After breakfast, Little Red Riding Hood came to the hospital with a writing board that was as tall as half a person that she had prepared the whole night.

When she arrived, Brother Wolf had just eaten breakfast and was about to go for a walk in the garden. When he looked up, he saw Little Red Riding Hood carrying a large writing board. He felt that it was more interesting to see what Little Red Riding Hood wanted to do than to take a walk in the garden.

“I’m here!” Little Red Riding Hood greeted energetically.

“I see.” Brother Wolf leaned on the sofa leisurely with his legs crossed. “What are you carrying?”

“This?” Little Red Riding Hood immediately flushed with excitement and said very proudly, “This is your next treatment plan.”

“Oh??” The plan was finalized in just one night. Brother Wolf was immediately impressed by Little Red Riding Hood’s work.

“Look.” Little Red Riding Hood straightened the writing board.

Brother Wolf looked at it with some interest, but in addition to the four characters of “Treatment Plan”, there were only Arabic numerals from one to twenty-five.

“Explain.” She dared to give me a proposal with a blank piece of paper. If this was an employee of the Huihuang Group, Brother Wolf would have fired her 800 times.

“That’s what I planned.” Little Red Riding Hood spoke confidently, “Brother Wolf, you promised me a month of treatment yesterday. So I have spent five days before, so there are still twenty-five days left before I ascend to heaven.”

So, that’s what the twenty-five Arabic numerals meant, but the month he promised should be counted starting from today. Someone had to be clever and brave enough to deduct five days, but Brother Wolf just let it slide.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at 

“To be honest, Brother Wolf, your condition is very serious, so serious that I have never seen anything like it before.”

“That… let me interrupt.” Brother Wolf asked hesitantly, “How long have you been working in this field?”

“Ah? Oh? You are my first patient.” Little Red Riding Hood replied very honestly.

“Then you have never seen or heard of patients with this kind of illness before?” Even Brother Wolf was convinced by Little Red Riding Hood’s self-confidence.

“…” Little Red Riding Hood was at a loss for words, and suddenly felt that her performance today was too exaggerated.

“Forget it, you can continue.” Little Red Riding Hood is a cute newbie, and Brother Wolf can see it at a glance. If he truly cares about stuff like that, he will never agree to let her treat him. What’s more, there are so many well-known local and abroad psychologists that he had met but he was still not cured.

“Cough…” Little Red Riding Hood suddenly restrained herself, “I mean, Brother Wolf, you have already consulted many experts about your condition. You must have used all kinds of treatments, but you haven’t tried mine yet. It’s not useless before we actually try it.”

Finally getting to the point, Brother Wolf just wanted to see what tricks she could come up with in solving his problem.

“So, I’m going to find a new way to use a non-mainstream treatment method. This kind of treatment method is relaxing, pleasant, and will linger in the patients’ minds.” Little Red Riding Hood got too excited again.

“Linger, I like that word. It’s not good to keep doing treatment all the time. You are quite self-aware.” Brother Wolf couldn’t help but praise.

“Boss, can you listen to me?” Little Red Riding Hood assured, “I promise you, as long as you follow my method, there will be improvement after twenty-five days, if not…”

“What if there is no improvement? “Brother Wolf is very curious.

“I promise, I will never appear in front of you again in this life. You love jumping off buildings or cutting your wrists? Just do it, you have nothing more to do with me.” Little Red Riding Hood assured her with a strong voice and no psychological burden.

That’s right. After 20 days, if Brother Wolf does not improve, she will be reincarnated directly. Whether she managed to reincarnate or not, will be a matter of the next life.

“When you say it like that, it got me really curious.” Brother Wolf’s curiosity reached its peak, “What are you going to do then?”

“It’s very simple, for these twenty-five days, we will do something you really want to do every day. Or something you hate doing very much, and then record it.” Little Red Riding Hood introduced her treatment plan in one sentence.

“That’s all?” Brother Wolf was stunned, as simple as that? Can’t it be more ordinary? Outside, Brother Wolf looked unaffected but inside, he already thought that it was such a boring idea.

