After reporting to the Knights, I was invited by Laius to a meeting for tomorrow.

Laius and his party, Chariot, own their own carriage, albeit a small one.

In Ibouro, they are often asked to take down monsters such as orcs, and it is said that they need it to bring back their prey.

Inside the wagon are crates containing weapons, equipment, and camp supplies, which are used as chairs or tables.

Surrounding Chariot’s wagon were members of Jill’s party, the Bored Men, another party, Raging, and Kirtland.

It seems that Chariot thinks that they are lacking to take down the Bronze Wolf alone, so they decided to form a joint front.

When I was wondering where to join the people who were in a circle, I was beckoned by Serge.

“Here is the support role, the rear guards.” (Serge)

Kirtland sits next to Serge.

When they were attacked by the Bronze Wolf, he was so flustered that he couldn’t even fire a shot, but it looks like he uses a bow.

After confirming that I had joined the group, Jill began the conversation.

“Tomorrow, we will have Laius and the others join us in pursuit of the Bronze Wolf. Based on its movements so far, it’s more likely it’ll go around to the west of the village. Nyango, wasn’t it? What are the mountains to the west like?” (Jill)

“The trees around the village are basically of the same species, but the mountains to the west are more developed and have better visibility than the rest of the village because it’s the area of our charcoal production. Also, the slopes are relatively gentle in many places there.” (Nyango)

“I see. It seems easier to fight there than in other places.” (Jill)

“Yes, and the wind blows from the west most days this time of year, so when you climb from the foot, you will be on the downwind side.” (Nyango)

“That’s convenient.” (Jill)

Jill seems satisfied with my answer.

“What’s the strategy, Laius?” (Jill)

“Nyango will be our guide tomorrow, and we will search the mountain to the west, but as you can see, it is a big mountain. We will divide the team into three, spread out but enough, that we can see each other, and climb up from the foot.” (Laius)

The teams were to be divided into three groups: the Chariot trio and me in the center, the Bored Men with Kirtland on the right, and Raising on the left.

“The key to the operation is Gad and the shield-users. You have to stop the first rush.” (Laius)

“I don’t need to be told. I’ll take care of it.” (Gad)

As Gad slapped his thick breastplate, the Bored Men and the Raging shield-users slapped their breastplates and clenched their fists as well.

I thought that Gad’s physical strength would be tremendous because he could stop that Bronze Wolf’s blow, but Serge told me the reason.

“Gad and the other shield-users are of the earth attribute and are a group of strong people. They use earth magic to anchor themselves on the earth and hold off the enemy’s attacks.” (Serge)

Because they use earth magic, they can stand their ground even in places where the foothold is unstable, and as a result, they can defend against powerful blows.

But no matter how well you can stand your ground, it’s no good if your strength is weak.

A catkin like me would have been mowed down leaving my hardened legs.

I deployed a shield made of void magic in front of its nose to stop it from rushing forward, but I doubt that it would have prevented a claw strike.

“The shield Gad uses is specially made, not only hard but also flexible. It’s hard to tell with our punching and kicking, but when hit by the Bronze Wolf’s attack, you can definitely see the flexing. If not, he won’t be able to take it.” (Serge)

“I see… flexible.” (Nyango)

The first thing Serge said reminded me of something I’d forgotten.

If it is simply hard, it will become brittle, but if you increase its flexibility, it will become harder to break.

If a thick rubber-like material is placed on the surface of a hard shield, it would be possible to make an unbreakable shield.

Even if it were to break, the power would be greatly reduced.

Having finished instructing the shield users, Laius turned to the attackers.

“The attackers will take advantage of the opening and aim for Bronze Wolf’s back. As you know, the fur of the Bronze Wolf is hard, and attacks perpendicular to the fur line are almost impenetrable. The only way to attack effectively is to go past the fur and let the tip of the blade go under the fur.” (Laius)

If the attack is made from diagonally backward or from the underside, the skin under the fur is not as tough as those above.

However, the bronze wolf also knows its weak point, so it is difficult for one to enter from the rear or underside.

“And no matter how hard its fur is, it is not immune to fire. Fire-attribute attack magic is effective. However, there is a danger of causing wildfires with attacks such as flame bombs. The attacker must be very careful.” (Laius)

I know I’m being a bit pretentious in my thoughts, but to summarize the strategy, it’s simple: find it, surround it, and beat it to a pulp.

It feels like it could use a little more planning.

