Chapter 117

The reason Hajoon was able to enter the VIP room for his first time at the grand auction was due to the assistance of Andre, the head of the American Hero Association. He had merely expressed a desire to participate in the grand auction, and surprisingly, Andre provided him access to the VIP area.

Of course, until the auction began, Hajoon was unaware of this fact.

The place he was guided to by the staff wasn't a regular seat in the auction hall, but a premium seat in the VIP room.

"He did mention a gift waiting at the auction..."

Regardless, Hajoon found himself in a bit of a predicament.

This unexpected development could disrupt his plan.

From his recollections of the episode, there likely was an informant named Millie from Villante among those participating in this auction. He assumed she was in disguise at the grand auction, but there was no way to identify her.

It wasn't just because of a mask. If she had altered her face itself, how could one recognize her? More than that, he initially had no intention of capturing her. After all, Hajoon wasn't focused on catching just Millie.

"So, what should I do now?"

Millie's reason for participating in this auction was simply to inspect the artifacts being auctioned. The real issue arose when Liam kept trying to win the artifacts that the villains desired. The main plot of this episode revolved around Lain from Villante targeting Liam because of these artifacts.

Hence, Hajoon's plan was straightforward.

In the original episode, he intended to buy every artifact that both Liam and Villante were after. However, a minor hiccup emerged in this plan.

"It's always about the seating..."

The issue, as Hajoon saw it, was his current location.

Would these villains dare to approach someone in the VIP room to obtain an artifact?

"Well, maybe it's not a big deal?"

The regular seats were all taken, making it impossible to switch seats.

Given Hajoon's suspicions, he considered that he might still be a target. To be on the safe side, he decided to buy only half of the artifacts.

His strategy was simple: use Liam as a decoy to lead the villains towards him.

If he managed to win the auction, these villains would undoubtedly target either him or Liam.

Or perhaps both of them.

Hajoon gazed impassively at a blond-haired boy who looked like Liam.

He had no intention of letting the kids know he was here.

If the villains found out about his presence, they might flee.

"Well, then."

Hajoon, resting his chin on his hand, turned his attention to an artifact being presented on stage.

[Palm's Ring]

Grade: Legendary

Traits: {Magic Amplification} {Protective Shield} {Size Alteration} {Enchantment} {Perception Shift}

Description: Also known as the Ring of Enchantment. A highly sought-after item.

"It sure is convenient."

Unlike others, only through Hajoon's eyes could the status of the artifact be seen.

Hajoon, not being an artifact expert, knew he couldn't determine the exact value just from the status window. So, he decided to consult a specialist on the matter.

He promptly took out his smartphone, inputting the visible artifact details and sent them to Lorelei Hills, the guild master of the Hermes Guild.

A swift response came back:

-"Putting aside the enchantment, the price will likely increase due to the magic amplification. Perhaps around 35,000?"

Reading the reply, Hajoon chuckled, pressed a button on the sofa armrest, and declared,


Liam pondered.

For sure, whoever was in that VIP room marked as #1 seemed to understand the value of the artifact just as he did.

And while he might've thought he was being paranoid, it felt like that person was intentionally outbidding him every time.

"The bid from #1 is $13,000! Any other offers?"


Liam was honestly taken aback.

It was a mere suspicion before, but now he was certain.

That person was intent on snatching the artifact Liam had chosen, even if it meant incurring a loss. If Bidder #1 truly recognized the value of the artifact as Liam did, then they would know its true cost and wouldn’t overpay just for the sake of it.

"How intriguing," Liam mused.

In other words, the individual was throwing down the gauntlet.

Liam, with a hint of injustice in his expression, could only stare towards the obscured VIP room.

Beyond that room, Hajoon pondered,

"Hmm... Did he really want that item so badly?"

To be honest, Hajoon hadn't been that invested. He planned to leave after this auction but gave in, seeing Liam's relentless bidding. He couldn't possibly take everything, especially if he had ulterior motives involving Liam.

"Well, then."

Hajoon rose from his sofa, stretching luxuriously.

Having acquired a satisfactory number of items, it was about time to depart. The stage was set.

All he had to do now was wait for the predators to take the bait.

He knew the time frame of an imminent assault.

Hajoon then followed the attendant out of the VIP room, heading towards the upscale hotel he had reserved nearby.

It was 7 in the evening as the sun began to set.

In a hotel in Barbadon, an old man in a brown overcoat with streaks of white hair entered a room, saying, "Captain, I'm back."

However, the voice that emerged from the old man was not that of an old man's. It was distinctly a woman's voice.

Upon hearing this, a girl in a black leather jacket, who was sitting on the room's sofa focused in a card game, furrowed her brow and remarked, “Take off your disguise first, Millie. It's unsightly.”

Clearly displeased, the leader of the group, a girl named Lain, watched as Millie nonchalantly removed a mask from her face.

With a soft tearing sound, the mask of the old man was removed to reveal a blonde woman, her eyes and mouth lined with age. Looking at the discarded mask, she commented, "It's tough when I can't use the artifact or magic."

"It'd give you away if you used it," said a man from across the room, engaged in the card game with Lain. "Sometimes, the old ways are better, even if they're inconvenient."

This man's appearance was odd because his whole body, including his face, was transparent. If not for his brown fedora, round sunglasses, black gloves, jeans, and white t-shirt, it would've been impossible to detect his presence.

Millie, keeping her usual poker face, responded, "Turned invisible again, Hal? Having trouble controlling it like last time?"

The transparent man, Hal, chuckled at Millie's comment and replied, “No. It's just that the captain keeps dodging my gaze when we play.”

"Aren't you cheating by using your powers just to win a game?" Another man named Hakuse, also playing cards, remarked.

Hal, in turn, defended, "Well, we're gambling after all. And isn't the captain also cheating? How does she always avoid the thief card?"

"It's skill," Lain rebutted coldly, while sneakily peeking at Hal's cards through a reflection in a glass. The reflection signaled her – it's the second card from the right.

With a swift move, Lain evaded a tricky play, causing Hal to exclaim, "How do you always dodge it like a ghost!"

"Quiet, Hal."

"All right, all right. Enough games. Millie, did you find anything useful?" Hakuse asked as he began to shuffle his cards.

Grinning, Millie responded, "Plenty. But there are two pieces of good news and two pieces of bad news. Which do you want to hear first?"

"The good news."

"Of the six artifacts we marked, two people secured all of them. They seemed to have a keen eye."

"If those two secured all six, then we only need to target them, right?"

"Exactly. And they didn't wait for delivery. They took everything on the spot."

"They took it right there?"

"They probably don't trust Barbadon's delivery system. Remember the big mess we made last year?"

"So, what's the bad news?"

Lain asked in her calm voice.

Millie shared the final unsettling news with the trio.

"One of the two was in the VIP room."

"Hmm, that sounds a bit tricky."

"Any idea on their identity?"

"Obviously not. Why else would they wear masks that hide their identity? However, I did find out which hotel they're staying at. I've marked the items. It's riskier if done on people."

"So, what's the last piece of bad news?"

"It seems both are somehow connected to the president of the American Hero Association."

"What, the president? Does that mean they're heroes?"

Responding to Hakuse's question, Millie replied hesitantly,

"Well, my seat was right below the VIP room where seat number 1 was located. I'm not very attuned to sensing magic, but I didn't feel any from that person. If anything, it was the other one, number 32. 32 is definitely superhuman."

"So, one's a superhuman and the other's a wealthy man?"

"What's the plan, Captain?"

Hearing this, Lain, arms crossed, took a moment to think and then began laying out the strategy to the group.