The garden of the Bianhua Hospice was very lively at this time. Usually, on weekdays, the patients will only come to hang out in the morning or the evening. The old men and women who played Tai Chi also went out today to gather under the sun.

Not only that, but if you take a closer look, you will find that they are all well-dressed and in high spirits, obviously they came out after they had been deliberately groomed.

“Sister Liu, look at my flower, do I still look good with it now?” an old grandmother with full hair asked the older sister beside her.

“You’re good-looking, very good-looking.”

“This is what my old man left for me when I was young. It has been hidden for many years.”

“An Hua, what do you think of my cheongsam? Is it too extra?”

“Sister, you dress extravagantly and elegantly. I envy your good figure.”

“Would you like to put some rouge on, so that you look better?” (t/n: rouge is a red powder or cream used as a cosmetic for coloring the cheeks or lips)

“The photo is black and white, what kind of rouge to use.”

“Even if it’s black and white, the complexion will look different. Come on, I’ll put it on for you.”

“Old Li Tou, do you think my tie reflects my spirit?” The old men on the other side were also discussing with each other.

“This red one is too dazzling, go for a blue one.”

“And my hair, I have applied some hair cream on. Oh, you can go get your hair done by the way.”

Little Red Riding Hood looked at this scene in disbelief, the old men and the old ladies As if they had rejuvenated overnight, gathered on the lawn of this garden and mingled like a group of ladies and gentlemen who came to a banquet.

“This… what’s happening? Is there a happy event going on?” Little Red Riding Hood asked in confusion.

“Didn’t I tell you just now? It’s photo day.” Bai Xue said, taking another look at Little Red Riding Hood and saying, “Your clothes are barely enough, but your complexion is a little bad. Let me put on light makeup for you.”

“No…why do you want to take a memorial photo? Isn’t the photo supposed to be taken after death?” Little Red Riding Hood asked.

“This is a hospice. Everyone here is about to die.” Bai Xue explained, “Since everyone knows that their death is near, there are no more taboos. Besides, they can choose their portrait, isn’t that a good thing? At least you don’t have to worry about having an ugly memorial photo later.”

“So, everyone is so happy because they want to take a photo of themselves?” Little Red Riding Hood was still a little uncertain.

“Yeah, at this time of year, Bianhua Hospice will find a photographer to take pictures of the patients in the hospital. I have taken mine three times already.” Bai Xue said.

“…” Little Red Riding Hood looked at Bai Xue in disbelief, “You… you… have you taken it? Three times?”

“Yeah.” Bai Xue said as a matter of course, “Although I haven’t used it, it is also good to update it once a year. So when you use it, you are guaranteed that it is the latest photo.”

Do you think this is a bag that you must buy for the latest model of the season???

The two were talking when Xiao Ming came over from a distance: “Sister Bai Xue, Little Red Riding Hood, I’m done shooting, you guys can go too.”

“What are you holding in your hand?” Bai Xue glanced at Xiao Ming’s hand that was holding something.

“Oh, this is my university admission letter.” Xiao Ming replied.

“Why are you holding it?” Little Red Riding Hood asked in confusion.

“I’m taking my picture together with it.” Xiao Ming replied as a matter of course.

“Did you just take a photo with your college admission letter?” Little Red Riding Hood thought it was weird.

“Yeah, I just finished the college entrance examination this year, and I was admitted to my favorite university. I must take pictures with it for such a memorable event.” Xiao Ming said with a smile, “Just now the photographer praised me for my good test results too.”

“…” Little Red Riding Hood felt that no amount of words could express her collapsing understanding of the patients at this time.

It was the first time she saw someone dress up happily for a memorial photo shoot.

For the first time, she learned that the original memorial photo had to be updated every year.

For the first time, she learned that she should also take a photo of herself when she was still alive. Does the cemetery have to be bought in advance too?

“Every year in August, the photographer will come to take pictures. In September, there will be a visit from the cemetery broker to sell the cemetery. In October, someone will come to design the urn.” Bai Xue continued, “So the grandfather and grandmother in our courtyard will be the busiest during these months.”

“………………” As someone who has already died once, learning so many shocking things at once is just like facing a storm for Little Red Riding Hood.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at

As soon as she woke up, Little Red Riding Hood quickly took a memorial photo and after getting a rest for a whole day, her spirits finally recovered. The first thing she did after recovering was to report to the old dean in person.

“Congratulations, classmate Little Red Riding Hood, congratulations on completing the novice task and regaining a new life.” The old dean clapped his hands cartoonishly.

“Thank you, Dean. That…” Although she didn’t die, Little Red Riding Hood was still a little worried about Brother Wolf, “Brother Wolf, he… Really doesn’t want to commit suicide?”

“The information on Hui Lang in the book of life and death has returned to normal, he won’t be committing suicide again.” The dean said with relief.

“That’s good, so is my life point extended by another year?” Little Red Riding Hood asked.

“Yes, a year, a total of three hundred and sixty-five days. But since you were in a coma for three days and rested for a day, from today, you have a total of three hundred and sixty days left. Remember your life well. if you accidentally remembered it wrong, you might die suddenly.” The dean reminded her.

“Thank you.”

“By the way, your salary.” The dean took out a red envelope from the drawer and handed it to Little Red Riding Hood, “Go back and apply for a bank card, and it will be automatically transferred to your account on the 15th of each month.”