“Ah?” Little Red Riding Hood thought for a while and then added, “Of course, there’s also a way to prevent you from being uninspired. If one day you don’t have something you particularly want to do or hate to do, then you must listen to me and do something I suggest. What you do think?”

With the apathetic characteristic of Brother Wolf, he must not be interested in anything. With that, all these twenty-five days will only be my own. I can do whatever I want, and everything will be handled by Brother Wolf’s connections and money. Little Red Riding Hood got really excited just thinking about it.

“So, this is our schedule for the next twenty-five days?” Brother Wolf concluded.

“That’s right, we go through it day by day, doing a different thing every day. So on the twenty-fifth day, when you look back at this writing board, you will realize that once you die, you can’t do any of these things anymore then you will definitely have infinite emotions and a thirst for life.” As long as Little Red Riding Hood thinks of that picture, she can’t help but get more and more excited.

“Twenty-five days? Twenty-five things? You want to change me?” Brother Wolf said nonchalantly.

“Huh??” Little Red Riding Hood suddenly frowned, as if feeling that something was wrong, then squatted down, took out the marker that had been prepared long ago from her pocket, and scribbled on the writing board for a while before standing again.

When the writing board was exposed to Brother Wolf’s sight again, Brother Wolf almost spit out his coffee: “What did you just write?”

He saw at the bottom of the writing board, under the Arabic numeral twenty-five, Little Red Riding Hood added an Arabic numeral twenty-six and wrote a text under it: I like Little Red Riding Hood.

Brother Wolf was speechless and angry. He felt that this person was too shameless, and she didn’t even look in the mirror.

“Oh, don’t get excited, don’t get excited.” Little Red Riding Hood quickly reassured, “I just thought the number twenty-five sounded a little uncomfortable, so I added a twenty-six below it. It won’t take a lot of your time.”

“Do I care about numbers? I’m asking you, what does that last sentence mean?” Brother Wolf admits that he is ill, but he cannot admit to others that he has a problem with his taste.

“Just…literally.” Little Red Riding Hood couldn’t understand Brother Wolf’s anger.

Brother Wolf took two deep breaths, calmed himself down first, and then asked word by word, “This writing board is for what I want to do. If you write it like this, are you intend to use the writing board as a way to tell me to have a scandal?”

Little Red Riding Hood blinked, and it took a long time for her to react, and she suddenly felt that the thinking of the rich people is too complicated.

“No, you misunderstood. When I said liking, I meant like between friends. You see, we are going to spend 25 days together. I also hope that our relationship can be harmonious.”

“Hehe… “Brother Wolf’s face was indifferent.

“Actually, you can think of it in this way.” Little Red Riding Hood is very clear about Brother Wolf’s thinking, “Brother Wolf, you intended to commit suicide. I know that you promised me a month when in reality, you can’t help but accept me because I’m stubbornly entangled in your face.”

“You still have self-knowledge.” Brother Wolf snorted coldly.

“So you see, on this clipboard, the twenty-six things are all to arouse your desire to live, so when you see the twenty-sixth…”

“I have no desire to live at all.”

“So, this one was added for you from your standpoint.” Little Red Riding Hood excitedly said, “Look, as long as you’re thinking about living, that also means that you must like me, then do you really want to die?”

“… “

“Then why do you care about my existence?” Little Red Riding Hood felt that what she said was really too good. Sure enough, once this person was transparent, it was as if she had opened up the second line of her supervisor self, and her eloquence instantly improved.

Brother Wolf was surrounded by Little Red Riding Hood’s divine logic and almost lost himself: “Then do you want to cure me, or do you not want to cure me?”

“Of course, I want to cure you.” Little Red Riding Hood sincerely answered. She explained, “The twenty-five things in front of me are all the reasons I want you to live. But if these twenty-five things can’t move you to continue living, then I think I should respect your decision. So now I will add this number 26 as my farewell ceremony for you.”

“…” Do you think I have selective amnesia? You said just now that you added it because you thought twenty-five sounded uncomfortable, so why is it now you said it is a parting gift for me?

“Good eloquence.” Brother Wolf complimented her.

“Well… I also joined a debate club even when I didn’t attend any school.” Little Red Riding Hood said modestly.


Can’t wait for them to actually fall in love…