Chapter 152: The 2 Man Genin Team

Chapter 152: The 2 Man Genin Team

It was evening and Daichi was upstairs in his room. He was in bed thinking about how to move forward for the next academic year.

'Even if the Hokage was watching the test the chances of the team passing are slim I need to make a plan on what to do this year. Should I start on the third step of nature training or should I try something else?'

Daichi's mind suddenly went to the many quests that were pending and had to be completed. He opened the system window and opened the quest list. He looked at the ones that are currently active.

[Quest - Path to the strongest.]

[Quest - Obtain the 5th Cloak.]

[Quest - Retrieve Ren and Kimiko Uchiha's Sharingan.]

[Quest - Seek the Hidden Truth of the Necklace.]

[Quest - Observe and Understand.]

[Quest - Heal Jin.]

'Hmm 6 active quests Assuming that I remain a student, then the quest path to the strongest will be active till the end of March next year. It'll be completed when I become a Genin so that's not a problem Now for the others'

Daichi looked at the second active quest and recalled the information. 'Atamagai's Cloak. I need to find his final work. The one deemed a masterpiece. But I have no clue where to start. During my travels last year I tried to find history books regarding the Uzumaki clan but that was a bust Something tells me that I'll have to visit the ruins in the Land of the Whirlpool if I want my answers. So that will take time. It's a good thing this quest doesn't have a time limit.'

Daichi looked at the title of the next active quest and frowned. 'I need to find the location of Obito's hideout. Not to mention become strong and skilled enough to fight or evade his and Black Zetsu's senses. It will take time as well But no matter the cost, I'll definitely take their eyes from his possession.'

[Quest - Seek the Hidden Truth of the Necklace.]

Daichi's eyes went to the next quest in line. His eyes narrowed as he looked at the title. Ever since he got the quest he had spent many hours coming up with theories on why someone would target the two. 'I have some suspects in mind and several theories that explain their involvement but nothing solid. And I need proof. If I'm going to get to the bottom of this mystery then I'll have to do some things that I'm sure Tsunade sensei wouldn't like I lack the necessary information and resources It seems like the others, this quest will also need to be put on hold till I'm ready'

[Quest - Observe and Understand.]

Daichi opened this quest and looked at the conditions.


[Observe the Various aspects of Nature such as Land, Water, Plants, Animals and Insects.]

[Observe and understand at least 7 different types of Creatures.]

[Observe and understand the creational aspect of Nature. Plants, Forests, Lakes and Oceans.]

[Observe and understand the destructive force of Nature. Raging Ocean waves, Forest fire, Natural lightning strikes, Tornado and Volcanic lightning.]

[Explore and understand the different Geologies of the world. Forest, Desert, Frozen Tundra and Volcanic Lands.]

Daichi sighed as he looked at the conditions required to complete the quest. 'I have no doubt that this is the most difficult, time consuming quest that I currently have This will take years to complete The only way I can bypass that problem is if I find Dungeons with similar Geologies mentioned in the quest. Not to mention staying in that dimension for an extended period of time I'll also need to Observe and understand their aspects I'll need to up my intelligence and wisdom stats Like the others this is also another long term project'

At that moment he sensed someone making contact with the barrier surrounding his home. But knowing that Kensei was outside, Daichi didn't pay it any attention. 'Could they be here for me?... Naw. It's too soon. The Hokage might take a few days to think things over regarding my team.'

With that Daichi turned his attention to the final active quest. He looked at the contents and sighed.

[Quest - Heal Jin.]

'Hmm This is the one that has a time limit. So this takes priority. I have a year to find a permanent cure When I used my poison detection skill on him it showed that there was poison in his system but when I tried using the normal methods I couldn't find anything wrong. An invisible poison that even Tsunade couldn't detect. Only someone like Orochimaru or Sasori would be capable of creating something like that. And along with Jin's interest in setting up business in the Land of Rice Paddies Orochimaru is the prime suspect and I'm sure he's the answer to this problem. I'm certain of it. I need to find his hideout and take a look around. But that's going to be a problem considering I might not be able to leave the village for a year Such a headache'

Thinking about it for a few moments, Daichi made a choice. He decided he would complete the quest to heal Jin first and then focus on the others. He would try and find a permanent cure but if he couldn't he would look for a way to increase the man's lifespan.

"Daichi. Come on down. There's someone here to see you." At that moment he heard his grandfather calling out to him.

'I wonder who that could be?'

