Chapter 662 Jack Intercepts Kylon

Name:The Achievement Junkie Author:
Chapter 662 Jack Intercepts Kylon

All Flood Dragons were eyeing Jinbe with caution and anger, especially the dragon with a torn wing. But they were unable to add their opinion to Kylon’s as they awaited the next order.

Suddenly, a small flash of purple energy startled the Flood Dragons. It came and went as a new figure appeared atop the strange beast’s head. Then bright light momentarily blinded everyone until it quickly dimmed to offer everyone a better view of the area and the beast.

’Sorry for the trouble Jinbe caused. I take full responsibility for it and will kindly heal the damage he’s done.’

’Jack...’ Kylon sighed, half surprised and half disappointed. The only reason she hadn’t made a move to kill the creature was it’s incredible potential as a future deity. Only now, Kylon wished she had struck while she could.

Holy energy fell onto the most angered Flood Dragon, who was unwillingly healed by Jack. At the same time, Jack marveled at the wound and felt even more proud to have made Jinbe his companion. ’There, now we can part ways without any issues, right?’

’I take it you’ve already found Glacier Reef?’ questioned Kylon, forgetting what Jinbe had done.

’Maybe... maybe not... What’s it matter to you, Auntie Kylon?’

’I told you, don’t regard me as such...’ growled Kylon. ’Now, tell me where to find Glacier Reef.’New novel chapters are published at

’Why should I? After you corner my newest companion, you expect me to go along with whatever you say, auntie? I may be your nephew but the least you can do is ask nicely. And don’t think you’re high and mighty at lv. 98,’ Jack commented with a chuckle. ’Also, I didn’t expect your underlings to be so angsty...’

A forcibly silenced roar was heard and all eyes were now on the recently healed Flood Dragon, the same that was trying to stare holes into Jack’s head. That was until Jack held tightly onto the front side of the dragon’s throat with a cruel smile.

’How shall I deal with such a threatening glare, auntie? It was obvious that he was about to lash out,’ chuckled Jack, startling the lv. 90 Flood Dragons. ’Are they always this ignorant or is it because they’ve never seen me fight before? Perhaps I should show them what I’m capable of... What do you think, auntie?’

’Don’t call me that...’ sighed Kylon, unable to change the situation without forcing Jack into an all-out fight. But she knew Jack had to be up to something. ’What is it you’re after?’

’Jack, I can’t just--’

’Mom, we both know that you’ve got plenty of weight to throw around with the hydras. Stop worrying about disrupting their system and make it happen. Clearly, their system isn’t working too well given the segregation of powers, so why bother disrupting it?’

’But Jack... I don’t want them to--’

’We’ve already stated that you’re a god. Sure, many elders may take that for granted or don’t truly believe you, but all you need to do is prove it and they’ll have no choice but to submit. Isn’t that have the way of the wild works? The strongest is the one calling the shots?’ reasoned Jack, riddling Lunara’s argument with logic. ’Can I trust you to clear a path or should I just open a rift for them all right now?’

’No!’ Lunara stated, certain that would be far worse.

’Well, if you don’t act now and force them to clear a path, then a rift directly into Glacier Reef is the safest option despite the chaos it might cause. Otherwise, I’m not sure how many guards might be at risk against angered Flood Dragon gods.’

’... Fine...’

’Thank you, Mom! Love you!’

With the conversation over, Lunara let loose an extra-long sigh. Lina noticed this and asked, ’Mom, what’s wrong?’

’Lina... Don’t say anything and don’t act out. If someone makes a move on you, tell me and Jack right away,’ replied Lunara. ’Right now... let your mom take care of some business.’

’Are you finally going to do it?’


’What? You know you can’t get them to listen. So what took you so long?’

Sighing and chuckling at the same time, Lunara rubbed a head tenderly against Lina. ’You’re right, sweetie... Now watch Mommy and see how it’s done.’