Chapter 331: A ridiculous winChapter 331: A ridiculous win

If Luke were to take a look at Leo’s war strategy, he would have slapped his face in disappointment, as Leo’s tactic seemed no different than that of a child, who pushed all their troops forward at once without planning any complex moves.

Funnily enough, although Leo was not supposed to gamble and had chosen this ‘Strategic Battle’ game because it depended on skill more than gambling, the strategy he chose was no different than a complete happy go lucky gamble which defeated the whole purpose of using skills.

The battlefield buzzed with anticipation as Leo’s troops, all 370 of them, stood at the ready. Leo, with a grin plastered on his face, continued to fiddle with the high-tech interface. He had already pressed every possible button, sending his entire army into a full-frontal assault.

From his elevated position, Leo watched as his troops charged forward in a disorganized, chaotic mass.

The archers ran alongside the cavalry, the infantry stumbled over each other, and the siege engineers frantically tried to push their catapults through the sea of soldiers.

“Mad dash! All troops deployed at once! MAD CHARGEEEEE!!!!” Leo shouted, completely sure of his genius strategy.

Meanwhile, on the hill, the enemy commander squinted at the approaching horde, his expression shifting from confusion to sheer disbelief. He turned to his mages, who shrugged helplessly.

“Are they… are they seriously just charging in like that?” he asked, baffled as he had never seen such a strategy being used in his entire life.

One of his mages, a stern-looking woman with a staff taller than herself, nodded slowly. “It appears they are no different from baboons sir. What should we do now?”

The commander rubbed his temples in confusion as he said “I suppose… prepare to fire. This should be over quickly.”

Upon receiving the orders from their commander, the defending archers notched their arrows, the infantry braced for impact, and the mages began casting their spells.

As Leo’s troops barreled forward, tripping over roots, falling into the river, and generally making a mess of things, the defending forces unleashed a volley of arrows and magical attacks.

But then, something unexpected happened.

In the chaos of their mad dash, Leo’s troops had somehow become a tangled, unpredictable mass that was incredibly difficult to hit. Arrows flew past them, spells missed their targets, and the cavalry, instead of forming a coherent line, had split into multiple small groups, each charging at different angles.

The enemy’s carefully laid traps and defensive positions were rendered useless. The cavalry units, in their disarray, flanked the enemy archers, causing panic in the ranks, while the infantry, stumbling and bumbling, found themselves in close quarters with the pikemen before they had a chance to set their pikes. Searᴄh the Novёlƒire.n(e)t website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Leo, watching from above, couldn’t believe his eyes. “It’s working… it’s actually working!” he exclaimed, slapping his knee in delight, as he became convinced of his own strategic genius at this moment.

His siege engineers, having finally managed to push their catapults through the river, set them up at an angle so ridiculous that their boulders arced perfectly over the enemy fortifications, smashing into the rear lines.

The enemy mages, caught off guard, tried to retaliate but found themselves overwhelmed by the sheer randomness of the assault.

At the center of the fray, Leo’s infantry, having finally found their footing, stormed the hill. The enemy commander, now completely flustered, tried to rally his troops, but it was too late. Leo’s soldiers, driven by their sheer momentum and the element of surprise, breached the defenses and swarmed the hilltop.

The enemy commander, realizing that his formation was breached, felt at a loss for words, as he threw down his sword in frustration.

“This is impossible! How did this happen?” He wondered, as for a moment he hesitated if he should continue to fight or call for a strategic retreat, however, after wondering what to do for a few moments, he finally decided to call for a retreat.

“RETREAT…. ALL MEN RETREAT…. SLOW AND STEADY…. RETREAT” The commander said, as his forces started to abandon their positions on-top of the hill and began falling back.

“Let’s go men! Clutch that victory like it’s your girlfriend’s boobs!” Leo shouted from up above as he could see that victory was within his reach.

His men, motivated from his words, pushed all the way through, driving the enemy forces away until they were fully in control of the hill.


As the last of the enemy men retreated, Leo’s forces erupted in victorious cheers, with Leo too performing a little victory dance by pumping his fists in the air.

“Behold, the strategic genius of Leo Skyshard!” he shouted, laughing. “Who needs complicated plans when you have sheer, unadulterated chaos on your side?”

[ System Notification :- Congratulations player ‘Leo Skyshard’ for winning this round.

You have received guaranteed 2x rewards.

+10 levels received.

Calculating additional performance based rewards….. ]

[ System Notification :- Calculation complete.

•Achieve victory in under 10 minutes ( Complete )

• Capture and defeat enemy leader ( Fail )

• Lose no men during the attack ( Complete )

Final evaluation – A+

2.5x multiplier applied.

+12 levels ]

As the system notification chimed in, confirming his victory and detailing the rewards, Leo couldn’t help but feel a surge of pride.

His unorthodox strategy had somehow, miraculously, led to a resounding victory and netted him a whopping +22 levels in total!

“Muahahaha…. 22 levels at once! Sometimes my own genius frightens me…. Such a perfect victory…. Not a single man lost!” Leo said to himself brushing the dust off from his own shoulder as he was teleported out to the main lobby.

“Welcome back player! I see you have made some big gains…. Perhaps you would like a celebratory drink now?” The loli bartender asked cutely, however, Leo, sticking to his rules, denied it once more.

“No thank-you, I don’t use alcohol when I’m trying to use 100% of my brain power…. Not everyone can gain +22 levels like me in a strategy based game… you need unbelievable genius to do so” Leo said, shunning the loli as he moved on to the second game on the list.