Chapter 227

[ Adventure 33. ‘Dragon War’

The Dragon War is a battle among the Dragon’s Flowers to determine the new Dragon who will lead the next era.

By overcoming the trials set before them, each descendent is judged, pushing them to challenge their limits.

Seol Hong, the Death Flower, with whom you share a small connection, is one of these Dragon’s Flowers. You must help her in the Dragon War.

Objective: Defeat the uninvited guest.

Caution. This Adventure is very dangerous.

Caution. This Adventure can change at a moment’s notice.

Caution. This Adventure is expected to be an extensive journey. As such, there is a high possibility that you will not be able to rest properly.

Caution. This Adventure can be abandoned whenever you please.

Remaining Time [Unknown]]

‘I can give up on this Adventure whenever I want?’

This was the first Adventure since Alcatron to warn of an ‘extensive journey’.

However, unlike his previous lengthy adventures, Seol could abandon this one whenever he wanted.

‘Does that mean it will be that much harder?’

While Seol could normally ignore such warnings before, he couldn’t now.

‘All of my powers still haven’t returned yet. It’s hard to tell how much I am capable of right now.’

After taking the Pill of Eternal Life, Seol was currently stuck in a situation where he wasn’t at his full strength. He had originally planned to delay any dangerous adventures until he was fully recovered. However, with one of his piece's unfulfilled desires right in front of him, he couldn’t refuse.

After all, it was possible that even a single error would make it impossible for him to recover it. He would be creating a gap in his memory and ability.

‘And I can’t have that.’

Though he was lacking, he had no other options.

Then... What was the next step?

Also, how much was Seol capable of right now?

Not only were his stats incomparable to those of other transferees, but he had also learned hand-to-hand combat from Toki.

Not to mention, he also had Agony, a demonic spirit weapon, by his side.

Though they weren’t appropriate weapons for a summoner, they were still all undoubtedly powerful weapons.

Then... were those enough to help Seol Hong?

Seol contemplated for a moment.

He then reached an answer.

‘I can.’

* * *

The town where Seol, Seol Hong, and Cheon Ju were staying was called Bluereed Town. It also used to be much larger than it is now.

However, due to constant bandit raids and weak security, almost all of Bluereed Town’s citizens had left, causing the town’s size to shrink significantly.

The obvious reason behind it was the Wild Dogs of Silvergrass Mountain.

They were the lowest of scum, preying not only on the townspeople but also on the farmers who fled into the mountains to escape their hardships.

The Wild Dogs were a group of bandits who had done far too much evil to blame it on their poor upbringing. There was only one reason that a group of bandits like that had persisted in the Khan Empire for such a long time.

The Khan Empire was just that massive.

Dispatching soldiers to deal with bandits on the outskirts was difficult. The local rulers, who rarely adhered to the Emperor’s commands, more often colluded with the bandits rather than attempting to eliminate them.

The current Khan Empire had become a den of demons. Like how old metals rust over time, countries can also decay. And now, the Khan Empire was covered in the rust of corruption.

Though it was difficult to tell the Dragon Emperor’s intent, even now, there was still ample reason to send the Dragon’s Flowers out into the world to participate in the Dragon War.

“It’s definitely here...”

Currently, Seol Hong was climbing a rugged mountain alone. With Cheon Ju, the only person she could rely on, sick in bed, she now faced the journey alone.

No one stood by her side, and as the Dragon’s Flower ranked lowest in succession, no one showed any interest in her either.

After all, there was no point in scratching a lottery ticket when you knew the odds were abysmal.

In the end, Seol Hong had no choice but to press on alone to meet her deadline.

‘Is this the path toward the back of their base?’

Seol Hong swiftly made her way down the path.

Before long, she approached the Wild Dogs’ mountain base.

‘...It’s huge.’

She wasn’t able to look down on them as just a simple group of bandits anymore.

It was a large base, capable of accommodating 40~50 men.

‘First, I should sneak in, and...’


The sound of something breaking.

It was clearly just a broken branch, but still feeling unease, Seol Hong quickly rolled to hide herself.

As she did, the ground beneath her suddenly flipped before being yanked upward.


‘Was it a trap?’

Seol Hong quickly cooled her head and observed the situation. It was obvious that guards would soon arrive to check the noise.

And her assumptions were right.

Two bandits quickly arrived at the trap.

“Huh? I thought there would be a bear.”

“Bear, my ass... but... it is strange...”

“Don’t tell me some idiots are trying to sneak around again.”

“Hahaha... We’ll be able to have some fun again then, no?”

Seol Hong felt a chill run down her spine.

‘Some idiots...?’

First, she had to act quickly before it was too late.





One of the bandits fell over while gripping his chest.

“Wh-what the...”



Seol Hong quickly sprang up and delivered a spinning kick to the other bandit's neck, knocking him out.


All Dragon’s Flowers receive some training from the palace’s martial artists.

As a result, Seol Hong was stronger than most ordinary people.

However, the issue was how far her abilities would take her with just that training.

Wrap... Wrap...

