to light a torch, but an unusual smell like splashing.


The horse starts running slightly earlier than screaming.

It's so intense that I think you've considered me before. He gazed at the front of the horse while being caught by the horse's neck.

The flame of the torches was getting closer and the faces of those who were surprised to look back were dimly visible. Break through the center as you pass between people without making a detour.

I frowned at the smell of oil that choked.

Grasp in the corner of the field of view where a small amount of remaining oil drips from the edge of the empty barrel that rolls around and bites your lips. I was nauseous just to imagine the intention of spraying the forest trees.

Return the horse's neck and face it against the forest.

"……What are you doing"

Hold passion and ask questions. He tried to keep his calm, but his voice was severely sharpened.

Look around the face from the edge.

I didn't recognize any of the good-looking men's faces. But one or two. Faces that have been seen are mixed.

The middle of men who watch out for us suddenly and reach for bows and swords. A slender human standing with his cloak in his eyes. I can't see my face. There is no information available other than slenderness, and you don't even know if you're a man or a woman.

But I was convinced.

"I'm asking what I'm doing .-- Philipp."