Chapter 1033 Gamma James' family

Name:The Alpha's Bride Author:
Chapter 1033  Gamma James' family

"Are you done with your meeting?" Cornelia asked James when he reached her.

"Mhm…" He hummed and sat on the rock next to her.

She loved how his arm wrapped around her to pull her on him. He was warm and solid and oozed safety and comfort.

"Did it go well?" Cornelia asked.

"Are you doubting your man?"


Cornelia giggled when James reached under her legs and lifted her like she weighed nothing. She always loved how strong he was.

He put her to sit on his lap, and she wiggled to make herself comfortable before putting her head on his shoulder.

Cornelia closed her eyes and smiled while remembering how it all started. She came to this realm out of curiosity to see what was behind the portal, and then she picked up a weak pull and followed it to investigate. She ended up stalking James and three other youngsters for most of the night, and the four of them had so much fun that they didn't notice her. That night, Cornelia was glad James didn't react to any of the girls who shamelessly approached him.

James didn't feel the bond at first, but he was interested and didn't allow Cornelia to leave.

No matter how much he sensed their bond, James was always considerate, to the point of cutting himself after the ceremony so that the pain diminished his lust that swelled with the mate bond he could sense then.

Everyone knew that Gamma James was strong, intelligent, and shouldn't be provoked, but they didn't know how his caring and passionate side. That was only for Cornelia to see.

Every time they made love, James put her needs first, and Cornelia was confident that she would fall in love with him even without their mate bond. He was a true gentleman, even when he was ravishing her. Cornelia was never with any other man, but she was confident that James was gifted down there and that he was a skilled lover. He could make her come with his cock, fingers, lips, and tongue, and just thinking about his muscular form and heated gaze would make her knees go weak.

James cradled Cornelia in his arms, savoring the peace and belonging that came with her proximity.

Thanks to Cornelia, James managed to get out of years of abuse in the Redmayne family. Damon offered James a way out, but James was unsure if he would actually take it if not for Cornelia.

Besides the family of five that James and Cornelia created, James had his mother and biological father.

Over the years, they had met several times, but mainly for Andrew, Zoe, and Jeremy.

Layla and Chester showed interest in getting closer to James, but it didn't happen. Even while living in the packhouse of the Red Moon pack, James was never close to his mother. As for his biological father, Chester (aka the sperm donor, how James called him sometimes), he was not in James' life when he needed him the most. Did James need him now? Not really.

It's not that James held grudges. He was simply not interested.

James never clarified if Chester was aware that he had children who were growing up in an abusive packhouse, and James didn't want to know. It was easier to believe that Chester was ignorant. But where would that put Layla? James remembered his mother's indifference when Alpha Edward would "teach" James how a proper Alpha should act. Layla told James that if she interfered, it wouldn't help James, but it would only enrage Edward, and it's not that James didn't believe that, but he thought that over the years, she could have come up with something, anything, to make his life easier, yet she chose silence.

James grew up studying, training, and enduring harsh punishments for the slightest mistake or when he didn't meet Alpha Edward's expectations while his mother was planning outings and parties and spending her days in a spa with her girlfriends. Somehow, he couldn't evaluate their sufferings as equal.

Rumors about James having an Alpha aura reached Layla, and she called him to say how he should be grateful to his father for it. James didn't see it that way, and he vowed never to use his aura again. He survived and made a good life without it, and he didn't want to feel like he owed anything to Layla or Chester.

On the other hand, James thought that it was ironic. He grew up fearing for his life because he didn't have an Alpha bloodline, and now that it activated, he didn't want it.

The only other blood-related person James acknowledged was Marcy. He would leave flowers on her grave on the anniversary of her death and her birthday. James would stand there for hours without saying a word. He never knew what to say to Marcy, but the fact that they grew up in similar hell created a bond he couldn't ignore. Marcy and James were abused by the same people, albeit in different ways.

Every time James thought about his childhood, a wave of negativity would come over him, and the only thing that calmed his raging emotions was Cornelia, his chocolate-colored Goddess that smelled of wild berries.

Cornelia never rejected him. She was always by his side, encouraging, accepting, and welcoming, and for James, that was everything.

His nostrils flared when he picked up the scent of her arousal.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked.

Cornelia's eyes snapped open. She had no intention of admitting that she was thinking about the night in the Silver Flame Coven, just after the ceremony, when they made love the first time, and he put his mark on her neck. That was almost thirteen years ago, yet it felt like yesterday. Everything about James was fresh and exciting, and he made her giddy like a teenager in love. "Nothing."

He didn't buy it. "Reeeeaaaally?"

"I was just wondering if I should prepare a snack for the kids or let them enjoy a bit longer."

"A snack." James chuckled. He could snack on Cornelia, anytime. And it would be enjoyable, as always. He tightened his hold on her. "Did you have a good talk with Vi?"

"You saw her? Why didn't you come to say hi?"

"And interrupt your girly chatter? It's not often you get to educate someone on sex. It would be awkward if I joined you."

Cornelia couldn't believe this. "You heard us?"

"What was that about controlling urges after a few years?"

"I don't remember saying anything like that."

"Let me remind you," James said, and he squeezed her ass. "You said that after a few years, you learned to control your urges in public."

"Jay," Cornelia called, her voice coming a bit breathy. "Kids are right there."

"I don't see any kids, Cora. I see only my Goddess, and I fear I can't control my urges to claim my mate."

Even without sensing James' rising sexual energy, Cornelia felt his erection poking her behind, and she knew that her handsome devil wouldn't stop until he got his fill of her. She nervously glanced over James' shoulder and started counting kids. One, two, three…

"Ahh…" A lustful sound escaped her lips when James licked his mark on her neck.

"Did you say something?" He asked, his deep voice increased her arousal.

She wanted to respond, but he was back to his mark, licking, kissing, and sucking. His every move sent electric charges straight to her core.

His hand ventured under her skirt, and he extended his claw just enough to rip her panties like they were nothing.

"Jay…" Cornelia called as he got down on his knees with her in his arms, and then he put her down on the grass. "The kids are right there."


"They will hear us."

"Then… you should keep the noise down, my dear."

Cornelia knew that this was not the time or place. At least they should go inside the house!

But James was on top of her, with his pants pulled down, and she could feel his hard cock pressing on her, and she ended up spreading her legs wider to welcome him.

Damn the kids and everything.

Cornelia waved her index finger, and all noises around them stopped.

James looked at her and smiled in approval. "Does this mean kids won't hear us?"

"Just a bit of magic for privacy. We can't hear them, and they can't hear us. If they look this way, they will see us sitting on the rock."

A deep growl bubbled in Jame's chest, and then he felt the resistance that was charged with the sparks of their bond as her wet heat enveloped his cock.

"Fuck, Cora," James cursed under his breath as he got sheathed fully inside her. She was tight and hot, just like the first time. "You are mine."


She threw her head back and rocked her body at the pace he set, knowing that he would make it good for both of them, as always.