
Name:The Ace Bodyguard Author:
Wang Xiao slipped away. Her father's expression was as if he wished he could take a big blade and hold it against his neck to force his to marry and have children.

"You brat, I haven't finished speaking. Where are you going?" Seeing that Wang Xiao was about to leave, Wang Ping stomped his feet in anger.

After walking out of the alley, Wang Xiao took a breath.

It felt good not to be by his father's side and not to be forced into marriage.

He finally understood how Yang Lei felt, how she was so anxious to fake her marriage, was all forced. At this time, Wang Xiao felt that she was in the same boat as Yang Lei.

However, compared to the Uncle Bo, his father's method of forcing him to marry was insignificant.


Just as Wang Xiao walked onto the street, the sound of brakes could be heard, and he turned around to look. It was a white Lexus with brakes parked behind him.

F * ck! Who was it?

Wang Xiao almost went into a rage. Who the hell was this? There were so many people on the street, yet the car was moving so fast. If there was any human life on the street, that would be the end of it.

Just as Wang Xiao was about to get angry, a beauty got off the carriage.

Xiao Ziye!

That's right, it was the police flower, Xiao Ziye.

Xiao Ziye's head of black hair was tied up on top of her head. She was wearing a light yellow long skirt and was as beautiful as an immortal. The only flaw was that her expression was ice-cold and emotionless.

Could it be that she wanted to kill him? That can't be. She shouldn't be so petty, right?

Perhaps because of what happened last time, Xiao Ziye couldn't think it through, and couldn't vent her anger.

The heck! They would really rather provoke despicable people than women, especially women like Xiao Ziye.

"Beauty Xiao, Officer Xiao, are you trying to kill me? If the past has caused you to be unhappy, I will apologize to you now. "

Wang Xiao apologized to Xiao Ziye. It was really dangerous to be targeted by such a ruthless beauty. If she really couldn't bear it, wouldn't she be dead meat?

Wang Xiao did not want to die.


Xiao Ziye disdained.

Wang Xiao continued: "Beautiful Police Officer, please be more careful in the future. It's fine if I die, but you are so beautiful. Isn't it a pity that you are wasting your youth in prison? "

Xiao Ziye's cold eyes swept across Wang Xiao, then asked: "Then what about my youth, should it not be considered a waste?"

"About this, of course it's to be dedicated to... to the nation, to society, to the people. "

Wang Xiao originally wanted to say that you should dedicate your youth to a man.

But he held back, and in the end he did not say it.

Because he was really worried, if Xiao Ziye exploded like a tigress, jumped on the car, and immediately increased the throttle, and crazily smashed towards him. Wouldn't that mean that there was no path to heaven and no way to hell?

"Do you think I'm here to take revenge on you?" Xiao Ziye asked.

Wang Xiao didn't say a word, and only looked at Xiao Ziye curiously.

Xiao Ziye continued: "Wang Xiao, you actually don't understand me at all. I'm not such a narrow-minded person."

"I know, Beauty Xiao, you have a 'big heart'."

These four words from Wang Xiao had a deeper meaning.

Xiao Ziye lowered her head to look at her chest. It was just that these words, coming from Wang Xiao's mouth, sounded extremely perverted.

Xiao Ziye had originally wanted to go berserk, but when she thought about the reason why she came, she smiled faintly at Wang Xiao. It was just that her smile was a bit forced and looked very fake.

"Wang Xiao, you misunderstood me. I came here today to invite you out for a meal."

Xiao Ziye's words shocked Wang Xiao, and he couldn't believe that it was true. How was this possible? How could Xiao Ziye have such good intentions?

"Could it be the Hongmen Family Banquet?" Wang Xiao asked.

"Of course not." Xiao Ziye tried her best to maintain her beautiful smile. She also didn't know how she managed to smile, or how she managed to maintain her smiling face.

"A weasel wishing a chicken a happy new year, he must be feeling uneasy." Wang Xiao firmly believed that there was no such thing as a free lunch in this world.

Xiao Ziye's face, which had originally been maintaining a smile on it, gradually froze. "If you want to go, go, if you don't want to go, then so be it.

After saying that, Xiao Ziye decided to drive away.

Wang Xiao hurriedly said, "Beautiful Ye, it's all my fault just now. You are a great beauty, treating me to a meal is thinking highly of me and giving me a huge amount of face."

"One word, are you going or not?" Xiao Ziye stopped and asked.

"Go, of course go. A ten-year boat ride, a hundred years sitting together, if I had cultivated any longer in my previous life, I would have been able to go with you …" Wang Xiao stopped and did not continue.

"There's no ivory in a dog's mouth." Xiao Ziye was too lazy to bullshit with Wang Xiao, so she opened the car door and let Wang Xiao in.

With regards to Xiao Ziye's transformation, Wang Xiao could not come to a conclusion no matter how he thought. What did this police flower want to do? Why did she want to spend it herself? Could it be that her plan had failed? She wanted to use another trick. Since she didn't dare to drive her car in the street and directly hit him, she had to use other methods.

Perhaps it was because he was worried too much.

But it was also possible that Wang Xiao had seen other news in the past. The female doctor killed her husband and then used a chemical to dissolve her husband's body.

The female doctor poisoned her husband, dumped his corpse in the wilderness and so on...

The more cultured and skilled a woman was, the more she had to be on guard. Especially for Beautiful Police Officer like Xiao Ziye, because of her position, she must have seen and seen a lot, and knew a lot about all kinds of methods to exterminate corpses.

