Chapter 293: The Demon Kingdom

Chapter 293: The Demon KingdomChapter 293: The Demon Kingdom

( Eren’s POV )

After surrendering to the demons, Eren was chained and transported alongside the other human prisoners to the Demon Kingdom, where instead of being sold in the slave markets like the rest, he was brought to the Demon Count Vaugn for interrogation.

During his journey to the Demon Kingdom, Eren’s mind raced with a thousand different thoughts, and he found himself surprisingly excited about his situation.

Rather than feeling terrified at being a demon prisoner, Eren felt a sense of satisfaction and happiness as he began weaving fantasy tales of his rise from prisoner to the Demon King’s counselor over the next few years.

He naively believed that the demons were not inherently evil and that the Empire had spread a false narrative about them. Eren convinced himself that the demons were not truly bad and that he was going to get the opportunity to witness their better nature once he reached the Demon Kingdom.

Eren mused over the idea that whenever a narrative was created about a species, they are always portrayed as evil by the other side.

He thought there was no absolute good or bad in the world…. That everything was just shades of gray and he clung to this belief as he was transported deeper into demon territory.

However, upon reaching the Demon Kingdom, Eren’s delusions quickly began to shatter.

The sights that greeted him were far from the utopian vision he had imagined as he saw human prisoners being sold in bustling slave markets, their eyes filled with despair while demons cruelly bartered over the price of each human, treating them as mere commodities.

As he was led through the streets, Eren glimpsed scenes of brutality and oppression. Demons of higher status openly mistreated those of lower ranks, enforcing a strict and merciless hierarchy.

The air of the demon kingdom streets was not free and happy like the human realm, and was instead thick with the cries of the oppressed and the laughter of their tormentors.

Eren watched in horror as a group of higher demons tormented a weaker lower demon, tearing his right limb off his body and then munching on it raw while the weak lower demon screamed in pain.

Eren’s initial fantasies crumbled as he realized the truth about the demon society after only witnessing a little portion of it, as he realized that it was not just different from the human world…. But it was different to the point where it was fundamentally cruel and ruthless.

The demons reveled in their personal power, showing no compassion or empathy.

Eren’s belief that there was no inherent evil was crushed by the harsh reality before him, as by human definition at least, the demons were definitely evil and barbaric. Searᴄh the nôvel_Fire.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Perhaps in the demon society, oppressing the weak and practicing slave trade was not considered social taboo, however, when viewed from the lense of human eyes, there was no excuse for their behaviour.

‘Humans can co-exist with all other species but not demons….. the Emperor was not wrong’ Eren thought, as he finally understood as to why the Unity Empire had so many different species living within its boundaries, however, none belonging to the demon kind.


( Within a gothic mansion )

Eventually, Eren was dragged to a Gothic Style mansion which reeked of blood and decay as he was presented before Demon Count Vaugn, who was the Demon Lord commanding the attack party who had raided the forest tribe.

“My Lord Vaugn, I, Verium, your loyal servant, present before you a unique gift.

A human slave who can speak Demon Tongue…. A truly unique specimen, I hope you like it–” Verium, the high demon leading the attack on the Forest Tribe said, as he pulled the neck collar around Eren’s neck and forced him to fall flat on his knees.

“A human who can speak Demon Tongue? Really?” Vaugn asked, looking most intrigued as he squatted beside Eren and placed his long finger nail across his chin.

“Speak, slave–” Vaugn commanded in a disgusting tone which repulsed Eren, however, he spoke nonetheless.

“All hail Lord Vaugn” Eren said, picking up on the Demon Count’s name by hearing their conversation, as Vaugn was most delighted when he found out that Eren could actually speak Demon Tongue.

“HAHAHAHA-” He chuckled out loud, as he pointed towards Verium in delight.

“What a wonderful gift you have presented to me, Verium. I am most pleased by this pet.

From now on you are promoted to the Demon Commander of Two Assault Units!

Make me proud–” Demon Count Vaugn said, making Verium smile with elation.

“Thank you, my Lord….. You are most gracious.

Also my Lord, the human claims to hate the Empire and claims that he can help us win wars” Verium said, as his second statement piqued the intrigue of Vaugn.

“Oh really now? And what do you want in return for helping us human?” Vaugn asked, as Eren felt the pressure of his gaze boring into him.

“Nothing…. I just want to watch the Empire burn!” Eren claimed, as he tried his best to resist the pressure exerted by the Demon Count and reply as he usually would.

“Pfft….hahahaha…. A human deserter who can speak Demon Tongue!

Praise the Demon King!

Today is our lucky day!!” Vaugn said, sounding elated as his cheer made all of his underlings also jump with joy.

“Help us beat the Empire, human, and I will give you everything you can dream of.

Human Slaves, Elf slaves or any other kinks you have.

Worthless Gold.


Or whatever else that motivates the lesser species that you are” Vaugn said as he kicked Eren hard on his shoulder and pinned him to the floor.

“HAHAHA, EAT DEMON DIRT, YOU FILTHY HUMAN DESERTER” Vaugn said, while laughing like a savage as he pressed Eren’s head into the dirty ground below.

At this moment, Eren regretted ever receiving the Demon Whisperer class, however, with the penalty of failing to help the demons being that his account would reset to level 0, Eren now had no option but to help the filthy demons in their campaign against humans.