Chapter 171

A week before Seol met up with the expedition party, he was in the middle of a conversation with Ner.

So what youre saying is Even though they're both predators on Floor B4, Stompy is much stronger than Koko, right?

Yeah! Its because of the matchup.

And Stompy is a rock giant, right?

You saw it too, didnt you? The way he stomps around everywhere. Him being a rock giant is good, though. If he wasnt, then he would be eating the prisoners instead of rocks.

Hm couldnt it be different if they fought head-on?

"Yeah, it could be different. But I can feel it. Stompys much stronger. Koko wont be able to bite him at all. Well, even if Koko does manage to bite him, Stompy will still win. The most you can hope for is probably a tie."

So facing him head-on is probably out of the picture... One more question. Are Koko and Stompy the only predators on this floor?

Before answering, Ner looked up into the sky, as if he was trying to recall something.

There were a bunch of them, but Stompy killed them each time they got out of line. Im pretty sure there was one more, but I dont see them around anymore. They were quite an interesting friend with six arms, but... Im pretty sure Stompy probably killed them as well.

After finishing his conversation with Ner, Seol contemplated.

What do I do if I have to fight Stompy?

It would be ideal if they could pass by him as planned, but Seol also had to prepare for the worst.

While Ner clearly knew some things, he didnt know everything.

Not to mention, the person behind everything told Ner that if he told Seol any more than this, they would take action as well.

Regardless of who awaits us below it's clear they want to meet us.

Though the mysterious person kept playing tricks on them, in another sense, it could be seen as a test to weed out those too weak to meet them.

Seol, opting to address those questions by meeting the mysterious individual face-to-face, then turned his thoughts to other matters.

First, was on how hed pass Lineage onto Koko.



Seol made a cut on his palm before squeezing out blood.

Since he possessed the Blood of Origin anyway, an injury like that would heal in seconds.

Seol had been gathering his blood over the past couple of days to give to Koko to drink.


At first, Koko rejected it. However, as Seol began mixing it in with Kokos food and water, he eventually welcomed it.

Pant pant

Still, there was no real reaction.

Is it because hes large? Or is consumption not a suitable method to pass on Lineage?

For example, by creating an actual family to pass it on instead.

Or maybe it isnt working because he isnt my summon?


Twitch twitch

Koko began to shudder.

Finally, a reaction!


Koko shuddered as if undergoing something painful.

[Lineage is formed with Koko.]

[Passive: Good Lineage activates.]

[Those who have inherited Blood of Origin have all of their stats increased by 20%.]

[Those connected to your bloodline also receive the Eyes of Foresight.]


Koko was a Transcendent-rank monster.

Increasing all of his stats by 20% was clearly a significant upgrade.



After changing his eyes to look a bit more similar to Seols eyes, Koko rubbed his body against Seol's leg.

[A Charming Individual activates. You receive additional favorability.]

[You have acquired Koko, the Starving as a helper.]

[Koko, the Starving is a Transcendent rank.]

[Helpers have a chance of appearing in all Adventures.]

[They will help you differently based on their favorability toward you.]

...In the end, it ended up like this. I should try to come up with a way to take him with me, though.

Seol was preparing for the worst-case scenario, but he hoped he would never have to find out the answer to the question, 'Could Koko defeat Stompy if he consumed the Blood of Origin?'.

* * *

[Koko used Rip and Tear.]

[Injuries inflicted by this attack result in bleeding three times more severe than normal.]

[Bleeding from this effect does not stop easily.]

[This effect does not affect targets immune to bleeding.]


Grah! Kargh! Kraaaargh!

Of course, the mass of rocks didnt bleed.

Rock giants had an innate immunity to bleeding, after all.

Seol didnt dwell on the obvious and instead, focused on what truly mattered.

Kokos attacks are working! Theyre working on Stompy!

Stompy swung his arms, knocking Koko away, and quickly stood back up.

However, Seol hadnt just been observing.


Seol casted Volcano Armor on both himself and Koko.

After that, he let Koko do whatever he pleased.

Seol wasnt Kokos summoner, and Koko wasnt Seols summon. There was nothing he could do to control him.



Seol, after quickly summoning the Twin Knights, gave them a command.

Save the others!

Got it!

The reason Stompy was so terrifying wasnt because of his 1 vs. 1 skills.

It was because of his immense defense and the wide area each of his attacks covered, dealing massive AoE damage.

