Chapter 110: 4th Year End

Chapter 110: 4th Year End

Daichi and 7 shadow clones stood on the stone bridge. All of them were still and the only noise that could be heard was the sound of the raging waterfall. The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

The next second all of them thrust their palm as one and expelled their chakra. The water falling in front of them was quickly stopped and it stayed that way.

[Skill Water - Waterfall Control technique's level has risen by one.]

[Congratulations. You have successfully trained a skill to its highest level.]

500 Exp.

75 Exp.

Daichi opened the skill list and checked the results.

[Water - Waterfall Control technique - (Active/Passive)(LV. MAX):An advanced water chakra affinity training skill obtained through continuously focusing the chakra to control the flow of water. An advanced technique to help the user increase the control and strength of their water nature chakra.]

[Note: Increasing the level of this skill will increase the level of the skill 'Water Affinity.']


200% Increase in Water Chakra control.

300% Increase in power of Water Chakra nature.

[CP cost : 18/sec.]

'Hmm It's the same ratio as my fire affinity Still, not bad. Three natures down, 2 to go.'

January 29.

"Happy Birthday Reo" Aiko held Reo in her arms as the small child blew on the two candles on her birthday cake. The Matron and the children were having a small celebration and Daichi was hanging in the back of the crowd. He had a smile on his face as he watched the small child try to blow out the candles.

It was Reo's second birthday and Daichi made sure to not miss it since he'll be away from the village for the next few years. Daichi made sure to bring candies for everyone and a gift for the child. By the time the celebrations were over, the sun was already setting. Jozu took the child from Aiko and took little Reo to her room while Daichi and Aiko headed to her office.

"She seems happy." Daichi spoke.

"Yes. Despite being an orphan she's happy here. But then again she's only 2 years old." Aiko spoke as she sat down behind her desk.

"Why don't you spend more time with her?" Aiko asked Daichi.

Daichi shook his head. "It's not the right time"

Aiko didn't pressure the boy. She knew this was new territory for him as well. "When the time comes she'll be happy to learn who you are"

Daichi nodded and both of them entered a comfortable silence. Aiko had a smile as she looked at the boy in front of her. She knew Daichi had a good heart. She was happy that Reo had someone like him looking out for her.

There was another matter Daichi needed to discuss with the Matron. "I'll be leaving the village with gramps at the end of March."

Aiko was surprised when she heard that. "Why? What about your studies at the academy?"

"Gramps wants me to learn about his business operations in the capital and I'll have an instructor assess me at the end of each year. I'll be back by graduation time." Daichi replied.

"I see You're going to miss her aren't you." Aiko asked, knowing the answer.

Daichi merely nodded. He then took out a scroll and handed it to the matron. "This is from Gramps. It's for Reo's expenses and for the orphanage."

Aiko nodded, took the scroll and placed it inside her desk.

Both of them talked about various things and after some time Daichi left the place. He reached his home and saw Kensei on the porch waiting for him.

"How is Reo?"

"Happy considering her circumstances."

Kensei nodded.

"I gave Miss Aiko some of the money Ren trusted me with and I've added some of mine to the pile as well. Told her it was all from you." Daichi told him as he sat down on the porch. "Now no one would be able to use lack of money as leverage against her."

The old man shook his head in agreement. "It would be an extreme situation but"

"Always be prepared. I know." Daichi finished Kensei's sentence.

Both of them watched the sun disappear and then went inside the house.


The final exams at the academy concluded. Daichi and the future Rookies minus Sasuke were hanging out in their usual place.

"Oh man, I didn't do too well on the tests this time. My mom's not gonna be happy." Kiba spoke while Akamaru, who was on top of his head, whined.

Daichi could see the anguish on his friend's face. He could also see the torn skin and the bleeding knuckles

"Lee, stop! That's enough." Daichi said as he rushed in and held Lee's hand, stopping him.

