Chapter 60: The Favor

Chapter 60: The Favor

Hokage office - A few minutes ago.

Kensei and Hiruzen were discussing the current affairs of the Leaf village. Since what was going to be discussed was issues of a sensitive nature, the Hokage had already dismissed his Anbu and personal guards hidden in the room before Kensei and Daichi came.

They talked about the various ongoing events in the village and throughout the 5 great nations. And their talks were winding down. They had a disagreement at the end of their conversation regarding someone.

"I suppose only time will tell us who is right." Hiruzen sighed and leaned back in his chair.

Kensei merely grunted.

"I believe we've given Daichi enough time to make a decision. Why don't you call him in!"

Kensei left the room and walked towards Daichi. "Have you made a decision?" He asked the boy when he reached him.

Daichi nodded. "I have. But before we go inside... I want to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"The thing is, during your time away a few weeks ago, I sorta went through some of the scrolls and books in your library." Daichi said with a sheepish smile.

"Well I didn't exactly forbid you from going through them So I don't see a problem with it But what does that have to do with the Hokage?" Kensei was confused as to why his grandson was asking that.

"Does he know you research jutsu?" Daichi asked his grandpa.

"He does. I was A former Anbu captain. Ninjutsu and Genjutsu were my specialties. He knows I try to study any interesting techniques that appeal to me That's not a problem. Most ninjas who are smart and capable do it. It's not a crime...Well not unless you do something illegal Again, I don't understand why this has anything to do with your current predicament."

"You'll see." Daichi only smiled at him and they both went to meet the Hokage.

"So have you made a decision Daichi?" The Hokage asked.

"I have lord Hokage. I'll stay with my class."

"Thank you Daichi." Watching Hiruzen smile, Daichi decided to put his plan into action.

"Lord Hokage About that favor. Can I ask for it now?"

"Do you already have something in mind?"

"Yes sir."

"Let's hear it. You've piqued my interest." Hiruzen slightly leaned forward and looked at the boy.

Daichi took a small breath and continued. His Gamer's Mind doing an excellent job of keeping him calm and focused.

"You see, the thing is, I'm interested in creating Ninjutsu. I want to focus on that field with Taijutsu as secondary. So recently I've been looking into some advanced chakra control exercises. And I came across two advanced chakra control exercises required for me to pursue my field of interest."

Hiruzen was amazed when he heard Daichi. The fact that a second year academy student would be studying such subjects was very very rare.

"You're talking about change in chakra form and change in chakra nature techniques aren't you?" The kage wanted to confirm it.

"Yes sir." Daichi nodded.

"Daichi. I know you're talented but those are advanced stuff. It would take years to learn, understand and master those chakra control exercises." Hiruzen advised the boy.

"I'm aware of that lord Hokage. But I would like to give it a try."

Hearing Daichi's response, Hiruzen sighed. 'He's talented but it looks like it's getting to his head. If he starts on those techniques now, it might impede his growth.'

"It seems you've figured out most of the jutsu. So what's the favor you want." Hiruzen spoke once Daichi finished his explanation.

"On my own I'll be able to figure out how to learn the jutsu and I will. But it will take me time. Time I could spend on other subjects. So it would help me a lot if you know any training methods to master the Rasengan at a faster rate." Daichi asked politely and kept a calm face.

Hiruzen looked at the boy for several seconds and then sighed.

[Reputation increases with Hiruzen Sarutobi.]

Daichi saw the notification and became excited but he kept a cool face.

"I suppose I do owe you a favor don't I?... Alright. It would be beneficial if you had something challenging to keep you occupied during your time in the academy" The Hokage looked at Daichi and became serious.

"The fourth Hokage, after creating the jutsu, invented training methods to make learning the Rasengan easier. I'll tell you those methods on two conditions. You must not break those conditions under any circumstances. Do you understand?"

Looking at the serious face of the Hokage, Daichi quickly nodded.

"Yes sir. You have my word." He quickly replied.

Hiruzen merely grunted.

"The first condition. You must never tell anyone else about the information and secrets you've learned about the Rasengan. No other party must get access to this jutsu, especially an outsider or a foreign ninja. In the wrong hands this jutsu is capable of great death and destruction. So tell no one. Not even your peers. The only people that are exempt from this condition are Kakashi Hatake and Jiraiya. Remember those names."

Seeing Daichi nod, the Hokage slightly relaxed and smiled. "The second condition is When you master the Rasengan, you come and show me. If you do in fact master the Rasengan by the time your next semester ends, then I'll give you some beginner change in chakra nature control techniques Deal?"

Daichi's eyes widened as he heard the offer. He didn't hesitate a second and agreed. "Yes sir. It's a deal. And I'll have this jutsu mastered by the end of October."

"I look forward to it." Hiruzen smiled at the boy. 'His eagerness to learn. His intellect and ability to analyze a jutsu. He reminds me a lot of myself.'

"Now, listen carefully. There are 3 steps to mastering the Rasengan"

Hiruzen began his explanation and told Daichi of the training methods. It was the methods Jiraiya showed Naruto during their search for Tsunade.

'Popping the water balloon for mastering rotation, destroying a rubber ball for power and maintaining a balloon without it blowing up It seems the training is the same as the ones I know. Good' Daichi thought to himself.

The meeting between the three soon came to an end. Daichi left the office in a much happier mood.

'When I thought of this plan, I was banking on my Charisma stat and good will with the Hokage on making this work. I had a feeling that my Charisma stat would influence his decision. And I was right. Now not only do I get the Rasengan but also some control techniques from the Hokage if I master the jutsu in about 7 months. That will be far too easy with my Gamer's Body. What an ultimate cheat.'

Daichi then thought about the real reason he asked for the Rasengan.

'I could have learned the Rasengan in secret and asked for any other favor. And if I had to reveal it, then when asked I could have just said that I figured it out on my own based on the old man's notes But this was the right choice The Uchiha massacre will happen soon and I see no way to stop it from happening. I'm just an academy student with no real power. If I do anything in regards to the clan then, Itachi, Obito, Fugaku, Hiruzen, Danzo and Zetsu will be after me. I'm not ready to deal with them. If I interfere then the outcome will most certainly be my death and the destruction of the clan will still happen. That is their inescapable fate The coup is already set in motion. Or at least that should be the case. There are too many powerful people involved in this'

'The outcome of the clan is inevitable Once the massacre happens there will be friction between the Hokage and Danzo. And if I prove that my talent is greater than the rest then Hiruzen will no doubt want to make sure I don't end up in Danzo's hands. The Hokage is a valuable shield that will protect me from the root leader. Learning the Rasengan is an important part of achieving that. Not only that, staying with my year has one other advantage as well.'

"What are you thinking so hard about, kid?" The voice of his grandfather reached Daichi's ears.

Daichi lightly smirked. "Move your enemies. But do not let them dictate your moves Isn't that what you once told me, Gramps?"

"Hmm! True! I did say that. I also remember saying 'you also shouldn't underestimate your opponents'..."

"Don't worry. I'm cautious. I always am."

Kensei didn't say anything else and kept walking. Daichi had a calculating glint in his eyes as he looked at the people around him.

'They think I'm a genius but the truth is I'm just an ordinary guy who possesses the world's greatest advantages. Future knowledge and my greatest asset - A powerful Gamer System. I so do love the Gamer's ability.'

Daichi internally smirked as he walked down the road with his grandfather.

'You are right Sun Tzu. Opportunities multiply as they are seized.'