Chapter 164: A Hidden Paradise?

Name:The Art of Chaotic Divinity Author:
Chapter 164: A Hidden Paradise?


The third elder's brow furrowed in surprise. Ling Feng's resilience was unexpected; despite taking a blow from him, Ling Feng hadn't succumbed immediately!

Just ahead, within a hundred feet, lay the range of the Misty Ghost Forest. The third elder clenched his fists, standing rooted to the spot, no longer daring to take a step forward.

One breath!

Two breaths!

Three breaths!

The third elder's eyes bulged with fury, his gaze turning bloodshot as he let out a thunderous roar, "You! Little! Beast!"

Ling Feng's declaration before plunging into the Misty Ghost Forest left the third elder uneasy.

The curse, sparing neither man nor beast from the Jia Family, was especially malevolent!

Clenching his fists, the third elder smirked coldly. "You little beast, do you truly believe you can survive venturing into the Misty Ghost Forest? And to speak of wiping out my entire Jia Family, how ludicrous!"

Nevertheless, he harbored some apprehension. With a determined grit, he sat down cross-legged on the spot.

"Hmph, I'll wait right here. If you don't come out within ten days, it's certain death for you!"


Let's recount how Ling Feng took a blow from the third elder, leaving his muscles and veins seemingly severed in half. If not for his resilient willpower and Zifeng's Vitality Fusion, he might have fallen unconscious on the spot.

Propelled forward several hundred meters by the force of the third elder's palm, Ling Feng had initially prepared to open the Eye of the Asura and engage in a desperate struggle with the third elder. However, he was suddenly ensnared by a terrifying suction force, pulling him helplessly forward.

It was only then that he realized why the third elder of the Jia Family had become so agitated; it turned out that what lay in front of them was such an eerie place. Visitt novelbin(.)co/m for the latest updates

Gritting his teeth, Ling Feng remained uncertain whether this was a stroke of luck or a disaster.

With his vision engulfed in a white haze, weakness, exhaustion, and intense pain all erupted simultaneously, overwhelming Ling Feng. Unable to withstand it any longer, he finally closed his eyes and lost consciousness...

An unknown time had passed until Ling Feng finally opened his eyes.

Struggling, he lifted his hand and rubbed his eyes.

His arm felt as heavy as lead, burdened by an oppressive weight. Even the slightest movement seemed to strain multiple tendons, prompting a low groan from Ling Feng.

Grimacing, he drew in a deep breath before beginning to survey his surroundings.

Is this the "Misty Ghost Forest" mentioned by the third elder of the Jia Family?

Indeed, he remembered being pulled into the Misty Ghost Forest by a terrifying suction force before losing consciousness. The area was shrouded in a dense white mist, resembling a desolate expanse.

"Am I to be trapped here for a lifetime?" Ling Feng furrowed his brows in concern. Being confined to this place indefinitely was scarcely different from death.

"Well, that's not necessarily the case. It depends on whether you have enough guts or not, master," Zifeng suddenly chimed in.

"Oh?" Ling Feng's heart skipped a beat, excitement bubbling within him. "Zifeng, do you have a plan?"

"Well, you see..." Zifeng chuckled mischievously. "Besides us, there's a pretty powerful demonic beast around here. Why don't we just ask it?"

Ling Feng's mouth twitched a few times. Wasn't this just sending himself to his death?

In Ling Feng's mind, demonic beasts always preyed on humans.

If it hadn't come looking for him, why should he go looking for trouble?

With a sigh, Ling Feng's face betrayed a hint of resignation.

Surrounded only by petals and wild grass, was he going to spend every day here eating petals?

After much hesitation, Ling Feng finally stood up again and brushed off the petals clinging to his body. He looked towards the row of bamboo houses not far away and spoke in a deep voice, "Those buildings are obviously not naturally formed. Perhaps some unlucky fellows like me have fallen into this place and built those bamboo houses."

Ling Feng walked towards the row of bamboo houses, sighing bitterly as he said, "Let's go take a look. Maybe there are still some survivors."

"Master, you're overthinking it. Besides you and that monster, there are no survivors here," Zifeng remarked lightly, seated on Ling Feng's shoulder. "Don't blame me for not telling you. The direction you're heading in is where that demonic beast is."

Though Ling Feng's footsteps hesitated briefly, he soon continued forward.

"I once encountered a demonic dragon prince from the demon race, a creature with high intelligence. This demonic beast should also be communicable," Ling Feng said as he walked. "If it wanted to eat me, it would have done so long ago. Why wait until now?"

"Maybe it just happens to not be hungry," Zifeng chuckled.

"You talk too much!" Ling Feng felt a strong urge to throw Zifeng to the ground and give him a good stomping.

After taking a deep breath, Ling Feng finally arrived at the row of bamboo houses after about the time it took to drink a cup of tea.

Before him stood four or five bamboo houses, forming a spacious courtyard. Inside the courtyard, there was a well and a rocking chair.


Ling Feng was taken aback to see that atop the rocking chair was not a person as he initially thought.

Instead it was a...


That donkey was lounging on the rocking chair with its front legs crossed and its chin resting on its right hoof as it dozed off!

Ling Feng was utterly bewildered by the scene. What in the world? What sort of demon was this?

No, scratch that. He should be asking, "what kind of demonic donkey was this!?"