Someone said that a little farewell is needed to establish a marriage, but in Bai Xue and Qin Wangzhi’s situation, it can’t be regarded as just a little farewell. According to their own words, it was more like a dramatic farewell than anything else.

As soon as Bai Xue went to see Qin Wangzhi that night, Little Red Riding Hood knew that she would not return to the hospice for a while, but what Little Red Riding Hood didn’t expect was that Bai Xue not only did not return to the hospice but also did not return to the studio. A phone call came and Bai Xue asked Little Red Riding Hood to dismiss all the work as she would follow Qin Wangzhi to travel abroad, which took more than a week.

“Little Red Riding Hood, I’m back.” As soon as she returned home, Bai Xue went straight to the studio and gave Little Red Riding Hood a big hug when she entered the building.

“Now you know how to come home?” After Bai Xue left, all the previously negotiated cases were rejected, and Little Red Riding Hood apologized to customers a lot during this time.

“Oh, I know you’ve worked hard during this time so, I brought you a gift.” Bai Xue said coquettishly while holding Little Red Riding Hood’s arm.

“Where’s the gift?” Little Red Riding Hood’s expression improved a lot when she heard that there was a gift.

“Gift…” Bai Xue glared at Qin Wangzhi who was standing beside her with empty hands. He smirked before she asked, “Where’s the gift?”

“Oh, maybe I forgot it in the car, I’ll go get it now.” Qin Wangzhi said and turned around out.

“I knew that you were still reluctant to leave President Qin.” When Qin Wangzhi left, Little Red Riding Hood began to tease Bai Xue.

“Half reluctance and half because of you.” Bai Xue cowardly said.

“What does it have to do with me?”

“I want to help you complete the task.” Bai Xue said, “So that you can earn more health and spend more time with Brother Wolf.”

Yes, she lied about her task to Bai Xue as she said Qin Wangzhi was her target. As soon as Bai Xue left for a week, Little Red Riding Hood almost forgot about that part.

“Thank you so much.” Little Red Riding Hood thanked her with a guilty conscience.

“You’re welcome, didn’t your family Brother Wolf help me with the last blind date…?” Before Bai Xue could finish her last two words, Little Red Riding Hood suddenly disappeared from her eyes.


Does she get teleported?

Under what circumstances would Little Red Riding Hood suddenly be teleported away?

At this time, Qin Wangzhi just happened to walk back with a beautifully packaged gift box: “The gift is here.”

Bai Xue looked at Qin Wangzhi who was standing in front of her, and instantly she understood everything.

“Where’s Little Red Riding Hood?” Qin Wangzhi asked strangely when he didn’t see Little Red Riding Hood.

“Little Red Riding Hood?” She snatched the gift box from Qin Wangzhi’s hand with a grin, then threw the gift to the ground viciously, gritted her teeth and shouted, “She’s dead!”

Qin Wangzhi looked at the ruined box on the ground. Looking at the tragic gift box made him feel guilty for a while.

Of course, Little Red Riding Hood was not killed by Bai Xue. After getting her salary cut off for a month, the matter was finally over.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at

In the blink of an eye, another month had passed. Little Red Riding Hood was sitting in Brother Wolf’s office, waiting for him to get off work to do a celebration. As for what the celebration is for, of course, it is to celebrate Little Red Riding Hood for surviving for another month.

Because the test report given by the hospital showed that Little Red Riding Hood’s lifespan was only one month, so every month, Brother Wolf would do a celebration for Little Red Riding Hood.

“Wait for a moment, there are still two documents left. We can leave after I finish with these.” Brother Wolf was afraid that Little Red Riding Hood would be bored, so he tried to comfort her.

“Don’t worry, you look handsome when you are working.” Little Red Riding Hood’s face was looking playful as she complimented him.

After a low laugh, Brother Wolf got back to his work and increased his working speed.

Just when Brother Wolf finished reviewing the last document and was about to get up and leave, Little Red Riding Hood suddenly received a strange call.

“Second sister, Xiao Ming is dying!” As soon as the call was connected, the terrified cry of the teenager came from the other end of the phone.