“That’s all for the strategy, but do you have any questions?” (Laius)

I boldly raised my hand and asked.

“Um…Isn’t it better to kill monsters like orcs and use them as bait to lure it in?” (Nyango)

“Oh, it would be easier if we could use that method, but Bronze Wolves only eat live prey. If it’s live prey, it’s possible, but there are plenty of live prey here, aren’t there?” (Laius)

“Oh… I see.” (Nyango)

The search for the Bronze Wolf seems to have the intention of searching for it and at the same time luring it with us as bait.

Heck, if there was such a danger, I should have paid more as the guide.

“Nyango, I plan to leave tomorrow at about the same time as today, so please be prepared for that.” (Laius)

“I understand. The meeting place is here, is that correct?” (Nyango)

“Yes, that’s right. Is there anyone who has any other questions? If not, we’ll have dinner too. Oh, shoot…” (Laius)

“What’s wrong, Laius?” (Nyango)

Laius put his hand on his forehead, and Jill asked worriedly.

“I’ve used Nyango as our guide, so there will be no grilled Forest Mouse today…” (Laius)

A burst of laughter erupted from the group.

Some of them knew that I had been grilling and selling Forest Mouse and fish until yesterday.

“I should have killed a bird or two while we were out scouting…” (Serge)

With Serge’s skill, it would have been easy to shoot down a bird in flight.

I was thinking of going back to the house to eat, but I was invited to eat here.

The three-party dinner was a kind of stew made in two large pots.

One pot is salty and the other is tomato-flavored, and the ingredients brought in are sorted according to which one tastes better.

For example, dried meat is cooked in a pot with salt, while dried sausage, similar to salami, is cooked in a pot with tomatoes.

This, along with hard black bread and sake, is the typical dinner for adventurers.

I was given a tomato-flavored stew and a thick slice of black bread.

“Yummy, it’s hot but yummy!” (Nyango)

“The bread is hard, so soak it in the soup and eat it.” (Laius)

“I see… it’s hot, but it’s very delicious!” (Nyango)

The sourness of the tomatoes matched the sweetness of the fat from the dried sausages, and the stew was even better than I had expected.

“Here, eat this too, you can eat this one too.” (Serge)

“Thank you.” (Nyango)

As I struggled with the heat of the stew, Serge brought me some chunks of cheese and roasted potatoes as well.

“What, are you full already?” (Serge)

“Well. Why are you serving me so much…?” (Nyango)

“I’ve already decided, Nyango, because you showed me something. You may still be inexperienced yet, but you have the makings of a good adventurer.” (Serge)

“What……?” (Nyango)

“Yes, I’m sure of it. I saw you burn the crotch of the Bronze Wolf, and I was convinced.” (Serge)

“It was accidental. I was looking for the weakest spot on the spur of the moment…” (Nyango)

“Maybe it was a coincidence, but you found the weakest spot in that situation and attacked it precisely. That Bronze Wolf screamed and ran away, you should be more confident.” (Serge)

The adventurers sitting around the table gathered their gazes as they heard Serge’s words.

“Mr. Serge, is Nyanko really that useful?” (Adventurer)

“It’s not Nyanko, it’s Nyango. Oops, Teodoro, it’s no good trying to get him into Raging. It depends on how well you do from tomorrow onwards, but Chariot scouted him first.” (Serge)

“Heh, that much…” (Adventurer => Teodoro)

Teodoro, who spoke to Serge, is a leopardkin adventurer and the leader of the Raging.

“We are short on firepower, so we need as many young, passionate guys as we can get. Besides, it’s up to them to choose where they want to join. Nyango, if you’re going to be an adventurer in Ibouro, you should consider joining Raging.” (Teodoro)

“Teodoro, scouting for newcomers is fine, but make sure you take good care of the young guys at your place.” (Jill)

“Of course. Our family is still growing.” (Teodoro)

Teodoro was called away by Jill, and Serge gave a small click of his tongue.

“Adventurers are more or less ambitious… Nyango, but if you’re going to be an adventurer in Ibouro, watch out for Teodoro and the others.” (Serge)

“Why?” (Nyango)

“Because their ways are a bit pushy, and they have a lot of enemies. Jill is very caring, so he’s taking care of Teodoro and the others…” (Serge)

Serge wrinkles his brow as he follows Teodoro with his eyes.

I’m getting a little worried about whether the joint operation starting tomorrow will go well.