The Giant Forest, Rudoa, located in the empire's most northern region.
"The undead dragon's 3-minute cooking~!
First we start with~ the bittersweet taste of rotten flesh! ♬
Here's the corpse of a dragon♪" a man sang. He wore a black suit and a silk hat, and as he raised his right hand, the lovely corpse of a blue-scaled dragon, several dozen meters in length, spilled out from the ground.
"Add salt, pepper, and a pinch of sugar to the corpse♩"
The man took out several spices from his pocket and sprinkled them over the corpse.
"Boil at 100 degrees♪"
A poisonous-looking purple liquid enveloped the dragon's body and soon began to boil.
"Oh scary, scary ♬ Don't worry, those insects can't stand up to the 10,000 undead and this undead dragon. Those pieces of trash will poke their heads out without a doubt."
"And if they don't?"
"U~mm. Maybe I'll have the empire destroyed♡"
"Fine. You've gone out of your way to move me. If you fail my expectations, then---" the black-haired man disappeared before finishing his sentence.
"Now, everyone~, it's time to wake up! You're hungry, right? Absolutely ravenous, right? While you gobble this up... And, forward! And, forward!"
From the surroundings of the black-haired man with a silk hat, the undead dragon and dozens of skeletons, zombies, and liches crawled out.
The myriad of undead formed a file and marched south into the forest.
[1] Here's a wiki article about this sound if you're not familiar already.