Chapter 225: Dungeon Training/ Dark Plans

Chapter 225: Dungeon Training/ Dark Plans

"So you encountered the Lightning Twins huh. I don't know if you're lucky or unlucky to face those kinds of enemies so soon." Kensei sat, laid back in a chair in the backyard of his house.

"They were definitely strong but Kakashi sensei and Guy sensei handled them. We took care of the others. Even found Orochimaru's base as a bonus." Daichi replied as he fed the fish in the small pond.

Kensei sighed when he heard that piece of news. 'Orochimaru will definitely come to know of the attack on his base. And he won't be happy. It seems Daichi might have to face him sooner rather than later. If that happens I just hope Kakashi is strong enough to defend the boy when the time comes.'

Kensei thought about the plans the Hokage had in place. 'Hiruzen will deal with his student while I fight with Danzo. Hiruzen said I'd have help but he never mentioned just who Whoever it is, I'll have to be ready.'

Kensei decided to move to a different topic. "You said you had some special training in mind and that's why you took a month break from missions. So what do you have in mind?"

At that Daichi stood from his spot and turned to look at his grandfather. "I'm going to combine Rasengaan's change in chakra form with change in chakra nature."

The old man's eyes widened as he listened. 'I knew he would attempt to do it but so soon?'

"So you're going to combine the Rasengan with an element huh? Which one? Is it Water or Earth?" The old veteran ninja asked his grandson.

Daichi gave the man a smile and replied after a couple seconds of silence. "All of them."

"What?" Kensei did a double take and thought he might have misheard Daichi? "What do you mean by all of them?" 'Surely he isn't going to do what I think he's going to do.'

Daichi was silent as he heard the doubt in his grandfather's voice. He had been thinking about the situation for a while and he had come to a conclusion. 'I'm strong but I don't have any sure kill techniques. I have several powerful jutsu but ninjas on the level of Orochimaru would never die to those. I need a few ace moves up my sleeves. Ones lethal enough to kill S Rank ninjas. And to complete the Rasengan, learning the third step of Change in chakra Nature isn't necessary. With the current proficiency I have in the 5 Chakra Natures I can complete the Rasengan.'

Daichi looked at his old man and spoke. "I've been meditating on this for some time. And I have an idea as to what the finished product of the Rasengan jutsu added to all 5 chakra natures would look like. I just need time to create it."

"Do you think you can complete all that in just 1 month?" The shock in Kensei's voice was obvious. Seeing the boy's face he already had his answer. 'Of course he would think that. Who am I kidding? Just when I thought I couldn't be surprised he pulls another stunt like this. And what's more, he already has an idea as to what the completed Rasengan would be like? His intuition and talent in Ninjutsu is unlike anything I've ever seen'

Kensei sighed and replied. "I'm not going to discourage you. If you think you can complete it in a month then I believe you. Do you need any help from me?"

Daichi smiled and shook his head. "This training It's something I need to do alone. But after that there are a few I would need your advice on, gramps."

The old man sighed and rested in his chair as he looked at his grandson. "Whenever you need me I'll be here."

"I know." The two watched in silence as the sun slowly set and night fell.


It was midnight. The gamer ninja was in his room looking at the Dungeon Key he got in the Land of the Sea. The dungeon key was yellow in color.

'A yellow Dungeon Key huh. So that means my opponents will be 5 to 15 levels higher than me.'


[Dungeon - Demon Island Battlefield.]

[This is an island dungeon created based on Demon Island and its creatures but there are several differences. This dungeon is much larger and the enemies are much stronger than their counterparts. The enemy ninjas created for this dungeon are based on the creatures made in the Laboratory. There are other dangers in and around the dungeon as well.]

As Daichi looked over the information a thought suddenly appeared in his mind that made him freeze. 'Wait a minute. Orochimaru worked here for some time. Will I have to fight his counterpart here?'

Daichi looked at the key and read the details his 'Observe' showed. 'This Dungeon key is only a yellow one. And Orochimaru is definitely above level 100. So I don't think he'll be here. Still, I need to be careful.'


[Name : Daichi Hekima] (The Gamer)

[Class : Genin - ID 012559.]

[Age : 12]

[Title : Capable Child, Explorer, Prodigy, Beast Slayer, Dungeon Warrior, Executioner, Assassin, Mighty Healer, Slug Sannin's Apprentice, Master of the Elements, A Genius of the Continent.]

[Level : 55 (49567/80950)]


HP : 27169

CP : 86522.4

SP : 24732

MP: 13095


[Primary Stats]

Strength - 302

Vitality - 301

The Chunin academy teacher nodded his head in confirmation. "Yes. And with the list we can pick out one that's really fit for the job."

Kirai was hesitant when he heard that. Seeing this Mizuki sweetened the deal.

