133 Lesson 11: The Treatment of Humiliation, Mia Curros.

Sunset light pierces the atmosphere like a golden arrow over Mia's head as she drops her shoulders.

Going down an unpopular mountain path from the G-class grounds where Dr. Syllabe had his classes, he finally got out in front of the school building of the Institute of Magic Knights.

The student dormitory of the Knight of Magic College is located in a vast section next to the school building, lined with a number of luxurious buildings.

The dilapidated three-story mansion at the back of this section, which is still likely to collapse, is a student dormitory assigned to Class G, where Mia and the others will be sleeping at the Demonic Knights College.

(Now that I can control it properly, I couldn't even activate it...)

Tears blur my clear vision at so much remorse.

I'm pretty sure I let you down, too, from what Dr. Syllabe pushed away earlier. Mia is virtually doomed if abandoned by him here.

(You can never go to school!

Mia is the head of the Curros family - a child born between the younger brother of Bail Curros and the daughter of a lower aristocrat. My father was so weak that he couldn't resist his older brothers, Bayle and the others. Still, he was feeding Mia and my mother as part of the Curos family.

The prestigious Imperial Academy of Demonic Knights and Bi-perfection - School life at Rose School Elementary and casual days with my father and mother were boring, but I do think Mia felt happy.

The collapse of that happiness is still clearly remembered. This is the first magic internship in the school. Initially Mia activated magic earlier than the other students, and expectations had been gathered from the Curos family.

But no matter how many times we did just magic control, we didn't improve. Mia could never even fly [Fireball] straight as the other kids of her generation earned one basic magic after another.

Magic control doesn't work. This shortcoming for Mia at the time was only trivial, but the Curros did not think so.

The famous Curos family of the Gatekeeper aristocrats value their lineage as the most honorable. And magic, especially attack magic, is one of the most important preoccupations supporting noble authority. Knowing the fact that, in its attack magic, one of the key factors, control, was ineffective, the Curros family went to eliminate Mia and her mother.

Perhaps we cannot admit as culos the inferior blood that even the basic magic [Fireball "Fireball"] cannot be unleashed on Loc. I think that was the reason for that crap.

Beil Curros presses me to abandon Mia and her mother and whether she will remain in the clan or be separated from the clan, and my father chooses the former.

As a result, Mia and her mother are given a small sum of money and evicted from the Curos family. I guess I was afraid of the cold treatment from the Curos family. My mother's home proposes to come back to my mother on condition that Mia be deposited in the church, but my mother will solidify it. And my mother and Mia get completely lost on the street. Immediately run out of money, etc. Apply for monetary aid, but for fear of trouble with the Curos family, no one lent it to me. Naturally, it meant ruin in a sense to be able to face the Curos family, which has unusual economic power, force and power.

Initially, even if she lived in with Mia and worked as a housekeeper at a luxury house in Imperial Capital, her mother, who was originally boxed and weak, breaks her body due to unfamiliar household stress. It's all Mia's fault my mother suffers. At this time, Mia was just pitiful and unforgivable for her helplessness.

Mia and her parents and children can reach out from the unexpected when even the house they live in was lost and they were in a beggar-like state on the side of the road for weeks.

The Ronald Rose Archive and Alan Krueger went through. Both of them used to be in the same class at Rose School Elementary, and knew about their faces.

Having said that, Ronald and Alan are popular in the school and always central figures in the class. Mia, by contrast, is plain and discreet. I never even had one of the conversations. So even when it comes to first meeting, it's not an exaggeration.

Both Ronaldo and his clothes and their elegant atmosphere remain in old memories. It contrasted too much with what I now look like, and I felt mighty miserable. To Mia, desperately posing as someone else, Ronald said, 'You're the kid in the same class, aren't you?' And I've been pushing just in case. Mia doesn't remember what an answer she gave at this time, but on this day at the border, my mother and Mia will be temporarily protected by the Duke of Kruger's house.

For a few days, after living, the head of the Kruger family - Horus Kruger - called Mia to the office and told her:

"I loathe incompetence and waste. I'm not going to do any more charity. Normally, it's not worth anything. It makes sense to leave you parents and children alone. But please. You had the gift of overturning my assessment."

Apparently, a magic test of anything found that Mia usually contained dozens of times more magic than a person.

And Horus Krueger offers to replace Mia's mother's medical and medical expenses on certain terms.

The condition is to graduate from the Demon Guided Knights College and enlist in the Imperial Regular Army. If this condition is fulfilled, I will waive all costs of treatment and maintenance for my mother. When, by contrast, conditions become inconclusive, Mia owes a lot and is thrown out on that miserable and cold street with her mother.

In short, if Mia is expelled from the Demonic Knights College, her mother's death will be definitive.

So Mia lived in the Kruger family and worked hard every day with Ronald and Alan to refine her magic training.

Finally, the exam for the Instructional Knight College begins. I did scattered research with Ronaldo and the others about the exam, and Mia can use the magic of physical enhancement that has nothing to do with control better than others. Basics, the College of Magic Knights is prowess. I was confident that I would pass.

The Curos family seems to be at the centre of the public fuss, but Mia is already insulated from the Curos family. I didn't think it had much to do with it.

I meet a strange boy when I suppress my nervousness and go to the exam grounds for a discipline exam at the Knight of Magic College.