“What?!” Little Red Riding Hood almost rolled off the sofa in fright.

“What’s wrong?” Brother Wolf asked worriedly when he saw that Little Red Riding Hood’s face looked wrong.

“Xiao Ming, Xiao Ming had a car accident.” It was a car accident, not a disease. The patients of the Bianhua Hospice will not die from the disease, but what about actual accidents?

Little Red Riding Hood didn’t know what to do. She tried to call Bai Xue, Wu Ge, and Cao Nuo to ask them, but none of them picked up their phone.

When Little Red Riding Hood arrived at the hospital accompanied by Brother Wolf, Xiao Ming was still in the operating room. Outside the door, waiting, were three dishevelled boys who were already crying. Little Red Riding Hood recognizes all of them as Xiao Ming’s college roommates.

“Second sister.” When the three big boys saw Little Red Riding Hood coming, they all gathered around crying.

“What’s the matter, what happened?” Little Red Riding Hood asked anxiously, “How did you all get into an accident?”

Brother Wolf patted Little Red Riding Hood before searching for a nurse for Little Red Riding Hood to inquire about Xiao Ming’s situation.

“We didn’t have class this afternoon, so the four of us made a plan to go to the city centre to see the robot exhibition, and on the way back…”

“It’s all my fault…” Another boy said with a face full of self-blame, “When I was crossing the traffic light, my bicycle’s chain suddenly fell off, and Xiao Ming tried to save me…”

Hearing this, Little Red Riding Hood probably already knew what happened.

“Is Xiao Ming seriously injured?” Little Red Riding Hood was most worried about Xiao Ming’s injury.

“It shouldn’t be life-threatening.” Brother Wolf came over at this time, “I just asked the nurse. She said that the car managed to dodge in time, but his leg still got hit.”

“It’s just a leg, but will that… ” If only one leg was damaged, it will not be life-threatening, but Little Red Riding Hood still didn’t want Xiao Ming’s leg to sustain any serious injury.

“It’s alright, his leg injury can be cured and Xiao Ming will be fine.” Brother Wolf explained out loud as if he knew what Little Red Riding Hood was worried about.

“It’s not the same, Xiao Ming is different from you. He is sick…”

“Second sister, Xiao Ming seemed to be sick when he had that car accident. He vomited a lot of blood.” Xiao Ming’s roommate cried, “Xiao Ming also said, he said…”

“What did he say?”

“Xiao Ming said that he was already dying. What did he mean?” The boy clenched his fists tightly and looked at Little Red Riding Hood nervously.


Before Little Red Riding Hood could answer Xiao Ming’s roommate’s question, the door of the operating room was suddenly pushed open from the inside, and a doctor in a surgical gown walked out of the room and shouted: “Are there any family members of the patient here?”

“I am, I am.” Little Red Riding Hood hurried over.

“Are you a family member of the patient?” The doctor confirmed it and asked quickly, “The current situation is like this. The patient obviously did not hurt his internal organs, but he vomited blood which cause him to lose an excessive amount of blood. We now suspect that the patient has another disease that also causes this issue.”

“He has leukimia” The doctor was stunned, and after an obvious pause, he asked, “What stage?”

“Last stage.” The doctor paused again, the anxious look on his face suddenly disappeared, his expression flashed a hint of regret and he released a sigh.

He said in one breath: “A patient with hemorrhage cannot sustain any injury. Once injured, the bleeding will not stop. When the patient was in a car accident, his right leg was run over and dragged by the car, causing extensive abrasions and multiple fractures. If the bleeding does not stop, It’s very likely…”

“It can be stopped. The bleeding can be stopped.”

“The patient vomits blood due to injury from the internal organ, which is a symptom of blood reflux from leukimia. If these symptoms occur, the patient’s chance of recovery is low.” The doctor sighed.



Behind her, the doctor can hear the shouts of the teenagers.

“Xiao Ming is different, Xiao Ming won’t die so easily.” Little Red Riding Hood insisted.