Karuna and Karens attacks likely wont work on Stompy.

If they wanted to deal damage to Stompy with bladed weapons, it would require considerable force behind each strike, and even then, success wasnt guaranteed.

And for those reasons, Seol ordered Karun and Karen to strictly save the others, to minimize the number of casualties.

Rumble Rumble Rumble!

Gnash! Crash!

Koko was massive, but even then, he couldnt compare to Stompy. Stompy was practically a walking skyscraper in the eyes of the expedition party.

The difference between their size was like that of a human and a dog.

[Koko used Wallop.]

[Kokos damage increases by 20% and attack speed increases by 30% for a short duration.]



With each swing of his front paws, Koko carved out rocks from Stompy's body.



Seol began attacking Stompys feet as if he didnt want to lose out to Koko.

...Hes tough.

Still, most of his attacks werent working.

The expedition party began to whisper to each other after seeing Frannan concentrate for the first time.

Wh-what is he

How many complex spells is he going to overlap?

Thanks to Seol and Koko buying time, Frannan managed to safely finish his spell.

Im done! Get out of the way!

Koko! Dodge!

Seol and Koko dashed off the sides of Stompy's body and into the air.

Frannans mana began to swell and surge throughout the room.

You little shiiiiiiiiiit!

[Frannan used Exceptional Skill: Respect Your Elders.]

[Deal force damage to a designated area.]

Crackle, Crackle, Craaaaackle

Countless magic circles began to twist the air as they exploded.


Crumble crumble


Stompys legs had been severed at their kneecaps. Well, destroyed might have been a better word to describe the impact.


R-Run awayyyyy!

Hes falling over!

Stompy fell over backward.


The impact was so powerful that it felt like the air also shook.

However, all wasnt good.

Rumble rumble

Dust and rocks began to gather at the site where Stompy's legs had broken off, as if attempting to form new ones.

My dear disciple! Is my order still not ready yet?


Seol leaped into the air before landing precisely on Stompy's chest.

From there, Seol could execute an easy, unavoidable attack on Stompy's head.


Rumble rumble

Crackle crackle

[You have changed to the Rain of Fire Stance.]

[All attacks will spread flames.]

[An explosion will occur at the impact point of each attack.]

[Thunderbolts will spread at the impact point of each attack.]

[Passive: Moving Flames is applied.]

[Passive: Heat and Warmth is applied.]

[Passive: Static is applied.]


[You used Night Crow: Iron Fist Rule.]

[Shadow Hand is affected by Passive: Moving Flames.]

[Shadow Hand is affected by Passive: Heat and Warmth.]

[Shadow Hand is affected by Passive: Static.]

A large, black arm, roughly the size of Stompys massive arms, filled the room, crackling with lightning and engulfed in flames.



And then, it struck the ground.


Crackle crackle!




Frannan was shocked.

Despite Seol's attack having destroyed half of Stompy's face, rocks were once again beginning to gather around him.

Oh my god! Hes still alive! No! Hes still

Seol gritted his teeth.

As expected from a Transcendent-rank giant, he managed to survive Seols strongest attack on his weak point.

Damn it. I didnt think hed survive

At this rate, Stompy would likely recover once more before going on another rampage.

Yet, luck wasn't solely on Stompy's side.

[Tuner(Exceptionality) activates.]

[Recover all mana used by Iron Fist Rule.]

Agonys effect had activated.

Seol quickly grew his arm again after sensing his mana return.


Just fucking


...die already!


Crackle crackle

With that final strike, the remainder of Stompy's head was blown away.

Crumble crumble

After losing his head, Stompy's body started to crumble away. Gradually, even his limbs disintegrated.

[You have defeated Stompy, the Hard.]

[You are the first to defeat a Transcendent-rank enemy.]

[You have earned the Inaugural Achievement 'Superhuman Path'.]

[You have earned the Inaugural Title 'Superhuman'.]

Countless messages entered Seols vision.

No one in the expedition party could believe what they just saw.

H-Hes a human like us?

Even if Aspect Magician Frannan was expected

Who is he

There were a variety of reactions.

But despite all that, only one thing caught Seols eye.

As Stompy's body began to break down, it gradually unveiled something.

This is?

A spherical, hard marble.

Seol carefully lifted it into his hands.

And then


[The rock giants core quakes.]

[Mountain Primal Power shows a reaction.]