Seol Hong tied the bandits to a tree using their own ropes, then tore pieces of their clothing to gag them.

Her innocence was evident in her actions.

The obvious decision was to kill them, but her lack of experience made her hesitate.

She naively believed that if she could force them to surrender, she wouldn't have to take their lives.

Killing someone... was a line that she did not want to cross yet.

‘I’ll sneak into the hideout now.’NewW novels updates at

Seol Hong swiftly leaped over the fence that concealed the base’s activities from the outside world.

She then steeled herself for what lay ahead.

She will succeed... no matter what.


The pouring rain caused her bangs to cover her eyes slightly, but she paid it no mind.

Seol Hong quickly entered the base, putting her senses to work.

“Hahaha... He paid more than they’re worth, so we should be fine for the winter.”

“I’m sure it’s because he knows it as well. No one can bring him slaves as consistently as us.”



“We don’t necessarily enjoy killing brats like you either, alright? It makes it hard to sleep at night, hahaha...”

Seol Hong finally showed a reaction.


“Did you just... laugh?”

“Do not lie, evildoer.”


Seol Hong’s eyes shined open as she confidently stared down Hwi Chang.

“Children nurtured by the Khan Empire’s embrace... Why do you commit such evil?”

“Shut up!”

“You have brought dozens of towns to ruin and sold hundreds of slaves. Your deaths are a natural...”

“Stop! Stop talking about shit I don’t want to hear. Khan... Khannnnnnnnn! The Khan Empire was what made us like this! What are you trying to say? That we were in the wrong?”


“Someone has to tell you that you are in the wrong.”


“You fucking little... I’ll burn you alive. Oil! Bring the oil!”

Hwi Chang snapped, causing his underlings to tremble in fear as they followed his orders.

“Say you’re wrong,” said Hwi Chang. “If you do, I’ll let you die a painless death.”

However, Seol Hong’s will did not waver.

“I, Seol Hong, failed to defeat you today because of my lack of ability. But one day, someone will bring you to your knees. Someone will make you repent.”

“I will burn you alive.”

“...Kill me.”

Seol Hong closed her eyes, accepting her death.

But then...



“M-My arm! My armmmmm!”

The two bandits standing by Seol Hong’s chair suddenly fell to the floor, screaming.


Drip... drip... drip...

The sound of the rain changed.

Something was shielding her from above.

It was an umbrella.

“It will be troublesome... if you’re in the rain for too long.”

“...This voice.”

The voice she heard from behind was one she had recently become familiar with.

“Why... Why are you here...”

“Cheon Ju is worried about you.”

“Cheon Ju... Yeah, Cheon Ju... More importantly, what is so troublesome?” asked Seol Hong.

“It would be annoying if there were more patients.”

Their words did not suit the situation at all.

After getting a hold of the situation, Hwi Chang quickly yelled at his subordinates.

“What are you doing?! Hurry up and...”


Seol held a finger to his lips, signaling them to be silent.

Even though his actions were ridiculous... none of the bandits could move. It almost felt as if their bodies weren’t listening to them.

“I-I can’t...”


The bandits were frozen after facing overwhelming power.

“...Are you pitying me?”

“Am I not allowed to? Just because you’re a Dragon’s Flower?”

“No, that shouldn’t be a reason at all...”

She quietly laughed to herself for a second.

"I'm asking you this just to be sure, so.. don’t hate it too much, alright?” said Seol Hong.

“What is it?”

Tears began forming on Seol Hong’s face.

Her face contorted as tears continued to pour down. She could no longer blame her wet eyes on the rain.

“Would you... like to become a hero?”

- Would you like to become a hero?

The words that Seol Hong constantly repeated while chasing down the warriors of Bluereed Town.

Seol answered her quickly, but it was not an answer that Seol Hong wanted to hear.

“I’m not interested in such things,” said Seol.

“...As expected, huh?”

“I did not come to you to become a hero.”


“She sent me.”

“She? Don’t tell me...”

“Yu Hwa, your mother. She sent me.”

“M-My mother...? Why...?”

“Is there... something that you desire right now?”


Seol leaned in as Seol Hong whispered something into his ears.

He gave a faint smile before turning toward Hwi Chang.

“All of you are in the wrong.”

An eyeball formed on the umbrella, agreeing with Seol.

It was Agony.

[Yeah, all of you are in the wrong! Huh? Are you sure?]

“Yeah, I am,” responded Seol.

[Then it is time for the great Agony to punish you! Hehehe!]

Hwi Chang began shaking with anger.

“Both of you lost your minds, huh? I’ll skewer you too, you bastard.”

Before anyone realized it, Seol Hong had been freed from her ropes.

“Are you done being a doctor now?” asked Seol Hong.

“Yeah, I’ve stopped. I just don’t have the talent for healing people,” answered Seol.


Seol’s umbrella covered the two of them.


As the umbrella fell back down, Seol and Seol Hong had vanished.


The rain continued to pour, but... Seol Hong no longer had to stand alone in the rain.

“Where did they go?!” Hwi Chang shouted.


A scream pierced through the sound of falling rain.