Chapter 212: ConsequencesChapter 212: Consequences

[ System Notification – You have played a major role in assassinating the Royal Counselor of Unity Empire.

You have triggered an emergency quest! ]

[ Emergency Quest – You have played a major role in assassinating the Royal Counselor of Unity Empire and are facing pending judgment for your crimes.

Quest Title- Don’t Get Caught!

Quest Description – You have played a major role in killing the Royal Counselor and shall face unimaginable consequences if you’re indicted for your crimes. Searᴄh the novel(F~) website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Should you be caught, your infamy within the Empire will reach the maximum possible value and you shall be put under the same category of criminals as Ben Faulkner.

Should you manage to not get caught however, there will be major rewards for acting your way out of this situation.

Quest Rewards – Actor class upgrade.

Failure penalty- Permanent ID ban ]

A series of two very concerning notifications flashed before Leo, as the consequences of his actions came back to bite him.

Although he followed his heart and killed the counselor, which he believed was the right thing to do.

By killing one of the most important figures of the Empire, Leo now found himself in a situation, where if he was indicted for his crime, his gaming ID would be locked forever, cutting him off from the world of Terra Nova officially.

While it wasn’t an instant real life death penalty, it might as well have been, because for Leo to have his ID being permanently banned was the same degree of penalty as dying in real life.

While Lin Mu panted and looked relieved after killing the old man, Leo started to turn gloomy, as he realized that he had messed up big time by trying to play hero.

‘Fucked….. I’m truly, honestly, literally fucked.

Look at how brutally we killed him. His corpse itself is barely recognisable and his blood has splurted everywhere.

Fuck. Even if we move the body now it’s already game over….. this crime was not committed with common sense whatsoever’ Leo thought, as his breathing started to quicken.

Leo panicked trying to think of ways that could help him get out of this situation, however, the more he looked around the room, the worse he felt, as even if he started scrubbing now, there was no way he could remove all the blood stains perfectly, as come morning as the Royal maid walked into this room, she was definitely going to find out that there was some sort of accident that had happened inside.

“Hey, Jin….” Lin Mu said, with a calmer voice, as she seemed to have come back to her senses after snapping at Leo just a few moments ago.

“Yeah?” Leo said, absent-mindedly, as he stared at the portrait of a singing lady that was hanging beside the bed and was now covered with splashes of blood.


“Thank you…..” Lin Mu said, suddenly hugging him hard, as she began sobbing at his chest.

“Eh?” Leo said, lightly hugging her back, as while he did not push her away, he could not understand the reason behind the sudden 180° shift in her attitude either.

Just a moment ago, she was definitely mad at him, however, she was now thanking him with what seemed like genuine joy, just a couple minutes later?

While Leo could not understand the 180° shift in her attitude, he was glad that she forgave him, as he could have absolutely not dealt with her anger tantrums while also worrying about how to solve this mess that they had made.

For Lin Mu, this was the first time ever that someone had cared about her this deeply.

Although she snapped at Leo, she understood the magnitude of risk he had taken to sneak into her room during a curfew and kill her rapist, as while he did not need to do it, he still came forward when she needed a support figure the most.

“Kill him first. Before your honor dies….” was what Leo told her, and Lin Mu was glad that she got to kill the day old counselor before he lost consciousness as if he had indeed fallen unconscious before Lin Mu had the chance to kill him, she would have definitely regretted it for life.

By killing him, she had undoubtedly saved her own honor as while the future of the Mu Clan was now uncertain, she did not feel as gross being in her own skin, as she did throughout this wretched day.

Smiling, she looked towards Leo, her red eyes expressing genuine gratitude, however, Leo did not give a fuck anymore.

He had already played his part as the hero, and was not more worried about the consequences of his actions as his eyes scanned every corner of the room, but evaded the grateful gaze of Lin Mu.

