Chapter 367: First WinChapter 367: First Win

( Eren’s POV )

Eren crouched low in the dense underbrush, his eyes fixed on the human village nestled in the valley below, just a couple kilometers from his current location

From this vantage point on the forest line, he could see the crude wooden palisades that encircled the settlement, the watchtowers where sentries kept vigilant eyes on the horizon, and the distant figures of villagers going about their evening routines.

This was ‘Brisdale’, one of the Easternmost village’s of the Empire, and the only border village near the Eastern boundary where the initial demon attack had failed with the humans repelling the previous attempt to capture it.

Because of its strategic location, this village was particularly notorious to capture and hence was one of the only border villages that had not already been vacated by the Empire.

Since it was so difficult to capture, the Demon King assigned this particular village to be Eren’s first assignment, as he wished to see how Eren would perform when presented with this challenge.

From the Tree-line, Eren noted the pattern of the soldier movements, the timing of their shifts, and the positions of the sentry archers as his keen mind began to map out the weaknesses in their defenses.

The demons with him were a ragtag bunch which was a stark contrast to the disciplined human soldiers who knew how to hold ranks.

They loomed behind him, their massive frames blending into the shadows as their eyes glinting with barely contained aggression.

As Eren turned to face them, knowing he had to earn their respect if they were to follow his lead, they glared back at him with visible disgust, as they did not seem keen to take his orders at all.

“We attack at dusk,” Eren began, his voice low but commanding, as he spoke to them in the harsh, guttural tongue of the demons, his hands weaving through the intricate signs that punctuated their language.

“When the sentries are tired and the villagers are distracted by their evening meals.” he explained, however, the demons did not seem to care.

A few of the demons grunted in response, their skepticism evident. They were not accustomed to following the orders of a human, even one who could speak their language, however, Eren ignored their doubt, focusing on the task at hand.

“Our strength lies in our surprise and our speed. We will split into three groups. The first group will scale the palisades from the north, where the defenses are weakest. The second will create a diversion on the southern side, drawing the attention of the archers and the guards. The third group, which I will lead, will charge through the eastern gate once it has been breached. Our goal is to create chaos, to disorient and overwhelm them.” Eren explained as he could see the reluctance in their eyes, and the distrust. But he also saw a flicker of curiosity, a hint that they were beginning to consider his plan as Eren pressed on.

“This village has repelled you before,” he reminded them, his tone serious. “You attacked head-on, without strategy, and they forced you to retreat. But tonight, we will use their overconfidence against them. They won’t expect an organized assault.”

The reminder of their previous failure seemed to sting. The demons shifted uneasily, their expressions hardening… as Eren saw his opportunity.

“You may not respect me now, but if you follow my strategy, we will have victory tonight. And with victory comes plunder and glory.”

The promise of loot seemed to sway a few more of them. Eren could see some of the more experienced demons nodding, their expressions shifting from skepticism to grudging acceptance. They still did not like taking orders from a human, but they were beginning to see the sense in his words.

The demon king and the Demon Count Vaugn had both instructed them to follow his lead and hence although they did not wish to, they decided to follow the humans commands just this once.

As dusk approached, Eren positioned the demons according to his plan. The northern group, led by a burly demon named Gral, moved stealthily through the undergrowth towards the weak point in the palisades. The southern group, with their loud and boisterous leader, Krag, prepared to create a diversion, while Eren’s group waited near the eastern gate, ready to charge once the breach was made.

Finally, as Eren gave the signal, the attack began with a flurry of activity.

Gral’s group moved silently, scaling the palisades with surprising agility for creatures of their size. Within moments, they were inside the village, dispatching the few guards in their path with brutal efficiency. Meanwhile, Krag’s group launched their diversionary attack, setting fire to several buildings on the southern side of the village. The sudden flames and the sound of battle drew the attention of the archers and the sentries, just as Eren had planned.

With the guards distracted, Eren led his group towards the eastern gate. They moved swiftly and silently, taking out the gate guards before they could raise the alarm. Eren signaled to one of the demons to open the gate, and then they were through, charging into the village with a roar.

The humans were caught off guard by the sudden, multi-pronged attack. Chaos erupted as villagers scrambled to defend themselves, but the demons were relentless.

Eren ran alongside them, shouting orders and weaving signs as he moved with a purpose, directing the demons under him towards strategic targets: the watchtowers, the armory, and the barracks.

Despite their initial reluctance, the demons began to follow Eren’s commands with growing confidence. They saw how his strategy was leading them to victory, how his tactical mind was turning the tide in their favor.

They fought harder, their respect for Eren growing with each passing moment.

The battle was fierce but brief. Within the hour, the village was theirs, with the human soldiers having either fled or been subdued. seaʀᴄh thё ηovёlFire .net website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

This was a big strategic win for Eren, but also his biggest blunder as although he had managed to win his first village and earn the respect of his underlings, he had also let some eye-witness escape, witnesses who had seen a human leading demons into war.