Daichi got up from his bed and went downstairs. He was surprised to see who it was that came for him.


A few minutes ago.

Kakashi Hatake slowly walked through the streets reading his favorite book. It wasn't long before he reached his intended destination. He tucked his precious orange book back in his pouch and looked at the house in front of him.

Without knowing Daichi's inner thoughts Kakashi continued. "When you're part of a team, you're part of something bigger. Something more than yourself. Sometimes you might have to make tough choices for you and your teammates that will impact everyone for the rest of your lives. At the same time you'll have to trust that your teammates will have your back if you get into trouble. Trust is a fundamental element in a team."

"What are you getting at Kakashi?"

"The Hokage has made a decision regarding your team." Kakashi turned and looked at Daichi. The air around him became heavy.

Daichi's eyes slightly widened after hearing that. 'Is this it? Am I becoming a Genin? If so then what about the other two? Am I going to be put on a new team or?'

After a few seconds of silence Kakashi spoke. "If I told you that you could become a Genin this year but you'll have to work with Seto and Mari as your teammates what would you say?"

The small excitement inside Daichi died down. He looked down and thought about the situation for a while and had an answer. He looked at Kakashi and spoke with a resolute tone.

"I'm gonna have to pass that offer. I'll wait another year at the academy and graduate with my classmates."

Kakashi looked at the kid and sighed. "You realize that you'll have to bear some humiliation if you go back to the academy, right? You're someone who took early graduation and the teachers call you a prodigy. If you go back while some ordinary students pass then you should know you'll no doubt be mocked by some people."

"What others think about me won't matter after I become a Genin next year."

Kakashi narrowed his eyes and looked at the boy. "Why are you saying no? Is your pride so big that you can't work with people who aren't as skilled as you?"

Daichi shook his head and replied. "I don't care that they aren't as strong as me. Heck, I'd be completely surprised if they were anywhere near my level. I've seen Genin fight. So I have an idea as to how strong a fresh academy graduate is. I know they're only starting out and they have much to learn and grow. I don't care about their strength. What I care about is their intent."

"So it's because they turned on you?" At this question Kakashi's tone turned softer.

"Yeah. You said it yourself. Trust is a fundamental element in a team. And I can't bring myself to trust those two. They didn't think twice about the objectives of the test People say that trust is earned. Something that's built with time, through trials and hardships. But with their actions they destroyed it before the foundation was even set."

"Why didn't you just lie and say you'll give them another chance or something?" The silver haired Jonin asked the kid.

Daichi shook his head and spoke. "That might have helped and made me Genin in the short term but in the long term it'll no doubt become a problem. Saying that I trust them will be a lie and nothing more. I'll second guess their decisions on missions and I won't be able to trust them to make the important choices. It will lead to one or all of us making the wrong choices and paying the price. I don't want that."

"I'm glad you were honest Lord Hokage was right."

Daichi looked puzzled at that statement. "Wait. If you and the Hokage knew that I didn't want to be a part of their team, then why are we here?"

"Because the decision he made was to pass you and you alone."

Daichi's eyes widened with surprise. He was curious as to who his new teammates would be. "And who's going to be assigned as my new teammates?"

Kakashi chuckled and looked at the boy. "No one."


"Because of your abnormal strength, skill and talents the Hokage has decided to make you part of a special two man Genin team. You'll be working under me till you become a chunin."

Daichi was shocked when he heard that. 'I didn't see that coming.'

Kakashi turned serious and looked at his new student. "Daichi, you and I are going to be a team. So from this moment forward you'll have to trust me. And I'm going to trust you My teammate taught me a very valuable lesson during our last mission. Those who break the rules are trash But those who abandon their comrades are even worse than trash."

Daichi stood still as he heard those words. 'Wow. This is so unbelievable.'

At that moment Kakashi asked him a very important question. "Do you trust me to watch your back?"

Daichi closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He then let go and looked at the man. 'Despite what the canon showed about him and his lack of training of Team 07, Kakashi is a powerful Jonin with a vast arsenal of techniques. And if this is my ticket to becoming a Genin this year then I'm not complaining. And despite whatever faults the man has, I can count on him in a fight.'

"I do. I trust you. And you can count on me too Sensei."

The Jonin eye smiled and the tense atmosphere around them vanished. "Well then, starting tomorrow Team Kakashi will be on active duty."

Daichi had a smile on his face. "Yes sensei!"


Author's Note:

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)