"I want you to hear what I have in mind. After that if you agree then we can proceed, if not then we can forget this whole conversation as if it never happened."

Seeing the prison guard silently nod his head, Mizuki continued. "On the day of this year's Graduation I'll visit you in prison in disguise and I'll hold you hostage. I'll make the other guards release just one prisoner and take him with me. After that I would knock out you and the others. But you'll be able to wake up just in time. I'll tell you the location where the prisoner would be at. You'd be able to come just in time to see the prisoner kill that fox brat and at that time you can take him down. You'll be the hero who captured the prisoner and he'll be the one who would have killed the demon brat and the Hokage wouldn't be able to punish you." Mizuki became silent as he thought about the plan.

'The Hero who captured the escaped prisoner huh. That could help me and as a bonus that demon brat would be dead.' Kirai was too drunk at the moment to see the many dangers of the plan so he agreed after giving it some thought. But even so there was still some doubt in his mind.

"Why do you want that brat dead, Mizuki?"

The academy teacher turned solemn and poured another glass to drink. "You're not the only here who lost people close to them. My teammates and some of my closest friends perished that night. I sometimes wake up at night hearing their screams."

Mizuki looked at the man near him. Kirai saw a few tears flowing from Mizuki's eyes. "I can't sleep most nights. The only way I'll get peace is if that demon is dead."

Kirai's face softened as he looked at his friend. "I'm sorry about your friends." He poured another glass of liquor and gave it to Mizuki. "To your teammates and friends. May they rest in peace."

Mizuki looked down and muttered in a small voice. "How can they have peace when the monster that killed them is still alive?"

"They will!" The resolute tone from Kirai made the instructor look at him. The doubts in Kirai's mind vanished.

"I'll help you. We'll get justice for all of them. I'll get you the prisoner list Mizuki." Kirai said with a smile. Mizuki smiled and nodded. Soon he left the man's house.

The hands of the academy instructor clenched in excitement as he thought about what had just happened. 'That fool. I can't believe he bought that sob story. The crying was a nice touch on my part. Looks like the first phase of my plan is a success. Still, I can't have him questioning my plans. I need to be careful. Need to keep a close eye on him and make sure he doesn't blab to anyone and do exactly what I want.'

Flashback End.

A week later Kirai gave Mizuki a list of all the prisoners. Mizuki did some research on them and picked some names that would most likely help him. He soon reached his destination.

Leaf Prison.

Mizuki came near the entrance and saw Kirai waiting for him but the Chunin instructor noticed the hesitation on the Guard's face.

Inwardly Mizuki sneered at any possibility of hesitation from the man.

Kirai saw his friend coming near but he couldn't smile. 'Maybe this was not a good idea.'

"What's wrong Kirai?" Mizuki asked with concern in his tone.

"I don't know if we should do this. I was drunk earlier when I agreed but now" Kirai couldn't continue.

Mizuki sighed and placed a hand on the man's shoulder. "Kirai. You're my friend. If you don't want to do this then we'll stop here. I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do."

The guard smiled hearing that response.

But the Chunin instructor continued with a serious face. "But you should remember this. Naruto Uzumaki is going to graduate this March. In less than 4 months he'll be wearing a Leaf headband. The same headband our friends and comrades wore as they battled the ninetails to protect the village. After that I won't be able to do anything to him. And if he kills any of his teammates or other Leaf ninjas in secret, then we'll have to live with that knowledge."

Kirai's body slightly shook as he imagined that happening. Mizuki seeing the man shake continued to poison his mind.

"It would be even more of a tragedy if one day he transforms back into the demon fox and destroys the village. We'll die or we'll have to live with the fact that we let him destroy the village when we could have stopped all of it before it began."

"Mizuki. Why Why are you saying this?"

"I want you to understand what's at stake and what might happen if we do nothing." Mizuki sighed after he said his piece. "I'll see you around Kirai. Take care." Mizuki turned around and only took a few steps before he heard it.

"Wait! Stop."

The Chunin instructor had a grin on his face but he quickly hid it and turned around to meet his friend.

Kirai clenched his eyes shut and was silent for a few moments. After several seconds of internal debate he made a choice and looked at the silver haired chunin. "I'll help you. We can't let that demon do what he wants."

Mizuki nodded his head. "We're doing the right thing. For the Leaf village and its people."

"For the Leaf village and its people." Kirai replied and led the other man inside the prison. "I've sent the other guards home. You have a couple hours before the next shift comes. Have you picked out who you wanted to do this?"

Mizuki nodded his head. "Yes. And now I just need to convince him to help us. Stay here. There's no need to implicate yourself any further."

Kirai nodded and stood at the entrance while Mizuki went to meet his target.


Author's Note:

So I've decided to do half dungeons and half real world events. It will be like this for the next few chapters.

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)