“I understand your feelings very well, but he is already in the late stage of hemorrhage, you should be prepared.” The doctor obviously thought that Little Red Riding Hood’s persistence was the unwillingness to accept the news.

“No…” Little Red Riding Hood didn’t know what to do in this situation, she only knew that even though Xiao Ming was not killed by the car, the blood loss could cost him his life, “Xiao Ming can’t be left just like that.”

“Little Red Riding Hood, calm down.” Brother Wolf grabbed Little Red Riding Hood’s shoulder, trying to calm her down.

“Brother Wolf, can you ask them to continue the treatment for Xiao Ming and give him a blood transfusion? Xiao Ming’s bleeding will stop in a while, trust me.” Little Red Riding Hood had never seen Xiao Ming get injured before. She only knew that whenever Xiao Ming got sick, his whole body will twitch.

Little Red Riding Hood was panicking at the moment, but her reasoning was still there. The patients of Bianhua Hospice will never die from a terminal illness before their contract expires.

“Brother Wolf.” Little Red Riding Hood looked at Brother Wolf almost begging.

“Okay.” Brother Wolf was unwilling to refuse her request, not to mention that they were talking about life there. He glanced at the ER doctor, and made a phone call to Director Fan Ti, asking him to do everything possible to maintain Xiao Ming’s life.

Xiao Ming’s leg injury was not fatal, but the blood loss caused by the wound may be fatal if not treated. The blood was pouring out nonstop despite the wound being bandaged by the doctor. He even puked a mouthful of blood, looking very terrifying.

Finally, Fan Ti found a treatment expert for hemorrhage disease. The expert directly made a hole in Xiao Ming’s neck and inserted a tube to allow the blood to flow out. This was to prevent Xiao Ming from vomiting blood while he was still in a coma which may cause him to choke to death.

Little Red Riding Hood was leaning outside the window, watching Xiao Ming in the intensive care room while stomping her feet due to anxiety.

“How is it?” As soon as Brother Wolf saw that Fan Ti and the expert were coming over to report the patient’s condition, he immediately took Little Red Riding Hood to meet them.

“The expert said that Xiao Ming is in the late stage of hemorrhage disease, and his body is much weaker than ordinary people. This time, the doctor who tended to this emergency case did not know that Xiao Ming had leukimia, so he did an operation on Xiao Ming. The patient ended up losing too much blood. If the bleeding is not stopped as soon as possible, even if we keep giving him blood transfusions, he probably won’t be able to last for long.”

“It should be alright after a while. Xiao Ming will heal on his own.” In fact, Little Red Riding Hood is a little uncertain at this time, because it has been almost five hours since the accident. It is rare for the Bianhua hospice patients to have such a long recovery time when they get sick.

Brother Wolf and Fan Ti glanced at Little Red Riding Hood, who was deceiving herself, but both stayed silent. After a while, Brother Wolf suddenly asked, “I just heard you and Dr. Rogge talking about a new drug?”

“The Fifth Research Institute has recently developed a new drug.” Fan Ti said immediately, “This drug is still being developed. At this stage, experiments have shown that it can instantly kill leukemia virus cells, but the dosage and sequelae still haven’t been confirmed. Dr. Rogge said…”

Fan Ti glanced carefully at Little Red Riding Hood and said, “If Xiao Ming’s condition remained the same, you should try a treatment with the new medicines.”

Little Red Riding Hood heard the words and was immediately offended. Just as she was about to say something, he was held down by Brother Wolf, who calmly analyzed the idea. “This may be the only medicine that can stop Xiao Ming’s bleeding. Little Red Riding Hood, what do you think?”

“I…” Little Red Riding Hood saw that everyone was waiting for her to make a decision. With such an early development, will this medicine leave harmful effects on Xiao Ming’s body?

“Use it!” A cold and decisive voice suddenly sounded in the corridor.

Little Red Riding Hood turned around excitedly, and found that Wu Ge was walking over quickly: “Wu Ge.”

“Use it.” Wu Ge ignored Little Red Riding Hood and said directly to the doctor beside her, “Just use it. As long as you can stop bleeding, use it.”

