Chapter 191: Bail Application Rejected

Chapter 191: Bail Application RejectedChapter 191: Bail Application Rejected

( Dem Paltrow’s POV )

Dem was furious with the report that he received after the round of 32 ended, as both of the Night Guild’s burner candidates seemed to have lost their respective fights without fulfilling their purpose.

Amongst them, Yamal had tried his best to win his bout, however, was not strong enough to take down his opponent named ‘DarkEmperor’ despite his best effort, whereas Jamal had puked and passed out before his fight even began, experiencing a seizure and dying on the spot.

“The match officials have noted his cause of death as a steroids overdose, they are not even doubting SkyLion for attempted poisoning but rather investigating Jamal’s background.

This doesn’t look good for us guild master, if the link between the Night Guild and Jamal is established then it would be bad for our future ambitions”. Hollard, his right hand man reported as Dem clenched his fists in frustration.

“I knew it from the start…. Both Yamal and Jamal were good for nothing’s! After all the resources the night guild spent for their nurturing, they failed to even injure Lin Mu’s two future opponents.

Absolutely Disgraceful….*spit* ” Dem Paltrow said as he was livid that Cervantez and Luke escaped the clutches of the guild unharmed.

“About that….. after the match ended, we tried to find an opportunity to corner and ambush both SkyLion and DarkEmperor, however, there were too many eyes on them constantly.

It seems like we are not the only factions keeping an eye on them, as SkyLion came out of the arena today surrounded by dozens of Knight Academy teachers and The Knight Academy principal, while DarkEmperor seems to have secretly slipped out with the crowd.

So unfortunately, we were unable to hurt both of them after their fights ended” Hollard reported, as Dem Paltrow stomped his feet in frustration.

“Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! What are we even doing, Hollard? Has the assassin alliance been reduced to such a pathetic state that it can’t even take down academy level kids?

Give me at least one decent piece of news a day…. Not too much to ask for, is it?” Dem Paltrow said as he buried his face into his palms.

“Tomorrow is the round of 16…. Whoever wins tomorrow’s fights will be granted royal protection and escorted to the palace, becoming unreachable afterwards.

This means that injuring them enroute to tomorrow’s arena is our last chance to take them out.

You understand the importance of this opportunity, right Hollard?” Dem Paltrow asked, as Hollard nodded his head in acknowledgement.

He understood the importance of taking out Lin Mu’s future competition and had taken note of deploying the strongest men available for this job tomorrow.

“What about those two?” Dem asked, as although he took no names, Hollard understood exactly who Dem was referencing.

“It’s impossible to find them in the capital city, there are infinite places for them to hide and with Ben Faulkner returning to his cautious best….. our men can’t track them” Hollard reported as Dem Paltrow let out a deep sigh.

For decades the reputation of the night guild was built on the name of Ben Faulkner, so much so, that if the news leaked to the masses that Ben Faulkner had left the night guild, it would no longer have the authority to lead the Assassin Alliance by themselves, which would fragment into smaller groups immediately. Sёarch* The Novelƒire(.)ne*t website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Although Ben was not involved in official assassination missions for years, the most difficult missions carried out by the Night Guild were all officially achieved under his name, and hence, Dem felt like a toothless tiger once Ben left.

Over the years, Dem had convinced himself that Ben Faulkner, reduced to a broken old man and a shadow of his former vibrant self, was too loyal and frail to ever leave the night guild or contemplate betrayal. But he was sorely mistaken in this belief.

The second Ben got the chance to start a new life after finding a suitable disciple, he abandoned the night guild without a second thought.

Not only did he raise his student to become a future tiger, just like himself, he also brought him to the city to participate in the Grand Tournament.

In Dem’s mind, the only outcome that he feared more than Lin Mu losing the Grand Tournament and his future plans to turn her into an assassin world star, was that Ben’s disciple won the grand tournament and the world found out that Ben Faulkner had left the night guild after.

That was his absolute worst nightmare as if Ben’s disciple won the grand tournament, then not only would the narrative be that Ben Faulkner raised another tiger just like himself, but it would also highlight the Night Guild’s incompetence on raising a Ben Faulkner caliber talent on their own.

