After turning black, Seol turned the tables and achieved victory.

Though the audience continued to cheer ecstatically, Shin Yo and Jang Du couldn’t do the same.

They were at a loss for words, completely shocked after seeing his overwhelming power.

And then, after a while...

“I think we were in the rain too long,” said Jang Du.

“It’s a bit uncomfortable, right?”



Shin Yo gathered red energy at her fingertips and waved it near their clothes.


Their clothes dried in an instant.

The two then stood up and left the Warrior’s Heart.

Once outside the arena, they immediately opened an umbrella.

“Why don’t you scoot over a bit?” asked Shin Yo.

“I’m carrying the umbrella, though?”

“Then you could just lean it closer to me, no?”

“Sorry, my shoulders are too big for that.”


The two then laughed while looking at each other.

“It was shocking, right?” said Shin Yo.

“Ah, of course.”

“It was definitely good to come to Yocheon.”

“I’m really looking forward to seeing how that line in your scroll will be used.”

“Is that so?”

“Depending on how you use it... I’m sure it could even save your life, wouldn’t you agree, Lady Shin Yo?”

Shin Yo was shocked after hearing that.

“Are you sure you aren’t rating him too highly?”

“I’m rating him appropriately. You don't still doubt my eyes, do you?”

“Of course not, I just can’t believe it.”

“If I didn’t see it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it either.”

Seol managed to defeat Dae Ha, the conqueror, without taking a single clean hit.

Although Jang Du suspected that Seol was hiding something, he had no idea it was to this extent.

“Lady Shin Yo.”


“...Maybe it might be good to be friendly with them?”


Shin Yo immediately stopped Jang Du.

She glared at him with an icy cold gaze, as if furious at what he had said.


"Because it might be a bit troublesome if he becomes our enemy," smiled Jang Du.

* * *

[(NEW) [<Tractor Gang>’s Post]

[Post Date: Just now]

[Title: Who the hell believed those analysts predicting Dae Ha would win? LOL. All of you should just give up.]

I’ll give up first hahaha

- Dae Ha lost ????

- Fucking hell... Did he just C9 after wasting his strength early?

- This can’t be real...]Fôllôw new stories at

[(NEW) [<Jeju Radish Thief>’s Post]

[Post Date: Just now]

[Title: I bet all of my money on Dae Ha... What do I do now...?]



- I wish I could see the faces of the people who came into this post thinking there were others like them LOOOOOL

- They’re so heated that they’re going to make global warming worse LOL

- Should’ve held onto the Kang Seol stocks HAHAHA]

[(NEW) [<I minus T>’s Post]

[Post Date: Just now]

[Title: Are we sure this wasn’t rigged?]

How could he just transform like that? There's a skill like that? That's impossible. If you want to prove me wrong, give me that skill too.

- Didn’t you see the message? It’s an Exceptional Skill.

- What’s with the people of this world and Exceptional Skills? They should fuck right off and stuff themselves into an exceptional toilet or some shit.

- This dude is heated LOOOOL

- Anyone would be pissed after losing money LOL. At least being angry won’t cost him anything~ Just let it all out here and go home~

- He might not even have a home to return to.]

[(NEW) [<Blockchain Gambler>’s Post]

[Post Date: Just now]

[Title: I bought 231 tickets for Dae Ha’s win...]

231 tickets... someone actually bought them...

- Are you a real person? LMFAO

- Excuse me, sir. As a society, we have collectively agreed to call people like you scum. Thank you!]

[(NEW) [<Stocks Tabloid>’s Post]

[Post Date: Just now]

[Title: Woah, do you believe this?]

Apparently, Kang Seol is a transferee LOL

But he’s also a Dragon’s Stone and a conqueror...

- You have a wild imagination, dude.

- I haven’t met a transferee capable of using Exceptional Skills yet, though LOL

- Tabloids will be tabloids~]

Currently, in Yocheon, baseless rumors about Seol and Seol Hong were spreading rapidly, piling up one after another.

However, Seol and Seol Hong, the cause of the commotion, were currently at Gwak Seong’s manor, dressed in tidy, formal clothes.

Gwak Seong had invited them to his manor after the Battle of Conquest was over.

Seol and Seol Hong were silently sitting down, waiting for the archivist’s evaluation.

“I plan to return to the Dragon Palace,” said So Ryo.


“I’ve learned my weakness, and there is no further reason to remain out here. But before I go... Seol Hong, there was something I wanted to tell you. The reason I came to visit you today is because of this.”

So Ryo closed her eyes for a second, as if she was trying to paint a picture in her head.