The more he thought about it, the colder Wang Xiao felt. At this moment, the one sitting next to him did not seem to be Xiao Ziye, but rather the mother Yaksha who opened the black shop.

Xiao Ziye did not say a word, and concentrated on driving.

The woman driving the luxury car was very stylish and attracted the most attention to men. These words were indeed true, but the current Xiao Ziye had an extremely good temperament.

Although Ling Zhi Che could not be considered as one of the wealthy car series in Gui Country, he would still be worth around five to six hundred thousand.

Since Xiao Ziye did not want to speak, Wang Xiao also did not make a sound. Sitting in the car, he looked left and right.

"Be honest, don't look around." Xiao Ziye said in an ice-cold voice.

Wang Xiao thought, why are you in such a hurry?

However, Xiao Ziye was quite unlucky. Even if she was the leader, with the annual salary and bonus, her income would not exceed two hundred thousand a year. And this car would cost at least five to six hundred thousand yuan. In terms of normal expenses, it would take at least five to six years for people who were paid two hundred thousand yuan a year to buy five or six hundred thousand yuan worth of luxury cars.

Xiao Ziye bought such an expensive luxury car at such a young age, where did all this money come from?

There was no need to guess. This money was either her doing or her father's ill-gotten wealth. They were all the same hill without a single good thing. Many of them were now clamoring to serve the people, swearing an oath to the public.

But in the end, which one of them wasn't doing it for their own pockets, for their own future? However, these things happened all the time, so it wasn't strange. When a person lives in this world, no matter what, don't take it too seriously.

In a teahouse, Xiao Ziye parked her car in a courtyard house.

This teahouse was located in a remote area, but the environment was very good. Those who were unfamiliar with him would definitely not know that there was such a good place for him to go to. Along the way, Xiao Ziye was familiar with the road, so she must be extremely familiar with this place and should be a regular customer.

"Wang Xiao, you're still here. Drinking and eating is not good for your health, why don't I treat you to tea and some snacks? The tea and snacks here are all very good." Xiao Ziye's face was expressionless. She seemed to be asking for Wang Xiao's opinion, but in reality, she was not actually asking for Wang Xiao's opinion.

"Yeye, I have no objections. As long as we can sit together at the same table, and see you, I don't mind." As he spoke, Wang Xiao's eyes rolled down, frequently staring at Xiao Ziye's high ground, causing Xiao Ziye to feel uncomfortable from head to toe, to the point that she wanted to slap Wang Xiao.

This teahouse was not big, but it was not small either.

The courtyard was at least five or six hundred square meters, surrounded by buildings.

All of the buildings were made of wood and had two floors. This teahouse was simple and had a natural fragrance. It had an ancient charm to it. If one did not see the cars parked in the courtyard of the courtyard, one would suspect that this was a paradise.

"Let's go. Don't foolishly look around. Shame on me." Seeing Wang Xiao's curious expression, Xiao Ziye was shocked.

She felt that Wang Xiao was making a fool of himself, as if Grandma Liu had entered a big garden and couldn't tell north, south, east and west.

In the courtyard, strange flowers and plants were planted.

Especially those unknown plants, most of them did not fall from the leaves throughout the year.

Wang Xiao didn't have much research on flowers and plants, so he didn't know much.

Unless it was a Chinese medicine, he would not spend time researching flowers and plants if it wasn't a Chinese medicine.

After passing by a flower pond, he saw a middle-aged man. He wore a long white robe and held a birdcage in his hand. He was currently playing with the thrush bird. "This man was brimming with energy, standing like a pine tree and moving like the wind. He was definitely not a simple person. In any case, he was many times more powerful than those trash from the Brother Biao.

"Captain Xiao, long time no see."

When he saw Xiao Ziye, he greeted casually. His smiling expression made people feel fake, but it was also impeccable.

"Brother Huang, I haven't seen you in a long time. How have you been?" Xiao Ziye who was usually cold also revealed a smile at this moment.

Wang Xiao was a little curious towards this person called Brother Huang, just who was this person? Even the proud and arrogant Xiao Ziye had to reveal a smile in front of him. From this, it could be seen that this person was definitely a big shot, even Xiao Ziye had to give him some face.

But no matter who the hell it was, it didn't matter.

Brother Huang swept a glance at Wang Xiao, then asked: "This little brother looks unfamiliar."

"He's a friend of mine." Xiao Ziye said.

"Young people nowadays have great accomplishments." It was unknown if Brother Huang was truly praising Wang Xiao or was just being hypocritical, but it wasn't important.

After Xiao Ziye greeted Brother Huang, she brought Wang Xiao to the second floor. In the courtyard, other than the front entrance, the rest were all houses. There were four flights of stairs that led to different teahouses. Because the corridor was made of wood, it was easy to make noise when walking.

Wang Xiao followed behind Xiao Ziye and asked: "That Brother Huang, who was he?"

"I don't know." Xiao Ziye shook her head.

Maybe she didn't want to tell him, so since she didn't want to, Wang Xiao didn't want to ask either.

Xiao Ziye continued: "But I'm warning you, do not offend him. Although the people from the Huahai City aren't from the capital, the water here is still very deep, and there are many people that you can't afford to offend. "You might not even know when I'll put my life on the line."

Wang Xiao did not think so. Damn it, in this society, some people even came out to mess around, and called themselves as this brother, that brother. Actually, these birdmen weren't anything special. Normally, they appeared to be arrogant and flamboyant, but when they met an awesome opponent, they were still kneeling down and begging for forgiveness.

From Wang Xiao's eyes, Xiao Ziye saw an expression of arrogance.