Chapter 731 - Jack Joins the Enterprise

Name:The Achievement Junkie Author:
Chapter 731 - Jack Joins the Enterprise

"That’s what I was thinking!"

"Oh, you too, Oli?" Silas chuckled.

Nodding, Oli asked, "Yeah, I do. That’s why I’d like to ask you about my next assignment. Would you mind if I spend it guarding Jack?"

"Is this to strengthen the enterprise or to give you a chance to use the nexus?" laughed Silas. "Jack would need to--"

"Jack already agreed to let me use it."

"But we still need to form the pact," Jack mentioned. "Without that--"

Oli spoke up again, glancing at Silas, "Well, I can’t fulfill my end of that promise unless Silas agrees to reassign me. Also, it would strengthen the enterprise while I gained access to the nexus, allowing Jack a guaranteed chance at early survival while letting me become a four-star. That’s a win-win!"

"Fine... I can find someone else for your former assignment," Silas gave in with a nod. "But only if Jack is alright with joining the enterprise."

"Hmm... I’m not sure--"

"Jack," Daruun cut in with a grin, "If you want to join the enterprise, you could eventually take my current role. You would become District 14’s ambassador of the Resolute Enterprise and would oversee the security of the district while also gathering intel for the enterprise. Given time, I believe you and your hand-selected party members would be more than capable of that with the addition of a few others, like Perchet, Eedaj, and Oosam for example."

"Then... I’d be in charge of espionage and information gathering?" Jack asked Silas.

"I’m alright with that, but only once Karronteel finished his proper training," agreed Dominus.

"Then I want to ask a few others but I’m sorry we haven’t discussed this before now..." Jack sighed, turning to the gods. "I agree that Eedaj, Perchet, and Oosam would be amazing additions, but I also want to ask Sillo if he’d like to join because his plethora of energy types allows for a lot of versatility."

"I..." Taken aback, Sillo needed a second to respond. "I’m honored by the thought but--"

"Take out the corpses," mentioned Daruun with a smile. "We’ll revive them now and let them decide for themselves what they wish to do."

Jack added, "And Duorda would be included along with Sybin, should she be willing to join."

As the corpses of the fallen legendary gods were retrieved and placed at the center of the room, Sillo opened his mouth but failed to say something. Everyone then watched Duorda step forward and use his living miasma to pour life back into the many corpses. One-by-one, the fallen opened their eyes and sat up. Relief washed over them as they noticed the strange grouping of gods around them and the lack of in-fighting.

"Sybin!" Sillo leaped forward to embrace his sister, who struggled to believe the reality she was feeling.

"It’s better now, right?" Duorda asked in a matter of fact way.

Sybin nodded. "Yeah... it is."

"I know you’ve all just been revived, but I have a proposition for some of you," Jack continued. "Oosam, Sillo, would you two be willing to join Perchet, Eedaj, and Sybin to work for me indefinitely? It would involve getting stronger than your wildest imagination and working for one of the strongest organizations in the entire known universe."

"Sure! So long as no contract is involved!" laughed Oosam, getting everyone to break out in laughter.

"Same... I’m willing if I can learn more," Sybin stated, showing a serious face but a startled gaze.

"What about us?"

Jack looked to the side, watching Lyrun rise to his feet and stand with Torian and Grixor. The hero smiled and sighed but followed his gut, glancing at Sterfen in search of a response.