Chapter 369: Leo The Supervisor

Chapter 369: Leo The SupervisorChapter 369: Leo The Supervisor

( The Real World, Leo’s POV )

After a very productive and uninterrupted gaming session within the world of Terra Nova, Leo had to return to reality to report for his first day at new job.

From within his welcome kit, Leo unpacked his new Sector C yellow robes, his attendance sheet and quickly headed towards the Arc Ship Kitchen, where he was posted for duty.

Unlike the chaos in sector D, where himself, Amanda and Luke had to take turns to get ready on-time, Leo thoroughly enjoyed the process of getting ready in his private apartment in sector C, as he finally could do his business in peace without having to worry how the bathroom would smell for the next person.

Not only did it save time, but also gave him a lot of mental peace, albeit feeling slightly lonely.

Nonetheless, looking prim and proper, he arrived at his workstation 5 minutes before the scheduled time and waited patiently for his workers to show-up.

The attendance queue had already started to form, with the early-comers having already arrived before time.

As Leo glanced at their Orange robes, he was reminded of his horrific time in Sector E, as he gave those workers a sympathetic smile.

Nobody wished to be stuck in Sector E, however, securing a promotion was not that easy and while some got promoted after every evaluation, a vast majority was stuck in the hell waiting for their chance to get-out.

“Hello–” Leo said, with a kind smile on his face as he waved towards who he assumed was a teenage kid, looking at him curiously.

The teenage kid instantly frowned at being acknowledged as he hid behind a gray bearded man who apologized through gestures for his son’s clumsiness.

There were hardly any children aboard the Arc-Ship, as only parents who were extremely rich could afford a ticket for their unskilled kids to board the Arc Ship and that too wasn’t possible without the parents having a significant pull within the government.

Leo had no doubt in his mind that the Gray Bearded man was powerful enough to afford a B class ticket for himself if left alone, however, was now in sector E because his family was weighing him down.


Letting out a deep sigh, Leo internally decided to give the man and his kids lenient evaluations as far as possible, as although he did not wish to express his sympathy through words, he wanted to do whatever he could to help them get out of Sector E as fast as possible.

Soon, 5 minutes had passed, and exactly on reporting time, Leo started taking the daily attendance.

“Hello, everyone, I’m Leo, and I will be your new supervisor starting today.

My personality and personal likes are not important, I’m a guy who likes to keep to myself whenever possible, so as long as we keep our relationships professional, I will not meddle in your lives and I hope you will not in mine.

I have no bias against anyone and I want to give all of you good grades if possible, so just do your jobs and we will be good” Leo said, giving a short and curt speech that made his stance clear on how he wanted to do his job.

He was not inclined towards playing favorites and was not looking for his workers to suck up to him in any way shape or form, hence he warned them on the very first day to keep their relationship strictly professional.

He was a no-nonsense kind of guy and he wanted to work under the same principle.









One after another, Leo took the attendance of all his workers and was happy to see that all of them were present here today for the first day of work. Sёarch* The NôvelFire(.)net website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

After randomly assigning the workers under him to teams of two to five, Leo assigned them their tasks for the day, which involved cooking steps such as

•Pre-preparation ( Defrosting the vegetables, washing them and rehydrating the dehydrated food )

•Chopping, mashing and other processes to prepare the base of the meal.

•Seasoning and actual cooking to complete making the food.

•Packaging and shipping.

Leo randomly assigned workers to all steps of the process as per the guidelines of his work-sheet and considered his job up-till lunch break completed as he started to make his way back to his apartment.

“This job is oddly relaxing…. It took me 40 minutes at maximum to complete taking the roll-call and assigning the tasks for the day and now I can go back and enjoy my spare time!

I can even cook a proper meal for myself using the ingredients in the fridge or take time to create some nice sketches.

Heck, I can even move over to Amanda’s or invite her over for lunch.

This is perfect!” Leo muttered to himself in joy, as he had never expected his quality of life to improve so much in such a short time.

While he was in sector D, he could not have hoped in his wildest dreams to enjoy such luxurious free-time, however, now that he was a sector C resident, he could enjoy life in its truest sense.

As he hopped happily back towards his apartment, Leo did not even realize that his footsteps were soundless, just like how he moved in the world of Terra Nova.

His real body, having started to undergo a transformation, was slowly transforming to mirror his in-game body and his subconscious habits were following too.

Although he did not actively think of himself as ‘TheBoss’ outside the game, he was slowly becoming his in-game character in real life, with the synchronization increasing every passing day.

At this speed, it would still take about three to six months worth of time before his real body fully-synchronized with his in-game character, however, that speed could increase drastically, if only Leo discovered the hidden feature of his apartment’s empty room.