Chapter 292: Powerful Ninjutsu

Chapter 292: Powerful Ninjutsu

Daichi stood with his arms crossed and opened the status screen. He looked at every stat and the saved points.'No point in holding back. I have 266 stat points saved up. Time to use them.'

He looked at the first stat in the primary stat category.'I'll definitely need strength.'

[Strength - 349 to 400]

Daichi used 51 points to increase the strength of his body. As soon as he did he felt the power flowing through his muscles. He let out a breath and clench his fists.'Good. Very good. Time for the next stat.'

[Dexterity - 271 to 300]

[Dexterity stat has reached 300. You have gained the passive skill Physique Modification 1.]

[Physique Modification 1 - Passive(LV. MAX): A passive skill given to the player when dexterity has reached 300. This skill increases the user's control over his muscles, bones and joints. Muscles can be tightened and can become almost as hard as Iron without the use of chakra. Bones and joints can be broken or bent beyond normal increasing evasion rate. Healing broken bones will also become much faster. The user can use this skill in the middle of a battle without losing any combat power.]

Daichi looked at the new skill that appeared and after reading the details, he couldn't help but smile.

'Tighten muscles to make them as hard as Iron? It looks like Iron body skill from One Piece. And with the ability to even control bones and bending it beyond normal This might be similar to Orochimaru's evasion style. Not a bad skill at all.'

Daichi looked at the remaining stat points saved up.'I've used up 80 points. Now 186 points left. Hm Which one should I increase next?'

After quickly thinking it through, Daichi made a choice.'I'll need speed. Orochimaru is a Sannin. I can't underestimate him. My base speed should be much higher than him.'

[Agility - 340 to 400]

'This should do. I can't use up all my stats. If needed I'll increase it again in the middle of battle. But for now this is enough.'

Daichi's eyes went to the remaining stats in the primary set and his eyes fell on Wisdom.'I need to increase my Mana pool if I want to complete my objectives. Right now wisdom is at 309. Even if I use all my remaining points, I won't even get it to 450.'

Daichi internally sighed and made his choice.

[Wisdom - 309 to 370]

'That should be enough.'


[Name : Daichi Hekima] (The Gamer)n0ve(l)bi(n.)co/m

[Class : Genin - ID 012559.]

[Age : 12]

[Title : Capable Child, Explorer, Prodigy, Species King, Dungeon Warrior, Executioner, Assassin, Mighty Healer, Slug Sannin's Apprentice, Master of the Elements, A Genius of the Continent, Dungeon Master.]

[Level : 62 (16005/98000)


[HP : 51820 ]

[CP : 108960 ]

[SP : 52670 ]

[MP: 44820 ]


[Primary Stats]

Strength - 400

Vitality - 500

Dexterity - 300

Agility - 400

Intelligence - 500

Chakra - 623

Wisdom - 370


[Special Stats]

Sense - 200

Stamina - 456

Indomitable - 59

Charisma - 82

Persistence - 50

Dignity - 31

Luck - 27


[Stat Points - 65]

"We are." The Uchiha gave a short reply.

"We've been standing here for the last 10 minutes. He would have come out by now. Maybe he's not home." Kiba said as he looked at the large house beyond the gate.

Shikamaru looked around and placed a hand on the door.'There is a barrier of some kind. I've only seen barriers like this in major clan compounds.'

"Should we leave?" Choji asked and Ino immediately rejected that idea. "Let's wait a few more minutes."

Just then they saw the gates open and Daichi appeared before them. "Hey. What are you guys doing here? How did you even find this place?"

"You know, you say that like you don't want us here." Naruto said with a deadpan.

Daichi smiled as he looked at the boy. "No no. Of course not. I was just curious." He then looked at Sasuke and figured out that the Uchiha led them there.

"Now. Back to my previous question. What are you all doing here? Did something happen?" Daichi was slightly tense and wanted to know if Orochimaru had done something else.

"We should be the one asking you that. Are you alright?" Ino stepped forward and asked with concern.