"Daichi?" Lee looked at his one and only friend. He then shook his head. "Let go. I need to train."

"You're not training. Not like this. And I'm not letting go until you tell me what's wrong." Daichi firmly held Lee's hand and spoke.

"You wouldn't understand Daichi."

"Try me."

Lee gritted his teeth and then let out his frustrations. "You're a genius Daichi. The best in your class. Everything comes so easy for you. Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu You're the best at everything. So you wouldn't understand."

"What don't I understand?"

"THAT IT DOESN'T COME AS EASY FOR THE REST OF US!" Lee shouted as his tears kept falling.

Daichi was quiet as he looked at his friend. 'He's usually so upbeat, letting nothing get him down. But now Something's happened. And I have a feeling it happened at the academy.'

"What's wrong? I'm not leaving here until you tell me what's bothering you!" Daichi's gentle voice gave Lee a small comfort.

Lee gritted his teeth, looked down and was quiet for a few moments. Then he spoke in a low voice. "I couldn't beat anyone in my class in Taijutsu"

He looked up at Daichi. "I tried so hard. I trained everyday but I still couldn't beat anyone in my class in Taijutsu today. I only barely passed with my written scores but I'm the dead last in my class"

Daichi's gaze softened. "Lee You can't beat yourself over that. You can get stronger if you-"

"It's not just that." The tears stopped but Lee was downtrodden as he recalled his experience at the academy.

"Neji said I would never graduate from the academy let alone be a ninja And after being beaten by everyone in the Taijutsu spar How can I believe otherwise? All my pain, effort and training It's all for nothing." Lee choked up as he remembered the mocking faces of his classmates.

Daichi was angry hearing that. 'That Neji Right He's an asshole right now' Daichi let go of Lee's hand. He looked at his friend and saw that his self confidence was broken due to what had happened. And it made Daichi furious.

"He's wrong." Daichi said to Lee.

Lee looked up and saw the angry expression on Daichi's face. "Daichi"

"Neji is wrong. He's a fool. And you are too if you believe him."

Lee's eyes widened as he heard those words.

Daichi continued. "No one is born without talent. The only question is whether or not a person can identify their talent and bring it out. Lee! If you believe in yourself, give it everything you have, then even if everyone tells you, you can't do it, even if the whole world is against you, you have to stand your ground. Plant yourself like a tree and tell them they're wrong."

Lee's eyes widened as he heard those words.

Daichi placed his hands on Lee's shoulders and looked him in the eye with as much seriousness as he could. "You'll face adversities, challenges that will bring you to your knees. You'll feel pressure. But you can't stay on your knees forever. Be strong and stand up. Endeavor and believe in yourself. Because I do."

Tears began falling once more from Lee's eyes. But this time Daichi knew they were not tears of sadness.

[Reputation massively increases with Rock Lee.]

[Reputation increases with Might Guy.]

When Daichi saw the second notification he was surprised. But at the moment he didn't care about the hidden Jonin.

"Oh Daichi." Lee hugged Daichi and cried. "Thank you." He whispered to his friend. Daichi comforted his friend and a short while later both of them were sitting down under a tree.

"So you're leaving tomorrow?" Lee asked in a small voice. Lee was happy that he found such a good friend and sad that he wouldn't be able to see him for several years.

"Yeah. Here. I thought we could have a meal together." Daichi took out the dishes.

Both of them ate their meal in a comfortable silence. After a while Daichi got up. "It's getting really late. And I need to pack a few things."

Lee nodded hearing him. He then looked at Daichi and spoke with a confident voice.

"I won't ever give up. I'm going to train as hard as I can. When you come back, I will be a ninja." Lee gave a wide smile.

Daichi laughed in delight when he heard that. "I look forward to sparring with the future Taijutsu master when I come back."

Daichi left, giving Lee the strength and motivation he needed.

Nobody realized it then, but these two would one day become the strongest tag team duo in the world. Taking on an enemy no one else could.


Author's Note:

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)