130 The next chief mutters.

"Sorry, Wolf, we'll keep the extra medicine here."

"Thank you"

Say thanks without looking at it. Lilly's footsteps were rushing away, and the door closed shortly afterwards.

Put the bowl close to the boy's mouth.

Slowly pour lukewarm water with crushed medicine into the open mouth. A wrinkle was found between the eyes of the boy who swallowed him.


"Taste was normal and good."

Lightly treat the gaze calling for rejection and tilt the bowl again.

The boy opened his mouth reluctantly, distorting his face reluctantly.

It is a bitter medicine. Even though it is hard to drink with pills, the taste should be even worse because it was dissolved in hot water. However, even though he is young, he understands that he must cure this if he drinks it. I drink while being disgusted.

"Ue ..."

Poured the powder that had been stagnating at the bottom, and said, "End of the high," and the boy groaned with his tongue out. Probably there is bitterness left in the mouth.

To make a mouthful, this time, when I approached water with nothing mixed, I drank honestly.

Lie down the boy who has breathed and stroke his head.

"After that, rest slowly"


The boy who has begun to sleep with Utouto nods obediently.

"Hey, old man ..."


"I'll cure you?"

Involuntarily stopped your stroking hand.

The straight eyes without cloudiness stare at me as if to cling.

A body that suffers from disease and does not move as expected. A family with a sad face. A painful grudge that can be heard from various places. How scary and horrible his days in this village were for him, young.

I hold my hand and forcibly turn my distorted face into a smile.

"... Naturally, if you think you can sleep in Gutara forever, it's a big mistake.

"……I see"

The boy murmurs and smiles sloppy.

Do you feel relieved? Tap the boy's head with his eyes closed. Eventually, a healthy sleep began to be heard.

"What are you guys?"

A voice is heard as if you watched the boy fall asleep.

The elderly man lying next to her glanced at me, shifting the wet cloth on her forehead.

"Just a pharmacist."

"Even the aristocrat's pharmacist abandoned us unless we could do anything. There is no way for a doctor or pharmacist to cure it."

"You guys will be cured. No, I will cure."

In short, the man was light and dazzling.

Next, smile lightly.

"Oh, I believe ... That's why it's strange. Who are you and where are you from?"

"That's why you're just a pharmacist. If you forcibly talk, the fever will rise. Sleep calmly."

Take a forehead cloth, soak it in water, squeeze it lightly and put it back.

He picked up a nearby fan and gently squinted his eyes with a light fan.

"Do not smell good"

"I'm burning incense. It's an insect repellent, but I liked the smell I liked."

The interior has a citrus scent with white smoke.

I thought the amount was going to be adjusted, but I thought I'd put it out once it smoked, but that seems fine.

"I've heard that a miracle clan who has a wealth of knowledge and even cures the dying sick lives in the mountains somewhere ...

"... It's a fairy tale. We can't do miracles."

I stopped my fan and smiled bitterly.

Many times, I saw my life disappearing in front of me.

Every time I lamented my helplessness. If I couldn't do anything, I doubted that I was the same as not doing anything. But.

"We only have the knowledge and skills left by our ancestors. The rest is a group of stubborn people with no special features or special skills ... but bow down when we need them. I was here because I had a child. That's it. "

"Is it Naha-sama?"

"Huh? Who is it?"

I frown at the name that suddenly appeared.

Who is it? ...... I think I've heard it somewhere.

When I told him I didn't know, the man was in a bad mood.

"Don't you know the Prince of Prejudice? That wonderful one."

I heard about the prince and remembered it. A small child just before entering the forest?

Is it the second prince in this country? I wasn't so interested, so I didn't even remember the name. They say it's wonderful, so I admire it, but it's a terrible name.

"It's a name you don't think you respect"

"I can't help it, it's really skewed, but I'm a kind person. We're proud."

The man turned around looking shyly and said, The red face is probably not just because of the fever.

"Oh, weird. Marie is our pride."

I say, returning the cloth slipped from the man's forehead to its original position.

The man's eyes turned to say, "Who is it?"

`` Hrs. Rosemary von Velfarth ''

Just tell your name and your heart will warm up. The heat gradually spreads as if the light was lit.

He smiled and continued with such a feeling that he was glad that he wanted to be happy.

"The first princess of the Nebel Kingdom, who rushed to help you, and my only master"

The man's eyes are wide open.

"It doesn't matter how wonderful your prince is. Only he can command us, only Mary."

Surely that prince is a personality. No royal family can desperately try to save their people.

But people who will save lives for people of other countries will be even rarer.

"... Why a princess from another country is for us ...?"

When I heard the stunned man, I smiled.

"Well, I don't know that child in detail."

The relationship is not long.

There are more things you don't know than you know. I came to this country and realized it.

I didn't even know that he was on good terms with his brother.

What comes to mind is the profile of Marie who dyes his cheeks and is ashamed. And a tall and sturdy man. Although it was quite handsome.

"I don't know that there is a favorite person ..."

I mutter with a sleigh.

The little solitary word went out with incense smoke without reaching anyone's ears.
