Due to the accident, the two failed to see the sunset. By the time they reached the top of the mountain, the sunset had long since ended, leaving only the stars in the sky.

The two bodyguards unloaded the things they had carried all the way, and diligently set up camp beside them. Little Red Riding Hood held a small pot and squatted in front of the campfire to prepare dinner, while Brother Wolf, who was the big beneficiary and also the sick and wounded, sat quietly on the top of the mountain to watch the scenery.

“It’s time to eat.” Little Red Riding Hood called everyone after she finished cooking dinner.

Because there were no tables and chairs on the mountain, they could only lay a tablecloth on the ground like a picnic, and the people and the dishes sat around together. However, the two bodyguards were still understanding. They took their bowl of instant noodles alongside some compressed biscuits and quickly left the place to give space for Brother Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood.

Brother Wolf walked over and looked down at today’s dinner. Two bowls of instant noodles, and a pot of wild vegetable soup, and said a little dumbstruck: “You have been cooking for so long but you only soaked two bowls of instant noodles.”

“There is also wild vegetable soup. I picked the vegetables on the road just now since they’re delicious. You can try it.” Little Red Riding Hood was enthusiastically recommended.

Brother Wolf looked at the pot of green vegetable soup and was silent for a moment before he sat cross-legged opposite Little Red Riding Hood.

“Here, this bowl is for you. I put two eggs and three ham sausages in it.” Little Red Riding Hood brought the ‘special’ instant noodles to Brother Wolf.

Brother Wolf reached out and took it. He gently stirred the fork in the bowl, and sure enough, several eggs floated up from the bottom of the bowl.

“You must be hungry after climbing the mountain for so long.” Little Red Riding Hood said, “If you’re not full, I’ll cook another bowl for you.

” It’s such a hassle.” Because they only stayed on the top of the mountain for one night, they initially didn’t plan to bring these cooking tools, but Little Red Riding Hood insisted on bringing them.

“How can it be the same?” Little Red Riding Hood said while sipping the soup, “Look, the bread can make you full but the cake can also do the same, so why are these two things invented at the same time in this world? Functionally, they are considered the same thing. Also, there are so many restaurants outside, so people supposedly don’t need to cook by themselves right? But why does every household still have a kitchen?”

Brother Wolf quietly watched Little Red Riding Hood without speaking.

“Because different foods will give people different feelings. No matter how delicious they are bought from outside, they can’t compare to the taste of home cooking. No matter how convenient compressed biscuits are, how can they compare to these hot noodles I cook for you by myself? These instant noodles are full of emotions.” Little Red Riding Hood said with some pride.

Full of emotion? Brother Wolf looked down at the ordinary bowl of instant noodles in his hand, and said disapprovingly: “It’s just a meal, why bother.”

“What is a meal, you haven’t heard that some people take food as their heaven. Don’t you know that the most important thing people do in life is eating? Don’t you know that we ordinary people called ‘working hard’ a job?” Little Red Riding Hood gave examples one by one, “You don’t know if you eat well at every meal can influence your emotion. Well, whether you are happy or not directly determines the happiness of your life.”

“I don’t know.” Brother Wolf used a fork to fork a piece of ham sausage, “I only know that eating is for staying alive.”

“But if you are eating happily, you will live happily.”


“Of course.” Little Red Riding Hood vowed.

So…is this the cause of my depression?

“It’s so fresh, this is truly the best wild vegetable soup, Brother Wolf, you can try it too.” Little Red Riding Hood was satisfied and did not forget to recommend her wild herb soup again.

Brother Lang put down the instant noodles in his hand, picked up the vegetable soup beside him, and took a sip. A faint fresh fragrance permeated between his lips and teeth. Although the taste was good, it was not top-notch. Brother Wolf had eaten many foods that were much more delicious than this, but he still could not feel the same happy mood as the person in front of him.

“Is it delicious?” Little Red Riding Hood asked eagerly.

“Not bad.” Brother Wolf replied perfunctorily.

Little Red Riding Hood obviously didn’t notice Brother Wolf’s perfunctory behavior. Seeing Brother Wolf’s praise for the deliciousness of the wild vegetables, she was immediately complacent: “This wild vegetable is hard to notice, and it is the most delicious within two hours from the picking time. In order to avoid affecting the taste, I dug it out with the soil and the rhizomes when I picked it. After I reached the top of the mountain, I washed it in the creek for about half an hour before I washed it clean again before cooking.”

“So troublesome?” It took Little Red Riding Hood so much time to know that so many wild vegetables. In this regard, Brother Wolf’s heart is full of disapproval, since it is so troublesome, why she worked so hard?

“Yeah, it’s troublesome, but didn’t you say it’s delicious? Then I’m glad.” Little Red Riding Hood replied with a smile.

You can eat it if you like it.

Brother Wolf was stunned for a second, and when he looked down at the bowl of wild vegetable soup, he suddenly felt as if something was different.

After dinner, Little Red Riding Hood was in the mood to enjoy the beautiful scenery. She and Brother Wolf sat on the ground side by side, looking up at the starry sky together.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at ibastranslation.wordpress.com

Such high on the top of the mountain with the starry night sky, Little Red Riding Hood has not seen this scene for a long time.

“The last time I looked at the stars like this was two years ago.” Little Red Riding Hood sighed, “How about you, Brother Wolf? Isn’t it a rare view for you too?”


“Isn’t it beautiful? Don’t think it’s better to live.”     


“Huh? Why don’t you answer me?”    