Among all the people in the hospice, the one with the highest IQ is Wu Ge. Even the contract that they signed with the underworld was fully analyzed by him. At this time, Wu Ge agreed to proceed with the idea, so obviously Little Red Riding Hood would naturally not object.

Dr. Rogge called the institute to send the new medicines over. Meanwhile Little Red Riding Hood and Wu Ge waited at the door of the ward. After a while, Cao Nuo, who was still in his costume, also arrived, followed by Bai Xue, who flew back directly from Fashion Week.

Several people waited for around before two young men in white robes came over alongside Dr. Rogge while carrying a medical medicine box. He just nodded slightly to everyone in the corridor and went straight into the ward.

After using the new drug, Xiao Ming’s bleeding was significantly lesser than before. After another half an hour, Xiao Ming’s bleeding stopped completely, and his vital signs began to return to normal.

Everyone waiting outside the ward breathed a sigh of relief.

“It scared me to death.” Little Red Riding Hood grabbed Bai Xue’s hand and said in fear, “Why is Xiao Ming’s illness so scary?”

“Xiao Ming just had a car accident. The volume of blood loss far exceeds his body’s self-healing ability.” Wu Ge said, “We just need to stop the blood, and then it will slowly heal itself.”

As soon as Wu Ge’s voice fell, he heard Dr. Rogge over there exclaiming repeatedly: “It’s amazing, it really stopped the bleeding and this leukemia patient magically survive despite losing blood for such a long time.”

The Bianhua gang looked at each other tacitly. The real reason why Xiao Ming managed to survive until now is probably only known to them.

“So, it’s not that we will never die.” Little Red Riding Hood asked.

“If you want to die, who can stop it.” Wu Ge’s venomous tongue was as always, but this time Little Red Riding Hood was not angry but just chuckled along with the others.

Brother Wolf on the other side was chatting with Fan Ti and the people in those laboratories, and he seemed to be very attentive.

“This new drug was researched by Brother Wolf’s laboratory, right?” Bai Xue asked suddenly.

“It seems so.” Little Red Riding Hood nodded.

“I thought Brother Wolf was only studying Little Red Riding Hood’s El Nino disease.” Cao Nuo was surprised.

Brother Wolf seemed to sense that someone was looking at him, and suddenly turned his head and waved at Little Red Riding Hood.

“He’s calling for you, hurry up and go.” Wu Ge also said, “In the future, I will supervise Mr. Lang with his research and create the medicine before we die.” Reasonable, everyone nodded in unison.

Little Red Riding Hood knew they were just joking, but why did she hope that it wasn’t just a joke? She still had ten years, but other patients didn’t.

“What’s wrong?” Little Red Riding Hood asked as he walked to Brother Wolf.

“Remember them?” Brother Wolf asked, pointing to the two young doctors in front of him.

“Who are they?” Little Red Riding Hood knew that these two were doctors who had just delivered the new medicines but listening to Brother Wolf’s tone, she should have seen them before.

“Beauty, don’t you remember me? Three million?” The young man tried his best to awaken the memory of Little Red Riding Hood.

Three million? Little Red Riding Hood suddenly had a flash of inspiration and shouted in surprise: “You are the group of students that was researching terminal illness at Star City Medical University?”

“That’s right.”

“You really did it.”

“Yes, I did say that I will prove it to you when I can buy the equipment.” The young man said proudly, “We took Mr Lang’s business card that day, and someone really invested 3 million for us. Later, we developed a sample and took it to the company to use for an experiment.”

“When we met Mr. Lang, he quickly transferred us to the Fifth Research Institute. Now that we have more professional tutors and equipment, we will definitely develop drugs for these terminal illnesses earlier than expected.”

Little Red Riding Hood looked at Brother Wolf with joy, as if to say, look, I’m not wrong right?

The next day, Xiao Ming woke up. Under Dr. Rogge’s unbelievable gaze, he quickly recovered and transferred to the general ward. During this time, Bai Xue asked him why he sacrificed his life to save his roommate. As a result, Xiao Ming replied very flatly: “Because it’s cost-effective, I only have a little more than three years left, and he has a lifetime left.”

