TW: slight dub-con/drunk sex

Qin Wangzhi was ruined.

Qin Wangzhi was ruined by Bai Xue.

After these whole three years, Bai Xue did not expect that she would eventually spend the night with Qin Wangzhi.

Wrapping herself with a random cloth she picked from the floor, Bai Xue glanced at the “overworked” and drunk Qin Wangzhi, and left his apartment with guilt. She squatted on the curb outside Qin Wangzhi’s apartment and began to think about yesterday’s event. Why did she reach out to Qin Wangzhi again? Why did she suddenly become animalistic?

By the way, she remembered that Qin Wangzhi came to find her for dinner after work yesterday, saying that he had something to tell her. She then followed him to a western restaurant with a decent atmosphere.

Not long after the meal came, the waiter brought a bottle of red wine. Qin Wangzhi suggested a glass or two when she initially rejected it. But whenever she drank, he would drink even more than her, and finally, Qin Wangzhi got himself drunk first.

It needs to be the emphasis here that Qin Wangzhi’s alcohol tolerance is not very good, and Bai Xue’s alcohol tolerance was also not very good in the past. When Bai Xue poured one cup, then Qin Wangzhi poured up to three cups. When Qin Wangzhi first suggested drinking, Bai Xue thought that Qin Wangzhi had become good at drinking in recent years, but didn’t expect that he wanted to drink three full glasses.

He didn’t eat a few bites of the meal and ended up getting himself drunk first, and in the end, the bill was settled by Bai Xue. But that was nothing compared to the meals Qin Wangzhi cooked for her during her poor college days. Bai Xue really didn’t think it was a big deal to repay her.

Qin Wangzhi was drunk, but he was not black-out drunk. He could still answer all questions in a daze, and he could walk step by step obediently while being supported, so Bai Xue was able to take him back to the apartment without much hassle.

That’s right, everything started when she entered Qin Wangzhi’s apartment. Bai Xue pulled her wig off her head and bit it fiercely.

As said before, Qin Wangzhi is not a good drinker, but that wine was very good. Once he finishes drinking and was fully drunk, he will become a good baby who can sincerely answer every question. Before the two broke up, Bai Xue really like to watch Qin Wangzhi getting drunk. When he was drunk, she always asked him if he really like her, and then Qin Wangzhi would look at Bai Xue with a smirk and repeatedly say love words for Bai Xue. Every corny line will come out of that mouth.

The apartment was dark and the lights were out, the man was alone on the bed but he still looked so cute while sleeping. Bai Xue couldn’t hold back after a while, so she teased him a few times.

“Qin Wangzhi, Qin Wangzhi, wake up.” Bai Xue wiped Qin Wangzhi’s face with a hot towel while calling softly.

“Hmm~ Xue’er?” Qin Wangzhi’s blurred vision immediately turned vivid like clear water when he saw Bai Xue.

“You still recognize me?”

“Yes, my family’s daughter-in-law…hehe…” Qin Wangzhi smirked.

Bai Xue’s heart trembled when Qin Wangzhi called her like that. Her expression couldn’t help softening: “I’m not your family’s daughter-in-law anymore.”

“You are.”


“You are.” Qin Wangzhi suddenly held Bai Xue’s palm, clenched it in the palm of his hand, pressed it firmly on his chest and smiled with satisfaction, “I caught this daughter-in-law.”

Bai Xue tried pulling back her palm, but it wouldn’t budge. Qin Wangzhi’s glistering eyes stared at Bai Xue with a smirk: “Daughter-in-law, it will be our one-year anniversary in a week. What gift do you want?”

One-year anniversary? Bai Xue was stunned, Qin Wangzhi’s memory seemed to be a bit jumbled up.

“Xue’er, I’ll give you anything you want.” Qin Wangzhi continued to smirk.

“Idiot, why are you so happy, I’ll break up with you in a week.” Bai Xue suddenly got angry when she saw Qin Wangzhi’s silly appearance.

“Break up??” Qin Wangzhi seemed to be stimulated by something, and his expression changed suddenly. He turned around and pressed the unprepared Bai Xue directly under him, and shouted aggressively, “Don’t break up.”

“It hurts!” Bai Xue’s limbs were heavily restrained by Qin Wangzhi, and her arms were aching from the sudden force of Qin Wangzhi’s grip.

“Don’t break up.” Qin Wangzhi complained with grievances on his face. His aggrieved eyes seemed to say, if you promise not to break up, I will let you go.

“Yes, yes, won’t break up, won’t break up.” Bai Xue agreed despite being very well aware of their current affairs. Anyway, Qin Wangzhi’s memory of being drunk has travelled back to three years ago, so it doesn’t matter if she coaxes him now.

After all, she had ruthlessly rejected him once in reality, so she will let him feel better in his dream.

