

As a genuine hospice, doesn’t such joyful and demented laughter seem a little out of harmony? But such discordant laughter came from the hospice restaurant’s area.

“It’s better to be young.”

“Yeah, listening to this laughter makes everyone invigorated.”

The grandparents who were strolling in the garden sighed unconsciously when they heard the laughter coming from the window and then smiled in the sunny place. In the morning, breathe the fresh and natural air.

Living the life while petting the cat lying at your feet.

“The one-meter-long knife makes me laugh to death. Where’s your knife, Little Red Riding Hood, use it to pay your respects.” Xiao Ming sprayed half of a bowl of porridge with a smile.

“Hahaha…Looking at this notification, I think it’s quite reasonable.” Bai Xue said while holding the phone, “You never know what crazy things a dying person will do.”

“People used to say that those who are about to die are also good with their words, Little Red Riding Hood, you broke people’s stereotype perception of people who are about to die.” Xiao Ming couldn’t help but gave a thumbs up.

“Oh, don’t make fun of me, I didn’t mean to.” Little Red Riding Hood felt sick all morning after being laughed at by them. “If I hadn’t been teleported in the middle of the night, could this happen?

“You are inexperienced, you will know next time.” Bai Xue tried to calm herself down, “Most of these people who commit suicide like to choose to commit suicide in the dead of night. So the next time you have a task appointed, don’t forget your phone and don’t leave your wallet.”

“That’s right.” Xiao Ming asked, “Then you saw your mission target yesterday, how was it?”

“Don’t mention it. He threw me out after less than five sentences. That’s it.” Said this Little Red Riding Hood who was depressed.

“Hahaha…” Another burst of laughter greeted Little Red Riding Hood.

“Stop laughing, and quickly help me think of a way.” Little Red Riding Hood said, “Yesterday’s analysis was wrong, that Hui Lang is not disabled at all.”

“No?” Bai Xue and Xiao Ming looked at each other, “Could it be that you forget to get updated information from the dean?”

“It’s very possible that the old man was lazy to death.” Xiao Ming said, “He only knows how to play mahjong with the old man and the old lady in the hospital all day long.”

“Since there is no disability, then it’s a little troublesome to find a reason for his suicide.” Bai Xue said.

“Do you have any guess? What is the reason for the suicide of the mission target you met?” Little Red Riding Hood asked.

“Actually, there are two major reasons for suicide.” Bai Xue said, “The first category is the idea of ​​suicide because of external pressure and the pain of life. This category is best dealt with, find the source, and help solve it. There is an 80% chance of success.”

“The second category is a little troublesome.” Xiao Ming added, “The second category is sadness, you know depression, it is said that 80% of people in today’s society suffer from it. Depression, it’s just a matter of severity.”

“Depression?” Little Red Riding Hood seemed to understand something.

“Most of these people have higher education, better jobs, and better economic conditions. They understand the truth, understand the value of life, and know what consequences their departure will bring to the people around them. But they just feel that there is no love for life.” Bai Xue said in detail.

“In a nutshell, this type of person decides to commit suicide after thinking about it very clearly.” Xiao Ming said, “It’s like you plan to travel to the United States and then buy a plane ticket. So when they plan to go to the underworld, they commit suicide.”

“When you said that, I suddenly wanted to respect their decision.” Little Red Riding Hood said surprisingly.

“Why does that sound familiar?” Xiao Ming wondered.

“Wu Ge also said it.” Bai Xue answered.

It is said that there is no right or wrong behind the scenes. No, Bai Xue just said a word of Wu Ge, and Wu Ge walked in from outside the restaurant: “What are you talking about behind my back?”

“Wu Ge?” Bai Xue and Xiao Ming shouted in surprise. Said, “You’re back from a business trip?”


Wu Ge was a rather thin-looking young man with a pair of rimless glasses. He looked gloomy and serious and looked at Little Red Riding Hood indifferently. : “New here?”

“Hello, my name is Little Red Riding Hood.” Little Red Riding Hood introduced herself.

“Wu Ge, proven with Blue Devil (1) and the remaining life value is half a year.” Wu Ge briefly introduced himself.

Little Red Riding Hood confirmed that all the patients here have the same introduction.

