Chapter 524: ConsequencesChapter 524: Consequences

(The Uprising’s Group Chat, Terra Nova Online)

The organization most impacted by the accusations against ‘TheBoss’ and ‘Leo Skyshard’ was none other than The Uprising.

Leo Skyshard, the guild’s primary financial backer, had contributed tens of millions of gold coins to the group in recent months, while ‘TheBoss’ was revered as their spiritual and figurehead leader.

Seeing these higher-ups being openly slandered on the global forums by the masses was demoralizing for the guild members, and although they attempted to defend their leaders online, for the first time, the overwhelming public outrage was too much to combat.

Outnumbered, their comments were swiftly downvoted, as the vast majority called for an official response from either the game developers or the accused themselves.

The situation continued to worsen as ‘TheBoss’ and ‘Leo Skyshard’ remained silent for two days, their lack of response only intensifying the tension and fueling growing dissatisfaction among Uprising members.

“This is outrageous! We can’t let them slander ‘TheBoss’ like this. As members of his church we won’t stand for it. He just became a master—how dare these mere mortals challenge him!” one uprising member fumed in the internal group chat.

“Yes! We must push back. We cannot let commoners ridicule our idol—our god!”

“We should make an example of those who dare challenge ‘TheBoss’ and ‘Leo Skyshard,’ especially players like BrownRock who even threaten to interrogate Sir Leo in real life….. BrownRock, a Sector E kitchen worker, has no right to speak so boldly on the forums.”

“All our brothers working in the kitchens should make an example of him. The people need to understand that The Uprising protects its own, and our leaders won’t be bullied without consequence.”

“Exactly, brothers. Every action deserves an equal reaction, and those who defy us must be silenced. Sir Leo funds the weapons we carry and the salaries we earn, so the least we can do for him is defend his honor.”

Chaosbringer stared at the group chat, his eyes narrowing as the furious conversation unfolded.

The members of The Uprising were right. The insults hurled at ‘TheBoss’ and Leo Skyshard couldn’t be ignored, especially not with the intensity of the public slander.

Chaosbringer admired them both deeply—especially their leadership, their strength and their wisdom—and to see their names dragged through the mud was infuriating for him.

The situation on the forums had gone too far, and he couldn’t sit idly by anymore.

The members in the chat were already discussing taking matters into their own hands, and as Chaosbringer read through their heated messages, a grim realization settled in his mind.

BrownRock had gone too far, both online and now, apparently, with his threats in real life, and ChaosBringer felt like the attack on the guild’s senior members needed to be answered decisively.

With a deep breath, Chaosbringer let his fingers hover over the keyboard for a moment before he typed his response. His message was calm, collected, and brutally cold blooded.

“BrownRock must be dealt with. This attack on our leaders cannot go unanswered. Take him out.” He wrote, as the second that a message from ChaosBringer dropped in the group chat, the entire chat fell silent for a few moments, as the gravity of his order sunk in.

Up till now, although everyone was conspiring to take BrownRock out, no-one was actually serious about it, but with ChaosBringer now ordering them to do the same, the conversation turned real.

With his orders crystal clear, one by one, the members working in the kitchens replied, all echoing the same sentiment.

“For The Uprising.”

“For ‘TheBoss’ and Leo Skyshard.”

“Consider it done.” S~eaʀᴄh the nô website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

The kitchen staff unanimously decided that they would carry out the order, no questions asked, and that BrownRock would regret challenging the might of The Uprising.


(Real Life, The Arch Ship Kitchen – Next Day)

The kitchen was bustling as usual, the clatter of utensils and the hum of conversation filling the air.

Among the workers, the members of the uprising remained quiet, focused on their tasks, as they waited for all workers to show up for the day.

They had their orders. Today, BrownRock—real name David Brown—would pay for his insolence.

Chaosbringer’s decision to take him out weighed heavily on them, but they were loyal to the guild and its leaders.

No one defied the uprising without consequences, and certainly no one threatened Leo Skyshard, the man who paid for their bread.

*Chop* *Chop*

The men chopping vegetables exchanged silent nods as David Brown walked into the kitchen.

He greeted a few people casually, unaware of the dark cloud hanging over him. Today, like the past three days, Leo Skyshard was absent from work, and David was not happy about it.

“Three days and Leo still hasn’t shown up,” David muttered as he set his things down.

“He must be hiding something. There’s no other reason he’d go dark right after all this mess on the forums.” He said, shaking his head, as he began prepping his station, grumbling to himself about how the higher-ups always seemed to get away with everything.

However, it was at that moment that the Uprising members shared another glance, their hands tightening on the knives they held, as they collectively decided to make the move.

Unaware of the growing danger, David continued his rant, as the uprising members slowly approached him.

“You’d think someone would call him out on it, but no. Everyone just lets him—”

At that moment, suddenly, the Uprising members moved, circling David in one swift, silent motion.

The kitchen seemed to freeze as they drew closer, their expressions cold and resolute….. and before David could process what was happening, the first blade struck.


One of them leaned in close, whispering in his ear, “You should’ve known better than to threaten our leaders.”

David’s eyes widened in shock and horror as another blade plunged into his side. He gasped, pain overwhelming him as more whispers followed, each more chilling than the last.

“You thought you could challenge Leo Skyshard?”

“Never forget who holds the power here.”

The other kitchen workers watched, horrified, too afraid to intervene as David collapsed to the floor, clutching his wounds.

His breaths became ragged, his face contorted in disbelief. How did this happen? How had things escalated to this point?

As his vision blurred, the last thing David saw was the cold, unforgiving eyes of The Uprising members who stood over him, their knives dripping with blood.

His thoughts were a chaotic swirl of confusion and terror. He had been taken out, mafia style, aboard the very ship where he had worked every day.

“HE PAID HIS PRICE FOR THREATENING A LEADER OF THE UPRISING, AND THE SAME CAN HAPPEN TO ANY OF YOU” A particularly menacing looking uprising member said, as he waved his knife around to all the other workers, warning them of the consequences of going against their group.

The other workers, still frozen in shock, understood at this moment that crossing someone as powerful as Leo Skyshard had consequences—deadly ones.

And while usually, fights between workers were strictly prohibited, that rule only applied when someone of a lower sector attacked someone from a higher sector.

Fights between individuals of the same sector were not restricted, which was the primary reason behind sector E being the hellhole that it was.

Everyone knew that ‘The Uprising’ was one of the strongest forces in sector E that controlled the streets and food halls, however, nobody expected them to take out individuals based on their in-game opinions.

This was a huge shock to everyone onboard and a reminder of who ran the show around here, as this incident was sure to spread fast amongst worker circles in sector E.

“Someone rush this guy to the medical bay…. He may survive if he’s lucky” said the uprising member who put in the first stab, as poor David was rushed to the medical bay by a coworker, his life hanging by a thread.