“Good!” Qin Wangzhi smiled with satisfaction, then lowered his head and bit Bai Xue’s lips heavily.

Bai Xue was stunned by the kiss, she blinked and pursed her lips. Bai Xue took a while before she could react. She stared blankly at someone who had taken advantage of her just now. She couldn’t help licking her lips, her head was full of doubt…

Has it been so long since we last kissed? Why does it feels like I’m missing something?

“Xue’er, what gift do you want?” Qin Wangzhi was very obsessed with giving gifts to his family’s daughter-in-law.

“I like whatever you give me.” Bai Xue was determined to make up for Qin Wangzhi who was hurt once in reality, so she thought about it and asked, “What about you, what do you want?”

“Hehehe…” Qin Wangzhi suddenly smirked.

Bai Xue felt that this picture was a little familiar, and then the smirking man suddenly leaned down and bit lightly on her earlobe… Bai Xue understood it instantly.

What now? Do I just go with the flow?

No, no, we both broke up, and now Qin Wangzhi is obviously drunk and was being silly. One should not be taking advantage towards others in a situation like this.

What does it mean to take advantage of others in a situation like this? I am a girl, of course I know that girls usually suffer from this kind of thing. But this is an opportunity, and I shouldn’t take it for granted.

No, Bai Xue, you have to save yourself from this situation, or you will be the worst kind of person.

However, he was the one who is taking the initiative, I just didn’t resist.

Then why don’t you resist?

Because…I don’t want to resist at all.

“Come on.” After some inner struggle, Bai Xue finally indulged in her own pleasure and kissed him back. She opened up herself for him and stretched out her ruthless claws toward Qin Wangzhi.

Although this initiated reaction lasted for less than a minute, and then for the next two hours, he could only passively roar. By the end, Bai Xue still had to admit that it felt really good.

Bai Xue felt that she was really getting high on pleasure, but, but… Qin Wangzhi’s figure is really much better than three years ago. She had touched it, and her eight-pack abs felt very good. The soft touch is completely different from that nerd from before. And… he seems… more domineering, even more…

“Aiya, stop, stop, Bai Xue, please stop thinking about it.” Bai Xue couldn’t stand herself anymore, so she beat her head hard and tried to calm down.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at

At this time, a white convertible BMW stopped in front of Bai Xue, and Little Red Riding Hood, who was woken up in the middle of the night to pick her up, glanced at the dishevelled bald head on the street, and almost jumped out of the car in fright: “Bai Xue, who messed with you?”

Bai Xue glanced at Little Red Riding Hood, slammed the wig in her hand, and then staggered to her feet.

I… my legs are weak…

Bai Xue held the front of the car and sat in the passenger seat with difficulty. She had no strength to buckle her seatbelt and the whole person just leaned on the seat lazily.

Bai Xue was wearing a transparent chiffon shirt today. At this time, two of the button on the shirt was missing for some reason. When Bai Xue lay down, her fair neck was exposed. From the earlobe to the chest, the bright red hickeys were glaring at the blushing Little Red Riding Hood.

“You…you are too intense.” Little Red Riding Hood said with shining eyes.

Bai Xue recalled those two hours in the apartment, and had to admit that Little Red Riding Hood was right, it was really intense.

“Is this Qin Wangzhi’s apartment?” Little Red Riding Hood said as she started the car and turned around to leave.

“Yeah.” Bai Xue nodded lightly.

“Then…with you looking like this…why do you have to leave in the middle of the night?” It was passed midnight, it was two o’clock in the morning. If she hadn’t realised that the white-clothed and bald woman, holding a wig on the road earlier was Bai Xue, she would have been terrified for a long time.

“If I don’t leave, I will be caught.”

“Will be caught?” Little Red Riding Hood didn’t quite understand.

“I took advantage of Qin Wangzhi’s drunkenness and couldn’t hold it back, so I slept with him…”

“What the-!!” Little Red Riding Hood stepped on the brake, and Bai Xue, who was not wearing a seat belt, almost flew out of the car.

“Bang!!” Bai Xue covered her red forehead and looked at Little Red Riding Hood with despair.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I was too excited, I was too excited. Why didn’t you fasten your seat belt.” Little Red Riding Hood apologized in a hurry.

“Forget it.” Bai Xue gave up on herself, “This is God’s punishment for my bad deeds.”

“You really sleep… Qin Wangzhi… what?” Little Red Riding Hood still couldn’t believe it.

“I’m already like this, can’t you believe it yet?”

“No, it’s mainly because you look like this. No matter how you look at it, it looks like you’ve been harassed or something.” Little Red Riding Hood said sincerely, “Could it be that… Qin Wangzhi is even worse???”