Gripping his arms tightly, Lin Mu tried to get his attention as she said in the most sweet voice “Jin, thank you for saving me from that vile old man, you’re a true brother-.”

Leo’s mind however, was elsewhere, as he kept scanning the room for an exit that wasn’t just a window leading to a total disaster, while he did not hear what exactly Lin Mu said, he did hear the words thank you and hence absent-mindedly replied to her with an “Yeah, sure thing. You’re welcome.”

Pushing Lin Mu aside, Leo bent over to take a look the corpse of the counselor, however, the second he looked at his hideous body, Leo immediately flinched as he mumbled “OH GOD NO- FUCK”

It was obvious that the counselor died from multiple dagger stabbings, as the weapon was deep enough to penetrate his insides, but not large enough to come out the other side.

If Leo were to be interrogated, the first thing they would check for would be the set of daggers in his possession, as if the size and shape matched, he would definitely be convicted immediately.




Emptying out his inventory, Leo threw away all the daggers in his possession that resembled the murder weapon and kicked them all across the room.

“What are you doing?” Lin Mu enquired, as she found Leo’s actions truly funny to watch.

Pulling the counselor’s blood-stained rug with a sigh. Leo checked the pool of blood he was lying upon as he said “Would’ve been nice if this place had a secret tunnel.”

“Jin, thanks for saving me-!” Lin Mu teased, as by this point even she had realized that Leo was not paying attention to her and was clearly panicking about the consequences that would follow the murder of a man as influential as the royal counselor of the unity Empire.

Looking at his behavior now, Lin Mu realized that Leo had clearly not thought this murder through and acted on impulse instead, which brought an unexpected smile to her face.

“Right, yeah, no problem,” Leo said, kneeling to check under the bed for anything that might miraculously lead to freedom.

“Hey, any chance there’s a trapdoor around here with ‘Escape’ written on it in big letters?” He asked, as Lin Mu barely suppressed a chuckle and looked at him with a smile on her face, as Leo paced around the room in panic while clutching his head.

“Jin! You’re my hero…. My savior, my benevolent benefactor…. My knight in shining Armor, Are you even listening to me?” Lin Mu teased, as Leo still absent-mindedly nodded as he said “Yup, yup, absolutely. Super glad I could help and all, woohoo!”

As he tried to lift the counselor’s body one final time, trying to move it away from the bed, he half tangled himself in the counselor’s bloody pants, causing him to tumble and almost fall flat on his face.

“Watch out, you’ll fall in his dirty blood-” Lin Mu warned, as Leo steadied himself but instead of replying to her comment, he spoke out the intrusive thought running in his mind as he said “Hey Lin…. maybe next time, we can pick a less messy hero gig, something that doesn’t get us executed-”

“You risked your life for me, Jin, of course I’m not going to let you be executed,” she said with a smile, as Leo finally paused his frantic actions when he heard these words, as he looked at her with focus returning to his eyes.

“Do you have a plan?” Leo asked, as Lin Mu nodded her head and began removing her maroon robe that was splattered with the old man’s dirty blood.

“Jesus, warning please….” Leo protested, as he blushed and turned, as it was only at this moment that Lin Mu realized, that although she had changed in the room previously, while Leo was hiding, he might not have perversely stared at her body like most men would.

“Oh I thought you have already seen it….. nevermind” Lin Mu said with a smile, as she changed from those dirty clothes into her usual assassin outfit.

“So what’s the plan-” Leo asked Lin Mu once she was done changing, as she cracked her neck and pointed towards Leo.

“It’s simple….. we blame it all on your master” Lin Mu said, as Leo did not fully follow what she meant to say and looked back towards her in confusion.

“Come again?” Leo asked, as Lin Mu smiled even wider and said “The only way we get out of this mess is if we fabricate a proper story.

A proper story with a proper villain…. Someone who has the ability to infiltrate the palace undetected, kill whoever he wants and leave.

A man like your dear master Ben Faulkner ….”