"What do you mean?"'Do they know about Tsunade's abduction?'

"A Jonin came an hour ago to my mom for a mission. I don't know what he said but she was mad by the end. But I did hear him saying your name. Is there something going on?" Kiba spoke and Daichi understood what happened.

'He must have been nearby when Genma told Tsume what happened.'

At that time Shikamaru also looked at his friend. "More importantly, does this have to do with the increased patrol squads around the village? Are you in any trouble Daichi?"

Daichi smiled at their concern but inwardly sighed as he looked at his fellow classmates.'Orochimaru's attack and Tsunade's abduction. That's dangerous information. I can't tell them about it. But lying to them won't do me any good.'

"Something did happen but I'm afraid I can't tell you guys. And don't worry. I'm not in any danger and this doesn't have anything to do with what happened in the village last night. So you guys don't have to worry as well." The Genin replied with a small smile.

"Whaaat? Why can't you tell us?" Naruto asked, slightly tilting his head.

"Sorry Naruto. It's confidential information."

"Um.. Do you want to hangout or anything" Ino asked with a small blush on her face.

Daichi had an awkward smile as he looked at the girl. "Sorry Ino. I'm in the middle of something."'Like torturing your former teacher.'"I won't be here for the next several days or so."'Probably running around the country trying to find my teacher and stop the next great war.'

"I would invite you guys inside but I'm currently on my way out."

"Are you going on a mission?" Choji asked.

"Well-" Before Daichi could answer, a Chunin suddenly appeared nearby, startling the fresh Genins. His eyes were on Daichi and his face exuded seriousness.

"Daichi Hekima. Master Ibiki asked for you. It's an emergency."

'Something must have happened to Mizuki.'Daichi nodded. "I'll be there quickly."

The Chunin nodded and disappeared and Daichi turned to his friends. "Sorry guys. I have to go. I'll see you all another time." Without wasting another second Daichi disappeared in the Body flicker jutsu.

"What was that all about?" Sakura wondered out loud.

Shikamaru frowned as he looked at the empty spot.'Is it just me or did he look tense?'

"Anyone know who Ibiki is?" Sasuke asked the group.

"I think I know that name Where did I" Ino spoke and tried to recall where she heard it. Suddenly her eyes widened. "I met him once with my dad. I think he's the head of the interrogation department."

"What does he want with Daichi?" Shino asked with crossed arms.

"How should I know?" Ino shrugged her shoulders. She looked at the flowers and sighed. "I didn't even get to give him these."

"Well, I'm going home to train." Sasuke turned around and was about to leave when Sakura came near him.

"Hey um Sasuke Do you want to go on a date?"

"No." The Uchiha quickly left the group while Naruto had a sheepish smile. "Hey Sakura. Maybe we can go on a date."

Sakura gave a small sigh. "No. But maybe we can get something to eat. But it's not a date."

"Hey. Why don't we all go? We didn't get to celebrate becoming Genin." Kiba spoke with a grin.

"Not a bad idea." Ino and the others agreed.

As they made their way to a restaurant, Shikamaru frowned at the piece of information he had.'Head of the Interrogation department huh. What does someone like him want with Daichi? Does this have anything to do with Mizuki?'


Author's Note.

Not gonna lie. I've had something akin to writer's block. We'll I'm not sure if it is writer's block.

I have all these ideas on what to do for the coming arcs. I've even got the ending to this story in my mind. But for some damn reason I couldn't get them on paper. I tried so hard to even write a small paragraph.

A week after I posted the last chapter I somehow managed to write about one and a half chapters but I didn't like the way it turned out and I scrapped it.

It was at this time that I found the problem.

I realized that my mind was on something else. I've had a one piece story in my head for a while and I wanted to write the beginning. Not writing that beginning was messing with me and I decided to write it. I completed 3 chapters and then got that urge out of my system.

Don't worry. This story is my priority and I'll only start another after completing this. After writing the start of one piece I was able to complete this. Hopefully I'm back. Again.

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen(No space)