“There is a difference in physical strength between men and women, not to mention our situation.” Bai Xue didn’t expect that she would be so miserable. When she used to do it with Qin Wangzhi, she was still healthy and kicking the next day. Could it be the number of times she did it today was too much?

“Oh.” Little Red Riding Hood waited for Bai Xue to fasten her seat belt, restarted the car and drove back. Let’s just drive but Little Red Riding Hood suddenly laughed.

“What are you laughing at?” Bai Xue said angrily.

“No, it’s mainly because I think it’s very funny. I drove to pick up a female molester at night.” Little Red Riding Hood teased.

“Pfft…” Bai Xue couldn’t help but be amused.

“But… even if you run away in the middle of the night, Qin Wangzhi will still be able to find out about it tomorrow.” Little Red Riding Hood asked.

“Will he? Does he have any evidence?” Bai Xue said indifferently, “I broke his heart and refused to get back with him. At most, he thought he had a spring dream.”

“How miserable!” Little Red Riding Hood couldn’t help sympathizing with Qin Wangzhi. “However, Qin Wangzhi and Du Pingguo have also broken up their engagement. I think he is still in love with you, so why not consider getting back together? Anyway, he now knows about your condition.”

Bai Xue smiled bitterly, she turned to the side and asked Little Red Riding Hood, “Have you and Brother Wolf talked about death?”

“We have.” Little Red Riding Hood nodded.

“What will Brother Wolf do if you die?” Bai Xue asked.

“He said he would be sad,” replied Little Red Riding Hood.

“Then what?”

“Then… I think I should exist in his heart for a while, and then Brother Wolf will continue with his own life.” Little Red Riding Hood said, “In fact, I didn’t ask about the latter part. I just wanted to… well, while we are still alive, we just need to work hard on our relationship.”

“Yeah, you don’t need to think so far.” Bai Xue said helplessly, “Actually, I asked Qin Wangzhi this question before breaking up with him.”

“How did he answer?” Little Red Riding Hood asked curiously.


“Qin Wangzhi, what will you do if I die one day?”

“If you die, then I won’t live anymore.”

“Don’t joke.”

“I’m not joking, right now, you are here. Just wait and see, turn around on Huangquan Road, and you will definitely see me.” (t/n: Huangquan road means the road to the underworld)


“So you can’t get rid of me…”

Little Red Riding Hood pondered for a moment, then hesitated before saying, “This sounds like what a man would use to coax his girlfriend when he was in love, don’t be too much. Seriously.”

“I know, this is probably just sweet talk to coax me.” Bai Xue laughed at himself, “But I’m really going to die.”

Little Red Riding Hood was stunned for a moment, she looked at Bai Xue, and suddenly realized a problem. Maybe Bai Xue loves Qin Wangzhi more than Qin Wangzhi loves Bai Xue. So that’s why Bai Xue, who has always been transparent, still didn’t dare to try loving again when she knew that the other party was such a sweetheart.

She was afraid that Qin Wangzhi would fulfil his promise, but she was also afraid that Qin Wangzhi would not believe what she said. So in the best form of love, leave it there forever.

“Hey… can I ask you a question?” Little Red Riding Hood suddenly laughed.

“You’re asking too many questions.” Bai Xue said speechlessly.

“Hmm~ What does it feel like to make love?” Little Red Riding Hood asked blushing, “Is it really as comfortable as the legend says?”

Bai Xue glanced at Little Red Riding Hood in surprise: “Have you not done it yet?”

“Yeah, no way.” Brother Wolf was her first love, so the two of them could only cling to their long-distance relationship.

“If you want to know, go to Brother Wolf and try it.” Bai Xue urged.

“Isn’t this… need some preparation.” Anyway, Little Red Riding Hood doesn’t object to the idea. Recently, she has secretly bought a lot of videos that are not suitable for children to study.

“You don’t need to prepare for this kind of thing.” Bai Xue smiled, “Men are self-taught, and they really like women who don’t understand anything.”

“Really?” Little Red Riding Hood was surprised. All those self-study was done in vain.

“Ah, that’s right.” Bai Xue said with a wicked smile, “When doing this kind of thing, there are some misconceptions. Don’t be deceived by the movie.”

“What?” Little Red Riding Hood listened carefully.

“Don’t say no. The more you say it, the more he wants it.” Bai Xue said.

Little Red Riding Hood blushed, hummed for a long time and said, “Since I have never done it, it is natural to be curious about it.”

This time, Bai Xue was shocked: “You have no experience but your consciousness is still very high. Brother Wolf is so blessed.”


I’m kinda pissed with Bai Xue in this chapter since she’s conscious about her decision yet still makes the wrong choice. Oh well i guess. It’s fine as long as you both mutually love each other, right? (sarcasm)

I try to finish this novel before December ends so that next year I can start a new novel.