And hence, in Dem’s mind the assassination of Ben Faulkner and his student was top priority.

For once he could accept some random academy student winning the Grand Tournament over Lin Mu. However, he could never accept Ben’s disciple winning the same.


( Meanwhile The Emperor Julien D Evanus)

“My Lord, you must listen to our plea. The Boss is not a morally upright citizen. He’s a barbaric monster who has brutally injured one of the Knight and Mage Academy’s brightest prospects while also going on to kill another candidate in the round of 32.

He’s a monster who revels in the misery of others.

Does the Unity Empire really wish to promote such fighters?” One of the swordsmanship academy professor’s, who were not part of the protest before, said, as he begged the king to release his students and fellow teachers while also punishing The Boss for his misconduct.

“Professor George. I’ve already told this to you several times….. whatever the candidate did, was within the rules of the contest.

If no rules are broken. Then we can’t arbitrarily punish him!

The royal army is not an institute working on your whims. It works on an established set of law and order-” Counselor Dwight said, as he reprimanded the professor for raising the issue of The Boss’s disqualification when the more pressing issue was the bail of his institution teachers.

“But how can his barbaric actions go unpunished? I remember four years ago, when the son of the East Duke was injured in the Grand Tournament, My lord you ordered the opponent to be disqualified and publicly whipped.

Then why can’t The Boss suffer the same fate?” Professor George asked as Julien made a long face listening to this comment.

Him taking the side of the East Duke was blatant political favoritism.

That time the opponent that injured his son was from the barbarian tribe, a non-human who was not very popular with the crowd and whose punishment was well received by the masses.

On the other hand, The Boss was a crowd favorite. A promising human candidate rising from the open category, punishing whom would make the Emperor seem like a tyrant.

According to the scouts deployed on the streets, there were already praises of the Emperor being sung throughout the city of Stronghaven for him deciding to arrest the Swordsmanship Academy personnel, as him taking this step against a royal academy gave the commoners the perception that his justice was absolutely and unbiased.

Under such a political climate, Julien had long decided to not grant the Swordsmanship Academy personnel bail for today’s riot, however, for the sake of giving the institute some face, he decided to meet with one of their professors.

“That was a different case, professor. The barbarian from back then broke the rules of brutally injuring an opponent in a fight that prohibited injuring or maiming.

It was a ring out fight, however, he still proceeded to break the opponents bones.

Whereas The Boss killed his opponent today, in a bout that permitted it.

There is a big difference….” Counsellor Dwight said, as he tried to make it sound like the Emperor was unbiased.

“B-but my lord…” Professor George protested, however, Julien raised his hand mid-way, signaling George to stay silent.

“I have heard your concerns today, professor. However, let me share with you a few concerns of my own” Julien said, looking straight into George’s eyes.

“The name of the institute is the ROYAL swordsmanship academy.

Not George’s swordsmanship academy.

Not Late Sir Peter’s Swordsmanship Academy.

But ROYAL swordsmanship academy.

That Royal in the title, is linked to the dignity of this crown on my head.

However, that honor has been sullied by your professors and students, who took part in a rebellion against authority, trying to sabotage a grand tournament match” Julien said furiously, as George felt the color drain out of his skin when he heard these words leave Julien’s mouth

“I won’t brand you as traitors, because I respect the history of the institute and the quality of alumni it has given this Empire.

However, I must receive a written public apology by everyone who took part in this rebellion before I can grant them pardons….” Julien said as he shifted his glance from George towards Dwight.

“Counsellor Dwight, please explain to the professor in depth as to how I feel about treason..” Julien said, as he stood up from his throne and left the room, leaving a sweating George alone with Dwight.

Walking into the throne room, George felt confident in not only saving his fellow processors and students but also securing a punishment for The Boss, as he thought that the Emperor would always pick the side of a royal academy principal over a random nobody.

However, he was sorely mistaken.

Not only did the Emperor refuse to release the individuals involved in the rebellion without a public apology, but he also threatened to brand them as traitors.
