Perverted Brother Wolf was standing on a coastal pier outside Star City. Although he failed to commit suicide several times, as long as he is still alive, he still has work to do. In a way, although Brother Wolf is a pervert, he is a responsible pervert.

Brother Wolf’s brilliant group has a research institute on this coast, which is responsible for the study of marine life and how to protect the marine environment.

The annual investment of this research institution is very large, but the return is not very obvious. To a certain extent, it is more like sponsoring a group of scientists to do scientific research and protect the marine environment. The board of directors tried to stop the research institute several times, but Brother Wolf kept the investment going.

In response to the board of directors, Brother Wolf said it was to improve the corporate image. But in reality, he just likes to come to the pier to breathe in some fresh air after each inspection.

“Woo…” Accompanied by the sound of wind blowing, the seawater swayed with waves, and a gray dolphin suddenly jumped out of the water. The moment it broke through the water, its fishtail carried a string of spray, creating an afterglow of sparkling gold sprinkle in front of the evening sun.

Brother Wolf will occasionally come over to see his pets too.

This coast was originally an undeveloped area. After Brother Wolf’s research institute was established here, a small pier was built. The people in the research institute will go out to sea from the pier, and when Brother Wolf was not so perverted before, he would also come to fish.

A few years ago, a little dolphin suddenly came near the area, injured, and it just happened to be found by Brother Wolf. He then rescued it, and after it was cured, it was released back to the sea. Since then, every time Brother Wolf came over, he will most likely meet the dolphin.

Every time he saw this dolphin, Brother Wolf always sighed over the vastness of the sea. The sea area, which accounts for 70% of the earth’s area, is a place he can never reach as a human being, no matter how rich he is.

The dolphin fell back to the sea from the air, then jumped up again, and after three times in a row, it swung its tail around the water closest to Brother Wolf.

“I want to play with you, but unfortunately I’m not a fish.” Brother Wolf said, looking in the direction of the dolphin. “Why are you so happy every time? Is it because the world in the sea is more exciting and interesting than on land?”

“Woo…woo…” The dolphin squeals happily as if responding to Brother Wolf’s question.

“Really, I want to go and see it too.” Brother Wolf looked at the sparkling sea, and suddenly he was fascinated.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at    


Suddenly a familiar heavy object fell to the ground.

This sound?

Not that crazy woman again.

Brother Wolf turned around suspiciously, and sure enough, he saw the crazy woman again. She was getting up from the ground and rushed toward him with a look of horror.

“Don’t!!!” Little Red Riding Hood had just been teleported, and when she looked up, she saw Brother Wolf standing by the sea alone. Feeling her soul scattered, she flew towards Brother Wolf.

Little Red Riding Hood’s “fierce” appearance seemed to frighten Brother Wolf as he swiftly turned sideways, dodging the impact of Little Red Riding Hood, and then…     

” Ah ah ah~~”

Very heroically fell into the sea.

“Cough… help… I can’t swim!” Little Red Riding Hood tried to grab any surface while calling out for help.

Brother Wolf hugged his arms and looked at the scenery in front of him with interest until the dolphin held someone and rose from the sea.

“Cough cough… cough…” Little Red Riding Hood lay on the back of the dolphin, her face was pale, and she was out of breath.

“Are you okay?” Brother Wolf said with concern.

“You…cough…why… don’t you pull me.” Little Red Riding Hood asked, annoyed.

“Didn’t you keep saying don’t?” Brother Wolf replied innocently.

“I…I told you not to jump into the sea!” Little Red Riding Hood was about to die of anger.

“It seems that the person who really jumped into the sea is you.” Brother Wolf glanced up and down, and Little Red Riding Hood looked wet just after jumping into the sea…

“I’m here to stop you from jumping into the sea. Don’t think that I don’t know. Did you want to jump into the sea just now?” If this kid hadn’t wanted to jump into the sea, she would not have been teleported over for no reason.

Brother Wolf suddenly laughed. He looked at Little Red Riding Hood with some interest, and admitted it frankly: “Yes, I really wanted to jump into the sea just now.”

“Look, you admit it.”

“But…how do you know that?” Brother Wolf was surprised, why every time he wanted to commit suicide, this woman always appeared in time.

“I… I just know.” Little Red Riding Hood can’t make up an excuse, anyway, I just know, what else do you want?

This girl truly didn’t want to tell him, and suddenly the clever and scheming Brother Wolf felt that he couldn’t do anything about it. How magnanimous, the magnanimous Brother Wolf was embarrassed to ask further.

“Wooo…” The dolphin called out loudly when it saw that the girl on its back still didn’t get off.

“Oh my God.” Little Red Riding Hood then realized that she was not on the shore, but was lying on the back of something unknown.

Frightened, she climbed onto the pier and looked back. Yo, she found out that it was a cute little dolphin, and she exclaimed happily: “Dolphin! Dolphin!”

“Woo~~~woohoo~~” The dolphin felt the joy of Little Red Riding Hood, and squealed happily, its tail swaying in the water.

“It was you who saved me just now? Thank you.” Little Red Riding Hood couldn’t help but reached out and touched the raised mouth of the dolphin.

“Woooo~~” The little dolphin seemed to like being touched very much. After being touched by Little Red Riding Hood, it shook its body and swam to Brother Wolf again, stuck its head out, and whimpered.

Brother Wolf stared at the inexplicably happy little dolphin for two seconds, then bent down and stretched out his hand to lightly pat the dolphin’s head: “Go back.”

The little dolphin seemed to understand as it sank its body, and it turned towards the sea. It swam away and disappeared into the sea in a blink of an eye.

“Do you know that dolphin?” Little Red Riding Hood couldn’t help asking when seeing the interaction between one person and one fish.

“Her name is Ariel(1).” Brother Wolf turned and walked towards the shore.

“The mermaid princess?” Little Red Riding Hood joked, “So it turns out the mermaid princess is a dolphin.”

Brother Wolf ignored Little Red Riding Hood and walked to the shore with his head sullen. There was a beach chair and some sunshade tools on the coast. Two bodyguards with black shades dutifully guarded the area.

The two bodyguards saw the boss coming back all the way, wait…why is that woman behind the boss again?

By the way, that girl… just came here, right? Did they really miss her walking there? What is happening? Who let her go? (Underworld Group: Hehe… it’s alright if you don’t understand.)

Brother Wolf lay comfortably on the beach chair, and turned his head to look at someone who was following him: “Tell me.”

“What?” Little Red Riding Hood wondered.

“Because of your perseverance and commitment, even jumping into the sea, I’ll give you a chance to treat me.” Brother Wolf made a gesture of invitation, “Let’s start.”

Treatment… treatment? How should it be treated?

Why do I have to travel through mountains and rivers just to find the toilet? But suddenly now you feel constipated?

Screw you!

The author has something to say:

Brother Wolf: Goblin, show me what you can do.