“Heh…” Brother Wolf chuckled, as if seeing through Little Red Riding Hood’s routine, he suddenly stood up and took a few steps forward, his eyes falling from the night sky to the dark foot of the mountain.

Why does this scene look familiar? Little Red Riding Hood was puzzled for a while and soon she recalled. Yes, it looked just like the scene when Brother Wolf was trying to commit suicide.

At that time, she was lying on the ground, and Brother Wolf was sitting in a wheelchair. Brother Wolf’s eyes turned to look at the bottom of the building.

“No!” Before he could think about it, Little Red Riding Hood rushed over and grabbed Brother Wolf’s arm.

Brother Wolf was startled, and looked suspiciously at Little Red Riding Hood: “What are you doing?”

“You… you are not allowed to commit suicide.” Little Red Riding Hood said anxiously, “You promised me that you are not allowed to commit suicide before the treatment is over.”

“You think I’m going to commit suicide?” Brother Wolf asked in surprise.

“You are not allowed to commit suicide.” Little Red Riding Hood emphasized again.

“Who told you that I was going to commit suicide.” Brother Wolf couldn’t tell whether he wanted to laugh or cry.

“You can’t lie to me. I can see that your expression just now is the same as the expression I first saw you trying to commit suicide.” That look was so profound that Little Red Riding Hood would never misread it.

“First time committing suicide?” Brother Wolf naturally remembered the day when he decided to commit suicide for the first time. Hearing Little Red Riding Hood’s words, Brother Wolf couldn’t help but be a little surprised, “It’s the same expression?”

“Isn’t it okay just now? Why did you change your mind all of the sudden?” Little Red Riding Hood was anxious and puzzled, but she had no choice but to hold Brother Wolf’s hand tightly.

No, holding on is not enough, Little Red Riding Hood simply pulled Brother Wolf’s arm into her arms and hugged him tightly.

An unfamiliar yet soft touch was quickly transmitted to Brother Wolf’s brain through every neuron on his arm. When Brother Wolf with an amazing brain capacity analyzed what this touch felt like, he almost crashed. Involuntarily, Little Red Riding Hood’s sexy pajamas when the two first met emerged in his mind.

“You… let go.” Brother Wolf’s ears turned red, and he struggled desperately.

“Not loose.” Little Red Riding Hood hugged tighter.

He felt the soft touch, even more, Brother Wolf stiffened, and he stammered when he spoke: “I don’t want to commit suicide. You let go.”

“I don’t believe it, you can’t lie to me.” Little Red Riding Hood hugged a little tighter.

“You’re not letting go, are you?” Brother Wolf asked one last time.

“Not loose, not loose.” Little Red Riding Hood shook her head vigorously.

“Little Red Riding Hood.” Brother Wolf suddenly called out Little Red Riding Hood’s name.


“Are you worried about me committing suicide? Or is it an excuse to take advantage of me?” Brother Wolf asked.

“??” What does he mean? Little Red Riding Hood was suddenly confused.

Brother Wolf took the opportunity to move his arm a few times, and Little Red Riding Hood immediately came back to her senses, and suddenly panicked and flushed. She let go of the hand holding Brother Wolf’s arm.

Finally regaining his freedom, Brother Wolf tried to ignore the soft touch remaining on his arm, and said in a tone that she had not expected: “It’s not time to go to bed yet, so you started to make a move?”

What bedtime? What move?

“Girls who are more reserved are cuter.” Brother Wolf continued.

“You like reserved girls?” Little Red Riding Hood understood.

“That’s right. So don’t waste your time if you want to take the initiative to pounce.” Brother Wolf said.

“What do you mean by taking advantage? I was afraid that you would commit suicide.” Little Red Riding Hood explained earnestly, “You misunderstood.”

After Brother Wolf finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the tent, obviously planning to sleep.

Little Red Riding Hood hesitated for a moment and followed in small steps.

“Why are you following me?” Brother Wolf said speechlessly.

“I… I’m just worried.”

“What are you worried about?” Brother Wolf asked.

“What if… you commit suicide while I’m asleep?” In the past, Brother Wolf committed suicide and there was automatic teleportation to wake her up, but now she and Brother Wolf are together. She doesn’t know if this teleportation is still useful.

Why don’t you just believe me? Brother Wolf didn’t bother to explain that he really didn’t want to commit suicide, but asked, “What do you want to do then? Sleep with me in a tent?”

Sharing a tent? Then if Brother Wolf woke up in the middle of the night, she would know for sure.

“Probably.” Little Red Riding Hood immediately agreed that it was a good idea.

“You need to be beautiful.” Brother Wolf flicked her forehead before opening the tent and got in, deciding not to care about this stupid woman who was still anxious.

Little Red Riding Hood was turned away, but she was really worried that Brother Wolf would commit suicide in the middle of the night, but she also couldn’t stay up all night. Thinking about it, she finally thought of a way to get the best of both worlds: dragging her sleeping bag to sleep at the door of Brother Wolf’s tent.

In this way, if Brother Wolf left the tent in the middle of the night, she would definitely wake up. With such a beautiful idea, Little Red Riding Hood fell into a deep sleep.

In the middle of the night, Brother Wolf was awakened by the urge to urinate. When he was about to leave the tent to solve the matter, he was suddenly blocked by a black paramecia.

Black Paramecia = Little Red Riding Hood wrapped in a black sleeping bag, looking happy sleeping with her mouth closed.

Brother Wolf twitched the corners of his mouth, and stared at Little Red Riding Hood for a full minute before sighing, bent down, and carrying the girl into the tent.