"It's thirteen this morning. There are still people going to the mountain to stir fry tea. I'll go back tomorrow. "

The other side of Niutou village explained that they would go to collect tea after the Mid Autumn Festival, but Xiangyang Village's blind date went up the mountain. When Lin Peilan went to play pig grass in the morning, they all specially told her that they had tea. Two of them planted their own tea trees, which probably could sell for money, so they also picked the shoots above to sell for money.

Usually, we can be frugal. During the holidays, not only do we have to give our children holidays, but also we have to give gifts to our mother's family. In recent days, we go up the mountain earlier and earlier, and the road is getting farther and farther away. Even fewer children come to buy snacks.

"It's the biggest day today. I'll have to go back tomorrow. Otherwise, it's too shameful for others."

Lin Peilan had a big idea, and grandma Lin couldn't persuade her, so she had to do it.

With Lin Yuxiang's help, Lin Peilan is not easy either. The number of times she takes raw tea to and fro in the town is increasing. Sometimes when she meets a seller of raw tea, they will take the initiative to sell it to Lin Peilan. As a result, the number of raw tea is increasing, and it costs 70 or 80 Jin.

At lunch time, the people who went up the mountain came back. The raw tea was no better than other things. It was covered in the bamboo basket and didn't pour out to dry. When they came back in the evening, it would turn yellow and red.

Under the bamboo basket in the morning, the dew re picked tea is still wet in the morning. If the quantity is small, the price will be the same as that of the dry tea. If the quantity is large, the price can only be offered separately. This is originally agreed, and everyone can accept it.

Except for those necessary things to be deducted, Lin Peilan's reputation is high, which we all know.

The third aunt and the eldest aunt also picked seven or eight Jin of wild tea one morning, which was the result of the children's going to school. After the beginning of school, Lin Peihong and Lin Peifeng also went to school.

When it comes to the frustrations of Lin Peifeng's school days, Lin Peilan is inexplicably distressed. The third aunt cried and refused, but the third uncle lost his temper. Finally, Lin Peilan gave the tuition fee to Lin Peifeng to sign up.

It's just the past. We don't mention it. After Lin Peifeng was lost, he spent a few days in school and forgot about it.

Who knows that a week after school, the school has to pay for the uniform. This is a new rule. The third aunt dares not let Lin Peilan pay any more money this time. She pinches a ticket and gives it to Lin Peifeng.

At that time, Lin Peifeng cried and said that he had lost his money. Unexpectedly, he was still in his mother's hands. He asked him how he recognized it. It turned out that he had learned the numbers from Lin Peiwen and made a mark when he got the money to sell tea in Lin Peilan.

It turned out that when the money was lost, everyone helped to find it. The third aunt also pointed to the sky and scolded the ground, saying that whoever took it to buy food would have to eat intestines.

I didn't expect that she stole Lin Peifeng's money by herself. I can't say that.

Lin Peilan from distressed to speechless, three aunts this person is really eye opening, can always make people refresh cognition.

At this moment, many people come back from the mountain. After taking the money, everyone goes back to cook. Lin Yuzhu of Dafang went to the town tea factory to pick tea stalks. Lin Yuxiang also cooked early at home. Lin Meiying of Sanfang recently went to the town to pick tea stalks. She was a little slow. She also got fifty or sixty cents a day. She was very happy.

When Lin Meiying is not at home, there is no one to cook the meals in the third room, and the third aunt is a Hun who likes to take advantage of the situation. She leans against the dining table in the second room and does not move.

The food of Lin Peilan's family is not exquisite, but they are good at cooking. They can make the same dishes well and have all kinds of flavors. Three people have a meal, two small dishes and a sponge gourd soup. They also have a good appetite. The third aunt is so stingy that she can't even give up oil. She is greedy for everything.

Seeing that Lin Peilan's family could have lunch, the third aunt took a breath of tea from her teapot and stayed there.

"The third family, go back to cook. After a while, the third one will come back to eat! " Mrs. Lin couldn't get used to her laziness and sent her back.

"Mother! I've been running on the mountain all morning. I'm so tired. Let me have lunch at Er Bo's home at noon! "

"What are you talking about! It's just a little thing. I can't even cook. I'll go back and cook as soon as possible. "

When Lin Peilan came to open the tea, she heard the conversation between the two. The third aunt was speechless. She felt sorry for the upright third uncle. She had to lose face with the third aunt every day.

"Aunt three, you go to the field and call my father and uncle back for dinner. I'll mix a cucumber and fry amaranth."

"Yes! I'm going. Pei LAN is considerate. She's tired out all day long. You can cook whatever you like, and your uncle likes your cooking. "

As soon as she heard Lin Peilan's promise, she called for a meal. She could walk, stepped on her shoes and went out of the house. In a short time, Lin Peilan could hear the three aunts outside calling for a meal with a long voice. She couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"The old three are getting worse and worse recently."

Granny Lin has a lot of opinions about Aunt San. She is also a regular person. Now when she hears the news outside, she doesn't look good.

"Her grandmother, three aunts is that character, heart is not bad, you don't go to heart." Lin Peilan said with relief, "when the children get older and everyone makes money, this small problem will naturally be changed."

"I don't think that can be changed!" Mrs. Lin pointed to the door of the courtyard and said, "listen... Just now she looks like she's dying. She doesn't have the strength to cook any food. When she asks people to eat, she can gossip with others. It's going to talk outside, with the biggest voice and the most spirit. "

Lin Peilan listened to it and wanted to laugh.

"It's OK. After a while, when my uncle comes back, she won't move."

Sure enough, as Lin Peilan said, the third uncle came back to see that he was coming to eat in the second room, and then he knew that his mother-in-law was lazy again and went to the second brother's house to eat.

"Dad, try the eggplant made by Perrin. It's delicious."

"Take it! You are lazy all day long. If you don't cook, you still know how to eat. " In the meantime, he pushed away the dish that the third aunt put in for him.

"All right, all right! Eat quickly Grandma Lin said, "tomorrow, when Peilan returns to the county, your second brother has a stomachache. You take her to the town and get a ride back."

Lin Youcai laughs, everyone has dry rice, he drinks porridge, a face stuffy silent.

Recently, he has stopped drinking, but his stomach, which has undergone surgery, still can't stand his previous disorderly drinking. Recently, he has a stomachache. Lin Peilan has to cook a bowl of porridge for him for three meals.

"Don't bother the third uncle. The road is peaceful and I often walk. It doesn't matter." Lin Peilan is busy.

"Silly girl, what are you doing with the third uncle. I'll take you back tomorrow. "

"It's a big holiday, and Jianguo won't come back?" Mrs. Lin was afraid that she would pick up the meat in the soup, so she buried the soup and filled another bowl for her. She drank it without forgetting the eight trigrams. "She's also big hearted. If such a good daughter-in-law is lost at home, she won't go home all day long..."

"Shut up! What nonsense The third uncle was annoyed by the third aunt's broken mouth. He yelled, "go, take the soup back to eat. Shame

"I'm not doing it for pelan, OK? It's not OK for a couple not to be together all the time. Chen Jianguo is so old and the only boy in his family. Maybe they are waiting to have grandchildren... "