Little Red Riding Hood took it with a look of surprise, obviously not expecting to get the salary as soon as she woke up.

“Thank you, Dean… It’s really only fifteen hundred?” Little Red Riding Hood looked at the dozen or so thin stack of hundred-yuan bills in disbelief.

“Didn’t I tell you before, the monthly salary is 1500 yuan.” The dean’s expression was even more surprised than Little Red Riding Hood. Didn’t I tell you already?

“No… During that time, will the company not reimburse the transportation expenses, telephone bills, and other expenses when going out to work?” Little Red Riding Hood asked.

“No.” The dean shook his head and said, “The company pays 1,500 yuan for a month’s salary, and the rest of the expenses are left to the employees to pay for themselves.”

“But…the 1,500 yuan, what can I do?” Little Red Riding Hood asked. “If I stay in the hospice all the time and don’t go out, it’s fine, but if I go out, the thousand and five are not enough.”

“I don’t care, it’s none of my business.” The dean spread his hands and said carelessly.

“No, you have to consider the actual situation. All my savings were spent on Bianhua Hospice when I entered here. If I rely on the salary of 1,500 yuan, I will not have enough money to go out for a taxi in the future.” Little Red Riding Hood said.

“Are you the only employee in our company? Go and see others and see how they work.” The old dean began to give examples one by one, “Look at Bai Xue and Wu Ge, their task does not interfere with their own work. They’re young people with an annual salary of tens of millions. There is also Cao Nuo, although he is only a group performer, he also earns hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. Even Xiao Ming, who has just become an adult this year, sells a computer program. Millions have arrived. Look, look at them, and look back at yourself, what did you do?”


“What are you, you are just incompetent.” Dean unceremoniously criticized.

Little Red Riding Hood was stunned for a moment by the dean’s well-founded remarks and was finally dubbed useless, incompetent, only complaining to other people when encountering problems, and ruthlessly kicked out of the dean’s office. Physically and mentally exhausted.

“Woooooo…” Little Red Riding Hood was so wronged that she couldn’t help but ran to Bai Xue to cry.

“Okay, okay, it’s not just a day or two for the dean’s mouth to be poisonous.” Bai Xue comforted.

“I don’t blame the dean for being mean, I blame myself. I think what the dean said is quite right. Compared with you, I’m useless, woo woo woo…” The more Little Red Riding Hood thought about it, the sadder she became.” Originally I thought it was good to be alive, but people have no money to live, how can I live these days, woo woo woo… You say that I am a skeleton, if I go out to find a job, will anyone want me?”

“It’s okay, it’s okay. It’s not that exaggerated.” Bai Xue comforted, “The reason why you were so frail before was because your physical condition was forcibly suppressed to perform the task. The suppression broke out as soon as the time limit came, so it seems like it will be so scary, but it will not be in the future.”

“But now I have to do a medical examination when I go out to look for a job. No company dares to hire me like I am now. I…I can’t find a job, woohoo… “

Alright, alright, why don’t you come and help me first, I’m going to hold a show recently and I’m short on assistants,” Bai Xue said.

“But I don’t understand costume design?” said Little Red Riding Hood.

“You don’t need to understand, just run errands for me. You will be paid 10,000 yuan a month. If you do extra work, you will be paid for it separately. You can ask for leave at any time if you have something to do. What do you think?” Bai Xue said.

“Such a good benefit? Bai Xue, you are so kind to me, but you don’t have to pay me for extra work. You can let me ask for leave at any time. I’m already very satisfied.” Little Red Riding Hood knew that Bai Xue would add the idea of ​​asking for leave at any time. One is to facilitate her when she has a new task in the future.

“It’s okay, I have more money anyway.”

“…” This reason was so powerful that Little Red Riding Hood could not refute it.

“By the way, it just so happens that I have an extra job here that is suitable for you to do. One thousand yuan at a time, can you go?” Bai Xue asked.

“What work?” Little Red Riding Hood was curious.

“Blind date!”

The blind date was in the center of Xincheng City’s commercial area, not far from Brother Wolf’s Huihuang building.

Little Red Riding Hood painted light makeup and wore a knee-length dress (because the injury on the knee was not healed, so she wore a long dress particularly) and walked into a quiet cafe.

The moment she entered the cafe, Xiong Er, who was about to check out and leave, widened his eyes, and immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a message to his employer: (Sir, I found Dr. Xiao.)

(Where?) Brother Wolf replied.

(Coffee shop on the corner.) Xiong Er secretly took a picture of Little Red Riding Hood standing at the door and sent it over.

When Brother Wolf saw the photo, he thought to himself that this woman even put on makeup and wore a skirt to hang out at the coffee shop near my company. Now that the hide-and-seek game was over, are you planning to come and meet me by chance?

There are quite a lot of methods, but your investigation work is not great. The coffee in my company is much better than the one that they make in that store. So, why should I go to the store and have coffee?

At this time, the special assistant brought in a document: “Mr. Wolf, this is the information that will be used for the meeting later.”

“The meeting is delayed!” Brother Wolf said.

“When will it be delayed to?”

“Wait until I come back after drinking coffee.” Brother Wolf left the stunned special assistant and walked away with his cell phone.