When all the students were desperately making their last ascension, the boy was looking outside with his cheek cane on.

All the students here are putting their lives into taking this exam for the Knights of Magic College. So I remembered the intense doubt and dissatisfaction in his too spare appearance, and asked, 'You, much, much more spare'.

Neither from his words, which answers only 'What do you think', does the impending atmosphere, like that of other students, feel fine dust. Not many people do not intend to pass and take the School of Magic Instruction. So his first impression was about an unusual boy.

That rating changed clearly because Ronald and Alan, two of whom were remarkably excited after the exam, repeatedly asked me about him.

The blonde boy apparently led Ronald and Alan and the others through the exam and into passing. That's not all. In the short time I took the exam, I taught Ronaldo and the others some magical improvements.

If you have all that strength, you don't have to graduate from the Knights College of Magic Instruction or anything, but you don't have a problem getting a job. Instead, every force should desperately try to secure it.

So, at the time of the acceptance announcement, he knew he was a class S professor and was oddly convinced.

As much as I doubted the existence of the spell, Curros' name pulled Mia's leg to the point. Earlier, the undead raid turned out to be more of a conspiracy of Bail Curros with his enemies. In fact, the title of the Curos family is stripped. Become a civilian.

That's fine if that's all. Because I only counted enough that I had benefited from being from aristocracy.

The essence of this lies in the fact that Mia has been put up with a rettel called a clan of imperial traitors.

Thanks to the particularly harsh stirring by the Gatekeeper nobles who were supposed to have been compatriots, they were to receive hatred throughout the empire from those who lost relatives in earlier wars. Those with the name of Curos are now made to curse and even stone just by walking in the city.

Mia has no great awareness of being a Curros family. But Mia's real name has been disclosed in that class announcement.

As Mia entered the dorm grounds, her gaze simultaneously concentrated and one word of contempt came into her ear after another.

"Look, that kid, the backcutter's -"

"Oh, you're from a family of scumbags who became a guru with that seemingly unbrave man and disparaged their country! I've been scattering all I want! What are you doing here?

"You don't care. I wish the government wasn't just stripping me of my title, but confiscating all my property!

Do something on your own! You don't even know what Mia and her parents and children were seeing!!

"Well, you must be a little more patient. Which way is the cockroach class? You'll be expelled soon."

To the words of a dark-haired boy as if he could forgive, he bites so hard that he crushes his back teeth. Mia's expulsion is directly linked to her mother's death. I can never forgive this statement alone.

Therefore, his legs had naturally stopped and stared at the source of the voices he had uttered.

"The child of the backcutter is staring!

"Hurry up and get to the mansion!!"

A shock runs on the back of his head and a spark scatters in front of him. Numb raw warm, bright red liquid adheres when touched with your right hand by the dull pain that occurs on your head. When you look at your feet, the stones rolling on the ground.

I knew it. Knowing the name of Curros in this empire now is enough to suit a similar eye wherever you are. Still, I didn't want to lose to such a hard-won coward alone.


"So don't look at it with your filthy eyes!!"

"You national thief!

"You cowardly clan!!"

More stone debris released simultaneously. Mia's muscle strength is not that high without using the magic of physical strengthening. It is just impossible to avoid all this rubble. Still, I couldn't stand myself to be beaten.

On the verge of the stone debris reaching Mia, they unnaturally stop all in the air and fall to the ground.

"Mia, are you okay?

A masked boy nestled to shelter Mia when he noticed.


Teacher Syrabe gently strokes Mia's head and looks over at the surrounding students gleefully.

"Who, you!?"

Short-haired boy gets stuffed when he frowns and highs sharply.

"Then, fool, I would have sat in the corner of sandalwood yesterday. He's a professor!?"

One of the boys next door hastily grabbed that shoulder and stopped it.

"More than that, how did you prevent the stone now?

to the voice of a bossy squealing female student,

"No way, chant discard?

"Seriously, I've never seen it before!

neglect, the surroundings are filled with words of curiosity.

"Hmm, I didn't think this was the gapy annoying nasty Monkey Mountain. Mia, you will be escorted to your dorm in the future."

The teacher gazed at her shoulders and sighed loudly as she watched the same thing, pulling Mia's hand and walking out with Stasta.


the students. A young man with golden hair all-back appeared,

"Dr. Syllabe, you can't have seen what I'm saying!

Raise your voice.

"What about you?

Teacher Syllabe looks back over her shoulder in annoyance.

"I hold the A-Class position - Lennox Laflaris. More importantly, rambling the students, let's hope they withdraw!

"Huh? A nasty beast like throwing stones at the same student would be enough for a monkey, wouldn't it? Different?

To Dr. Syllabe's insulting words, a peripheral atmosphere that gets dangerous. Lennox, a blonde professor, glared at his face,

"Is what Dr. Syllabe said true?

Question the students.

"Lie. She just fell on her own."

Even as she scratches up her long golden hair, the tight-eyed girl assures me.

"See, that's what my students say. Aren't you ashamed as a professor to state falsehood!?"

They're coming down.

For the first time, the teacher throws up so many disgusting words that he walks out to the dorm.

Ignoring such curses as spinning simultaneously, the teacher and Mia head to a G-class dorm.