Chapter 307: Leo's Introduction

Chapter 307: Leo's IntroductionChapter 307: Leo’s Introduction

Leo stood by the edge of the town square for hours, blending into the background as he listened intently to the common people talk as they vented their frustrations towards the criminals.

He did so, because he wanted to hear the complaints and frustrations of the townsfolk firsthand, so as to better understand the fundamental problems affecting their daily lives.

As he absorbed their voices, each grievance and lament expressed by the commoners painted a clearer picture of the challenges that they faced on a day to day basis, as only after he felt like he had truly grasped their struggles did Leo finally decide that it was time to step forward.

With a deep breath, he walked up to the center of the square and, with a steady voice, introduced himself as the new baron.

“Ladies and Gentlemen….. I am The Boss, the newly appointed Baron of Crest-Hill Barony” Leo said, in a crystal clear voice, as he stood in front of the rounded up criminals and introduced himself to the masses.

“As you can see from my robes, I’m not a thorough born noble. I wear black robes that help me blend in the shadows and I’m a fighter and not a politician by profession” Leo said, as he candidly admitted his flaws before talking about any of his merits, so that nobody could fault him for his appearance and demeanor later on.

“As a fighter, I’m decisive by nature, and yesterday as I arrived at this disastrous Barony, I noticed that it was a place gripped with crime, poor hygiene and a general lack of hope.

So I decided to change that” Leo said, as he turned and pointed towards the criminals behind him.

“Alongside my master, the recently acquitted man, Ben Faulkner, I rounded up all the criminals in this town and beat them black and blue, in what I intend to be their first and last warning.

Today, I intend to pardon all previous wrongdoers in this region who have not committed any serious crimes, of all previous offenses.

However, I’m not a merciful man by nature, so forgiving them is not an act of weakness, but rather a chance I’m offering them at salvation.

Not just them, this is a chance I offer all the people in this Barony, for today is the last day where any crime committed, no matter how small, might go unpunished in this territory.

For the penalty of indulging in crime within MY Barony from now on, won’t be just a beating and a public humiliation session, it will be simple death as I intend to rule this Barony with an iron-fist, and a no tolerance policy on crime” Leo said, as he delivered his words with absolute ruthlessness and authority, leaving no room for the commoners to doubt his resolve.

“As things stand. I have inherited an administrative debt of 150,000 gold coins, which I intend to pay off using my own money.

Yes you heard that right.

I’m going to reach into my own pockets to pay off 150,000 gold coins that the Barony owes in back-pay, and clear its debts for once and for all and I’m doing it because I want to start off with a fresh slate.

Me taking office as Baron, marks a new era for this Barony and in my rule, I intend to turn this barren, crime filled, shit smelling town to the most prosperous district in Eastern Dukedom” Leo said, as he shocked the commoners by declaring that he was willing to pay off the administrative debt using his own money, when they all knew that he wasn’t obliged to do so.

This selfless action by Leo, shattered their world-view about nobles who they assumed were all selfish and greedy and helped them believe in Leo’s claim that his reign marked a new era for this Barony.

“I will provide high paying jobs to EVERYONE.

Everyone will be employed by the state and everyone will be compensated for their hard work.

I will make food costs affordable again and I will make the streets hygienic enough to live again. Searᴄh the nô website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I promise to implement this change starting tomorrow, and if every single one of you cooperates with me, then within one month, we will be able to change the entire outlook of this town into something that outsiders will be unable to recognise” Leo said, as he spoke those words with such passion that even the elderly residents of the town, who had long lost their desire to improve their living conditions, felt a fire burning in their chest which yearned for change.

“On this pole here, I’m attaching a document that details the new job openings that I have decided to create and the signing bonuses and employment benefits that I wish to provide to everyone taking up that job offer.

Above it, I’m attaching another document, which details what offenses will now be considered as ‘Grave Crimes’ within this territory, and the punishment that I have decided is fitting for those crimes.

After I leave this square, I hope that everyone in this town reads these rules and commits them to memory, for tomorrow these rules will go into effect and I will show no mercy to those that break them.

With or without your support, I’m going to turn the fate of this territory around and you can choose whether you wish to be a part of that change or the thorn trying to prevent it, however, regardless of what choice you make, change is coming to this territory.

In Fact the change has already arrived, for, I, The Boss, am here” Leo said, as he hammered two documents to the pole that stood at the center of the town’s square, before vanishing into the wind, as he left the townspeople alone to digest the threats and promises that he had just made.

Repeating this same speech in both the DustBrook Village and Fendy Village, Leo ensured that his arrival was announced throughout the Barony and that all the residents became aware about the nature and the personality of their new Baron.