Chapter 307: Quest: Infiltration

Chapter 307: Quest: Infiltration

Kakashi's Team. (8:30 pm)

Kakashi, Daichi and the rest were halfway through their journey back to the village when Daichi got the memories of his shadow clone from the Fire Capital. Immediately afterwards a new quest appeared in his view.

[Quest created - Infiltrate and Locate.]


[Time is running out for Tsunade Senju and Shizune Kato. Infiltrate the Land of Stone and locate Orochimaru's laboratory all the while escaping senses of the ninjas of the Hidden stone village.]



Find the location of Orochimaru's hideout.

Do not let the Hidden stone ninjas sense your presence or identify you.

Complete this quest at least 2 hours before the 'Rescue Tsunade Senju' quest timer runs out.



12350 Exp.

Intelligence stat - 7 points.

Sense Stat - 10 points.

Luck - 4 points.

Increase in reputation to people who know your deeds.

Increased chances of rescuing Tsunade Senju and Shizune Kato



Failure to complete the Quest 'Rescue Tsunade Senju'.

Increased hostility between Hidden Stone village and Hidden Leaf Village.


[This quest is automatically accepted.]

The Gamer ninja swiftly went through every line and closed the quest box. 'Searching the whole country for a hidden base by myself while avoiding patrol squads and to find it within such a short time frame... That's going to be an almost impossible task... Almost. In this case, the process of elimination would be best to narrow down my field of search. Hmm... My clone can use that disguise to avoid any troubles.'

The Genin let out an internal sigh as he then reviewed the conversation he had with the prince.

'Damn that guy. Even knowing the seriousness of the situation, he's willing to take a gamble with their lives. If nothing is done then Lady Tsunade will die and it could lead to an instability between the ninja villages and could even start a war. He knew that and still he's choosing to keep more information to himself. All that just to test what I'm going to do.'

Daichi quietly sighed as he thought about the matter from another perspective.

'I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. He's the prince of a large nation. And with that kind of ambition, I should have expected him to take such huge risks. From his perspective no matter how talented I am, I'm still just a child and one of Genin rank. He's willing to roll the dice and see if I can change the outcome of an event of such magnitude.'

The morally compromised scientist took a sample of the blonde Sannin's blood and examined it again. The results showed that there were several changes within that blood sample from the one examined earlier.

'Her blood composition has changed significantly. There are several markers in her Genes that are showing similarity to Hashirama's blood. There is a great possibility of her awakening his heightened regenerative abilities along with wood style power if she survives.'

As he examined the blood Orochimaru's mind wandered to the mission he assigned Guren. 'She should have Daichi in sight or must have captured him by now. Either way she should be done with the mission in the next 24 hours at the latest.'

While Orochimaru was examining the new blood sample Shizune was beside her sleeping master, quietly looking after her. She sat on the nearby chair as she held Tsunade's hand.

'Please survive. I don't know what I'd do if you don't. There are so many people depending on you. I know the Hokage and Daichi are doing everything they can to find us. We'll escape from here. So please don't die.'

The young medic was tired but she soldiered on for her master. She looked around the room and knew that behind the only door stood two of Orochimaru's guards. Shizune knew her situation was dire but she still held out hope for both of them.

Several minutes later, just when Shizune thought her teacher was safe, Tsunade's vitals started spiking again. Shizune was startled and the commotion drew Orochimaru's attention as well.

"What's happening to her?" Shizune asked the man as he made his way over to them.

Before Orochimaru could say anything Tsunade's body suddenly started to convulse and the next second blood splattered from Tsunade's right shoulder and from her left foot and palm. Wood-like structures covered in blood were protruding from her body.

"Lady Tsunade!" Shizune screamed and quickly used her medical ninjutsu.

"It seems she's entering the second stage of her metamorphosis." Orochimaru spoke as he looked at the new development with a calm gaze.

Shizune heard the man and understood what was happening. 'In the first stage her cells, DNA and blood composition changed. Now the serum is altering her muscles and tissues. But these wood protrusions... Can she survive?'

As Shizune frantically tried to save her teacher, Orochimaru's eyes were fixed on the small wooden thorn-like structure sticking out of Tsunade's body. 'This kind of violent reaction even after I modified the serum... It means...'

A sinister grin slowly formed on the man's face. 'Yes. Hashirama's blood is integrating with her body on an even deeper level than I had anticipated. If she successfully survives this stage then the value of her blood would be far greater than I thought.'

At this moment the mark on Tsunade's forehead glowed and the Strength of the hundred seal technique automatically activated. The seal quickly spread throughout her body as if it was protecting her.

Orochimaru looked at the reaction the seal had and studied it. "How fascinating. She built a defense mechanism into that seal to help her in such dire circumstances huh. Her seal must have activated now that her body is beginning to undergo such a large transformation. Truly magnificent. In any other situation it would have helped her regain her strength. But in this case, her seal will only cause her more agonizing pain."

Shizune looked at Orochimaru with gritted teeth when she heard that. 'He's right. Right now her body is fighting against the serum and since the seal in her forehead is created from her chakra it would fight back against the First Hokage's blood.'

Shizune noticed how the wooden thorns on Tsunade's body fell off to the ground and the wounds healed. But several moments later a new wound appeared with a wooden protrusion sticking out.

'Her seal would heal the injuries but the serum is altering her muscles and bones. Her body's in a state of constantly being torn apart and being healed.'

Tears fell down Shizune's face as she looked at her sleeping teacher. 'I can't even imagine the pain she's in right now... ' There was discomfort on Tsunade's face but she never woke up.

Shizune turned her head and looked at the Snake Sannin with anger and hatred. "I'll never forgive you for this."

Orochimaru merely scoffed at the young woman's furious gaze. "Hmph. You should concentrate on your teacher if you want her to survive the night. As for your forgiveness... I never wanted it in the first place."

He turned his attention back to the blonde woman lying unconscious and he clenched his fists. 'I just need the data and samples of the merged stable cells from her. Then I'll be able to move forward with my plans. Just three or four more days at most. Then I'll put an end to your misery Tsunade. I'll make sure it'll end quickly for you and your student. It's the least I could do for an old friend.'

Orochimaru went back to his spot on the other side of the laboratory. 'Once sensei is done searching all over the Fire country he'll have no choice but to move to the neighboring nations. It will cause friction with those stubborn fools of a kages and I'll use that opportunity to slip back in. Then the next stage of my plans will begin.'


Author's Note:

f you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)