“I…I have an El Niño certificate, one month…HP (t/n it means remaining life).” Little Red Riding Hood added graciously. Sure enough, people are habitual. After this introduction, she suddenly felt that this terminal illness was not so scary.

“Well, what were you discussing just now?” Wu Ge asked.

“We’re saying that Little Red Riding Hood just said the same thing as you.” Xiao Ming quickly explained, “She also thinks that those who want to commit suicide should be respected with their decision and let them commit suicide.”

No, no, I  just thought that what you said seemed to make sense, so I unknowingly came along. I have no intention of supporting suicide.

“Oh? I didn’t expect to meet a confidant here.” Wu Ge looked at Little Red Riding Hood with a little more appreciation.

“…” Little Red Riding Hood was tangled, she still had to explain it. If she didn’t explain it, she felt that she was a strange person with three wrong views. After explaining it, she felt that the small friendship that was hard to establish was about to collapse.

Are all the people here poisonous?

“Humans have reproduced for thousands of years, and what they have been fighting for is human rights. Since this is the case, I think death should also be a human right, so if the other party chooses to die consciously, I think we should respect them.” Wu Ge said, “It’s like euthanasia (2).”

“Wu Ge is a lawyer.” Xiao Ming whispered in Little Red Riding Hood’s ear.

Oh, no wonder he talks a lot.

“I don’t agree. I think life is infinitely incompetent. As long as people live, their thoughts will change.” Bai Xue disagreed.

“That’s why you people who only think about living the moment feel this way.” Wu Ge said venomously, “People like you will never be able to suffer from depression, and you will never be able to reach that level of thinking.”

” You…” Bai Xue was in a hurry.

“Sister Bai Xue, forget it, he’s a lawyer, how can you win against him.” Xiao Ming quickly grabbed Bai Xue.

“Then… if that’s the case, why does the Underworld want to save these people?” It can’t be that the underworld is all wrong.

“You really are smart.”

Little Red Riding Hood, who was caught off guard and praised, was stunned for a while.

“You are the second person who was thinking about this when you received the first task.”

Who is the first one, don’t ask, I also know that it is you, the boss.

“There are a lot of suicides in the world. Why does your company choose these people to save lives? What are the conditions used to select them?” Wu Ge said.

When he said this, the other three looked at Wu Ge curiously, obviously not knowing.

“Two reasons, merit and value,” Wuge said.


“Value?” The

three of them looked blank.

“I have done the research. Over the years, the objectives of the underworld rescue plan have two common characteristics. The first is that this person has done a lot of good deeds, such as Wang Yanping, who has been supporting children in mountainous areas for decades. , Over the past few decades, without her knowledge, she has trained ten doctors and two government officials. Doctors have saved countless lives, and officials have built bridges and paved roads. This is merit.”

“The second, value. For example, Qin Tian, when he committed suicide, he accomplished nothing, he was just a down-to-earth young man who had just graduated and could not find a job. But now, he has become a leading physicist in the country and has made immeasurable contributions to today’s scientific community.” Wu Ge gave an example. his own argument.

“Sure enough, people still have to do more good deeds.” Xiao Ming sighed.

“It turns out that the great scientist also committed suicide.” This is Bai Xue.

“So… our mission goals are either great people or great people who will make great contributions to society in the future?” Little Red Riding Hood concluded.

“Smart.” Wu Ge really seldom praised others like this.

“That senior… can you help me analyze the mission goals in my hands?” Little Red Riding Hood planned to ask for help while the other party appreciated him.

“Is the life you will earn for me?” Wu Ge asked indifferently.

“This…” Little Red Riding Hood was speechless.

She seemed to go back to the time when she first went to work, and she went to ask her seniors for advice when she didn’t understand anything. As a result, the seniors not only didn’t help but said indifferently: “If I do the work for you, will you give me your monthly salary?”

Can’t we help each other? There is no coworker love.

“Excuse me.” Wu Ge ignored Little Red Riding Hood whose face turned red and white and left indifferently. As if the person who complimented the other party three times for being smart just now was not herself.

Little Red Riding Hood turned her head in disbelief and saw two people lying on the table who were already laughing to the point of fainting.

The author has something to say: Your comments are all hahahahaha…

The new little angel thought I was writing a collection of jokes