“That day... I was in the Warrior’s Heart as well. And when I saw you speak so boldly to Gwak Seong... you shined like no other in my eyes.”



So Ryo then placed something on the table.

Even at a glance, it was clearly a present.

"Some tea that's good for serving guests and some medicine to help you relax."


“I planned to use this myself during the Dragon War, but... what point is there now that I’ve become a fallen flower?”

So Ryo then continued.

“People like Elder Brother Bae Yu, who died rashly, or me, who looked down on the Dragon War, can’t go any further than this. The only ones who can go further are you and him.”

So Ryo scratched her head.

“I wish I could’ve given you a better gift, but... since we aren’t at the Dragon Palace, this is all I can really give you.”

“I will... I will use them well,” answered Seol Hong.

“...I can finally see you properly now that the trial is over. Seol Hong, you are different from the other Dragon’s Flowers. I’m a bit slow, so I can’t put a word on it, but... I’m sure that everyone else will realize it too one day.”

So Ryo then stood up.

“I feel a bit better now that everything’s done.”


So Ryo, who was a head taller than Seol Hong, stood up and spread her arms.

“Could I hug you?”

Seol Hong hesitated for a moment before entering her arms.

It was a warm, tender hug. Seol Hong couldn’t feel any ill will at all.

"Seol Hong, I hope you don’t feel too bad about your short limbs," she joked. "You have wings, unlike us. I'm sure you'll be able to fly much higher than any of us."

“Elder Sister So Ryo...”

“Please... I hope that you are able to soar higher.”

And with those final words, So Ryo left.

Seol then slowly approached Seol Hong.

“Are you crying?” he asked.

“Who... who do you think is... uwrgh... crying... I won’t cry unless it’s for Cheon Ju!”

- So she’s nice as long as they aren’t competing against each other!

- So Ryo changed a lot, though lol

- I think she learned her lesson after being threatened and forced to eat next to her brother’s corpse haha

- She definitely learned her lesson ????

- Gwak Seong... the goat...

“I understand.”

* * *

A few moments later, Seol and Seol Hong walked alongside Gwak Seong.

“I’ve never had a strange request like this...” commented Gwak Seong. “I never would have thought you’d request to meet Dae San... You don’t have any ulterior motives, right?”

Though it was clearly a joke, there was a slight edge to it.

However, as Seol and Seol Hong both knew about his personality well, they answered him without hesitation.

“It wasn’t me, it was...”

“I requested it,” interrupted Seol, finishing Seol Hong’s sentence.

Gwak Seong then smirked.

“Something, something, warriors having a connection, huh?”


"Hahaha!" laughed Gwak Seong. "I had to work hard to keep Dae Ha from joining us. He still hasn’t completely recovered, you see? But I’m sure that if you, the person who defeated Dae Ha, visit him at the ossuary, Dae San will be excited."



The three of them arrived at the ossuary, where there weren't many people around.

The reason, however, was not because the ossuary was in a remote location, but access to it was simply restricted to most people.

‘So he was buried in an ossuary...’

Seol did his best to comfort his disheartened spirit. Then, he learned the reason why Gwak Seong had no choice but to bury him here.

The weapons that the assassins used to kill Dae San were poisoned with an extremely potent poison. Because every inch of his flesh had rotted due to that dangerous toxin, Gwak Seong had no choice but to turn him into bone powder.


As they ventured deeper into the eerie ossuary, the three of them arrived at a small space.

“It’s here,” said Gwak Seong.

There, they found a portrait of Dae San alongside his name. Gwak Seong stared blankly at the portrait.

“...He looks like Dae Ha.”

“Hahaha...” chuckled Gwak Seong, bitterly. “They didn’t look like each other at first, but... as Dae Ha gained more weight, they began to look more and more alike.”

Seol then made a request to the two of them.

“Could I be alone for a second?”

Shocked, Seol Hong immediately looked to Gwak Seong, who responded with a nod.

“Do you really think someone who’s achieved so much would cause a mess at an ossuary? We’ll be waiting outside. Take your time,” said Gwak Seong.

The two then left, leaving Seol alone in the room.

Watching the two of them talk like that almost reminded Seol of a grandfather with his granddaughter.


Seol then slowly began approaching an object that was placed in front of Dae San’s portrait.

“I can feel it.”

Seol’s eyes began to change.

“You’re here... aren’t you, Dae san?”

Seol then placed his hand on Dae San’s greatsword.


The sword began to vibrate.


All of the candles in the ossuary blew out.

[<Dae San>’s Inheritance is starting.]

More messages appeared in front of his vision after that as well.

[You receive an interim settlement for the extensive journey.]

[You have received Spoils From a Struggle as a reward.]