Chapter 669 Sacred Fruits

Name:The Achievement Junkie Author:
Chapter 669 Sacred Fruits

’So... you’ve never managed to break through that ice?’ asked Jack, staring curiously at the iced-over, black roxite door at the bottom of the crystal clear lake.

Both Raztol and Wingreig shook their heads. The hydra head stated, ’Even when all elders, including myself, combined our strength to assault the icy barrier we failed to make a scratch.’

’That’s... incredible...’ Lunara sighed, imagining the amount of force the hydras could’ve created.

Noticing the wonder in Lunara’s eyes, Kylon asked, ’What do you mean by combined strength?’

’I guess a demonstration wouldn’t hurt...’ chuckled Raztol, glancing at Wingreig. ’Would you mind?’

’Of course not.’

Frosty energy instantly gathered around the two veteran hydras and they dashed into each other. They stunned most everyone as they merged into a larger, two-headed hydra body. Lunara was also taken aback by their frost body’s size, assuming it was much larger than expected due to Raztol being a factor and not just Wingreig.

The frost body then dove into the lake and rushed the ice over the door. With all their might, they turned themself into a herculean javelin of ice intent on destroying the world.

As the attack was repelled without causing a single scratch on the barrier, all present were in awe of the attack itself. All deities present understood one thing. That combined attack would be able to match that of a low-level deity despite the lack of divine energy. However, the energy the hydra veterans emitted was the purest and condensed energy they had ever felt from a mortal, only a step away from being divine.

Both hydras then jumped out of the water and separated with a hearty laugh.

’It’s been a while...’

Soon, Jack resumed eating his share of the fruits as everyone else did the same. He was the last to finish thanks to his moment of pause and thought but that didn’t matter to him in the slightest.

’Very well... Then let’s head back to our rooms.’ After picking another twenty off the tree, Jack neared the exit and smiled at Jinbe. ’Open wide!’

The Mantis Leviathan greedily opened his mouth as Jack hurled the twenty fruits directly into the beast’s maw. Jinbe then experienced the epitome of bliss as he ate his share in a single moment and not over the span of a few minutes.

As Jack hopped onto Jinbe’s head he asked, ’Do these fruits have a name?’

’No. We’ve only regarded them as the sacred fruits,’ answered Raztol.

’Okay... sacred fruits... Auntie Kylon, can we trust you--’

’Of course!’ Kylon shouted. ’We respect such treasures of nature, understanding what it’s like to lose such things. And don’t call me that!’

’Then we’ll see you tomorrow!’

Jack and Jinbe were the first to leave while Lunara and Lina began to trot toward the exit along with Raztol and Wingreig. ’Thank you for understanding, Kylon. It means a lot to me.’

’Of course... Lunara...’

All hydras then left, leaving the eight Flood Dragons alone outside of Glacier Keep. At this moment, most of the dragons no longer hid their conflicted feelings from one another.

’Give me some space...’ Kylon sighed, walking slowly to the opposite shore of the lake.

Once there, a nervous, sorrowful frown crept onto Kylon’s face. She cast silence and took out a contact crystal. After a few minutes, Kylon forced herself to speak, "Halmut... Are you--"

"Finally!" roared the Sun Dragon. "Have you reached Glacier Reef? How many hydras are there and how many managed to get away?"