205 The remorse of a reincarnated princess.

It was me resting in bed for a while, but I could finally walk away.

Being in bed all the time was hard on boulders, although I didn't think it was just bitter to be indoors adulterating because I was originally a reading indoorsman.

Humans need moderate exercise and daylight.

And there's another thing that's very hard.

I haven't seen Nero, my beloved cat, since he fell.

Nero, who was slammed against the wall by a samurai who tried to assassinate Princess Shinko, apparently had sprained what was not broken because of his bones. When I heard he was sneaking out of bed with a fever, I tried to sneak out. I was found on the way, though I was pushed into bed.

I don't think there's anything to worry about, as Dr. Grandpa, the doctor in the royal arms, seems to be taking care of me.

But I want to see what I want to see. I want to see the pretty Nero face. I'd love to be warm and fuzzy...... but I'll put up with it because I have to be handicapped by injury.

Today, when I was finally able to move, I decided to visit Nero.

Walking down the corridor, you can see the gardens on the other side of the columns lined up at equal intervals. The sun falling brightly is dazzling, and the heat seems to be coming through even in the shade.

Did the gardener sprinkle the water or the droplets that stayed on the white petal bounced the light, shining so painfully in his eyes.

The wind that shakes the perimeter and flows is warm and not very comfortable. But it's just not as humid as Japan, I think it's better.

"It's gonna be hot today."

Klaus walking beside him looked at me with a caring eye as he groaned as he looked up at the sunny sky often.

"Isn't this heat indulging in your sick body? I still thought it would be better to postpone my departure for a few more days."

Not good. Apparently, while I was asleep, it fueled the anxiety of an escort with an increased degree of overprotection.

If I'm going to affirm anything at all, I'm going to be held up and pushed into bed.

"I'm fine. I feel good today."

After I said it myself, I thought it was like a sick sister or mother with a death flag.

You can't possibly even know Temple, Klaus, but the anxious look doesn't go away.

"Because I'm really fine. Don't worry too much."

Klaus lowered his brow when he told him so with a troubled face.

When you whine "I worry," in a small voice, you feel guilty. I see an illusion of a hairy wanker lowering his ears and tail. Even though it's Klaus. It took me a moment to bond, even though I'm not such a cute creature.

Danger, danger. If I get flushed here, I'll be back in bed for a while.

"If you don't move a little, you'll be weak. If you find it hard, I'll tell you right away."

"... can you promise me?


Many times he nodded, Klaus admitted, though in a state of disapproval.

Good. If I'd been pushed into bed for a few more days, I'd probably root rot.

Then we reach the doctor's room, the samurai doctor, and knock on the door.

Upon being prompted to enter the room in a calm voice, I left Klaus in the hallway and went inside.

Stepping indoors, the unique smell plunders the nostrils.

It smells like medicine I smelled in the village of the Kua tribe. Hard to say it smells good, but I don't hate it.

Inside, a man sitting in a chair, about sixty ways, saw this one.

"Welcome, Princess"

That's what said and laughed at me: Dominic von Teleman. I'm a royal samurai.

The top of his head is beautifully bald, but he is a dandy grandfather with a white beard that rubs from the back of his head and leads to his chin.

"Hello, Teleman..."

Before I finished saying yes, it solidified.

Because there were unexpected people in the room.

"Did the princess also come to see how the cat was?

"The princess too," as the phrase pointed out, the foreman also apparently came to see how Nero was doing. He didn't seem to think I was coming, and he's circling his eyes, too.

"Captain Orsein has been here many times to see what's going on."

You felt my confusion, Dr. Teleman tells me. The opposing Master Leonhardt looked like that at first.

It was Mr. Leonhardt who carried the injured Nero.

I can't believe you took me to my teacher properly, even though I would have been busy escorting princess Shinko and commanding the Kingsguard knights.

I knew he was a sweet guy, but he fell in love again.

I've fallen back in love with Master Leonhardt dozens of times already, but I'm sure there will always be more 'likes' as long as I can stay by my side.

"There are more visitors than humans. This girl is loved."

Teacher Teleman, who chuckled at her throat, gently strokes the sleeping Nero's head.

There's nothing unusual about the look on Nero's face with his eyes closed, but the bandages wrapped around his forelegs are painful.

"Doctor, what about Nero?

"There doesn't seem to be any abnormality in the bone, and the swelling in my forelegs has pulled off, but you should see how it goes a little bit more. The princess will miss you, but it's been awhile, leave it with this grandfather."

A gentle voice to forgive the child, nodding small.

"Thank you, Doctor, Nero."

When I bowed my head, Dr. Teleman responded, "I'll take care of it".

"Well, now that you need me, I'll serve you some tea."

That being said, Dr. Teleman lifted his hips out of the chair with a hanging voice.

"No! You've met Nero, and I'll be free soon"

"I'll go back to work myself."

Me and Master Leonhardt solidified, but Dr. Teleman didn't pull.

"Even if you're not in such a hurry, just hang out with your grandfather for a little while. I'll be ready in a minute, please hang up and wait."

Dr. Teleman left the room without even hearing from us.

Leftover me and Master Leonhardt face each other.

It's been a long time since the situation of being alone, and it's kind of embarrassing. The silence was awkward and I looked in my head for the topic.

"Speaking of which, Master Leonhardt carried Nero. Thank you."

No, I didn't do anything special.

To the humble Master Leonhardt, I shook my head slowly.

I drop my gaze on Nero and gently stroke the fur. I'm a little stiff, but I can't hang up.

I want to see Nero's beautiful pale eyes soon.

"To me, I'm an important child. Thanks for your help."


Master Leonhardt mutters something in a small voice.

I missed hearing, shifting my gaze from Nero to Master Leonhardt.


The voice I heard back, I cut it on the way.

Seeing Master Leonhardt with a very painful face, I get a bright white head. He grabbed my wrist before asking if it hurt anywhere.

It doesn't hurt. But unlike the gentle way you handled me when you forgive me, I was surprised how rough it worked.

"For me too, you are a dear man."


"How can you make your life crude when you can think of others? You think you're hurt and I don't feel anything?"

Unusual but rambling language puts me under pressure.

But I'm sure this is the vegan, Master Leonhardt. His authenticity, which has not been repaired.

"I didn't feel alive while you were lying down."

I can't take my eyes off Master Leonhardt, who exhales his thoughts with a low, plundering voice.

All I could do was silently watch the black eyes that lay low emit a dangerous light.

"I know you don't have the choice to kill someone in front of you. I wish you would. If you're so scratchy, pretend not to see it all."

I felt pain in my wrist while I was being grabbed.

Noticed my little groan, Master Leonhardt returns to me in an instant.

Master Leonhardt, who let go of my hand as it was bounced off, withdrew one step later.

Cover your mouth with your hands so that you can't believe what you've done.

"Oh, princess..., I'm sorry...!

"Dear Leon, I..."

"Excuse me!

Master Leonhardt turns his back on me and leaves the room at a rushing speed.

Following the rushing door opening and closing sound, Klaus's voice was heard in the hallway but he was soon deafened.

I go into the spot holding down my grabbed wrist gently.

All sorts of things happen all at once and I can't catch up with my head, but there's only one thing for sure.

I hurt Master Leonhardt.

"Master Leon..."

Press the grabbed wrist gently against his cheek.

Even though there was no more pain, I felt like I had just a little fever.