It was so touching to hear, no, so unbelievable, Wu Ge gave him a fierce slap.

Then there were Cao Nuo and Bai Xue who completely burst out their rage. Little Red Riding Hood who was the one affected also want to nag but as the only one among the few who witnessed Xiao Ming’s tragic situation, Little Red Riding Hood was unwilling to say anything.

“Don’t do something like this again in the future.” Little Red Riding Hood just warned.

“Well.” Xiao Ming covered his head and smirked.

Another month passed, and Xiao Ming was finally discharged from the hospital and returned to school in a wheelchair. Cao Nuo went on to record a film, and it is said that this time his lines finally reached ten. After Bai Xue came back from Fashion Week, requests for her finally slowed down a bit. Wu Ge also doesn’t seem to be so against Sister Lan anymore.

As for Little Red Riding Hood, she is now sitting in a romantic French restaurant, celebrating with Brother Wolf that she has lived another month.

“We celebrate every month, won’t it be too frequent?” Little Red Riding Hood asked in a low voice.

“No!” Brother Wolf raised his right hand and waved. Immediately, a violinist came over, holding the violin and playing beside the two of them.

“Last time it was the piano, this time it was the violin, what’s next?” Little Red Riding Hood pursed her lips and smiled.

“You’ll know next time.” Brother Wolf raised the red wine glass and clanked it with Little Red Riding Hood’s glass lightly.

The two were drinking wine and listening to the serenade quietly. Suddenly, Little Red Riding Hood felt that her vision was a little dark, and then it began to blur slowly.

She’s sick!

Little Red Riding Hood knew that she was sick again, but this time the situation was not as serious, it was just that her vision suddenly became blurred. Her eyes would be blind for a while, and they would recover in about half an hour, so she was not nervous.

Little Red Riding Hood didn’t want to destroy the beautiful atmosphere, so she tried to maintain her appearance until the end of the violin performance.

“It sounds so nice.” Little Red Riding Hood smiled and “looked” at Brother Wolf across from her.

At this time, Brother Wolf was holding a small box in his hand, which Brother Wolf had already taken out when the music was halfway through. He thought that Little Red Riding Hood would scream in surprise when he took it out, as this is what she always wanted. But unfortunately, the girl opposite him was unusually quiet, turning a blind eye to the box in her palm.

When the music ended, Little Red Riding Hood turned to “look” at him. Although her eyes were smiling, there was no light in them.

She fell ill again, Brother Wolf lowered his eyes, and finally, he took back the ring box: “I still have something for you.”

“What?” Little Red Riding Hood asked curiously.

Brother Wolf opened the box and took out the diamond ring that he had chosen after going through so many of them. Without waiting for Little Red Riding Hood to continue asking, he directly held up Little Red Riding Hood’s right hand and put the ring lightly on Little Red Riding Hood’s ring finger.

“This is?” Realizing what she was wearing, Little Red Riding Hood was extremely surprised, “Proposal ring?”

“No.” Brother Wolf denied it.

“Obviously it is.” Little Red Riding Hood said with absolute certainty, touching the shape of the ring.

“You can’t see, how do you know?” Brother Wolf asked.

Sure enough, Brother Wolf found out, Little Red Riding Hood smirked and said: “I heard that when two people quarrel after marriage, the most common thing women say is, ‘I was blind before marrying you’. I can’t see you now, I’m blind, but I still want to marry you, aren’t I very sincere?”

“Well, very sincere.” Brother Wolf held Little Red Riding Hood’s hands and asked affectionately and solemnly, “Little Red Riding Hood, will you marry me?”

He always wanted to find a perfect time to propose to Little Red Riding Hood, but it seemed that every time, something unexpected would always happen. This ring had been bought for a long time, never been used.

But at this moment, Brother Wolf’s thoughts changed. A proposal doesn’t need the perfect timing, just two perfect people.


Ten years later.

Brilliant Group officially announced that it has completed the drug research for five of the top ten terminal diseases and officially put it into production.

As for which five terminal diseases are, everyone should be able to guess them.