After the car drove out of this coastal city, it got on the expressway.

Chen Yang opened the scenery outside the car through the car window...

Below the expressway are tracts of farmland, and in the distance are many rural buildings. At this time, it is 2005 AD...

The country is in a state of rapid development.

Whether it is buying a house or buying stocks, you can make a lot of money, and all walks of life are full of vitality and countless opportunities to make money. Chen Yang remembered that he just went abroad at this time. Although he was in a foreign country, he didn't have the slightest bit of unaccustomedness to him. Instead, he was alive and youthful. The sword rolls in the mountain, the fire breaks through, and never fears.

Now everything has been done all over again, but with a change of identity and a greater responsibility on his back.

All kinds of past, in my mind like a glimpse of light...

It takes a total of twelve hours to drive from Dashun City to Xiajing.

On the way, Qin Yunshuang also helped Li Qin drive for a few hours, mainly because he was afraid that Li Qin would not be able to hold it.

Also took a few breaks in the service area.

When we arrived at Xiajing, it was already late at night.

Li Qin had arranged the hotel early and arranged for them to check in directly.

After Chen Yang and his party settled down, Li Qin went to rest by himself. Tomorrow still need him to continue to be the driver.

The suite where Chen Yang lives alone is on the 19th floor... After taking a bath, he stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the night view outside.

Xiajing's city night scene is already very beautiful, with high-rise buildings and thousands of lights.

Chen Yang's heart suddenly became hot...

Although this universe is not his own universe, there are also Situ Linger and Shen Mocong here.

Now, they have not met that Hongmeng Taoist.

If, at that time, I successfully replace the Daoist Master of Hongmeng, their fates will also change.

For a while, he thought about it a lot.

After thinking about it, I clearly realized that everything here is roughly the same as the main universe. But in fact it's different... Because this world also has Chen Yang, Situ Linger, and Demon Emperor Chen Tianya. But Chen Tianya here is not his father, and Chen Yang here is not himself.

Situ Linger here, Shen Mocong is not his wife.

After thinking more, Chen Yang's fiery heart gradually cooled down.

I feel that I can’t be emotional, and everything still has to be gradual.

The next day, Luo Tianyao took Qin Yunshuang and Chen Yang to an antique shop to buy gifts. The gifts I bought are not too expensive, but they are very thoughtful.

After that, he asked Li Qin to drive them to a compound. That compound is a compound belonging to the military district...

Ordinary people can't get in.

The gate was guarded by soldiers with live ammunition.

But when Chen Yang and the others arrived, someone was already waiting at the door.

It was a gentle man in his thirties, dressed in military uniform.

The man stepped forward, smiled at Luo Tianyao, Qin Yunshuang, and Chen Yang, and said, "The old man asked me to wait for Miss Luo and you here... Please come with me!"

Luo Tianyao smiled and said, "It's time to work!"

The man leads the way.

After entering the gate, first pass through a playground. The playground is green with trees...

There are still some soldiers on the playground who are kicking...

After turning a corner, and walking a little further, they came to a building area. The buildings here are generally not high, only about five stories.

The man took Chen Yang and the others to a unique courtyard, and then stopped. Said: "Miss Luo, this is the place." After that, he stepped forward and knocked on the door.

The door opened soon.

It was a door opened by a guard. Everyone followed the guards to the hall of the house.

In the main room, an old man with white beard and hair in a white shirt was sitting on the head, sipping tea leisurely.

After Luo Tianyao came in, he immediately stepped forward and shouted enthusiastically, "Grandpa Nangong!"

The old man in the white shirt is the old man Nangong.

The old man looked at Luo Tianyao with a smile and said, "Girl Yao, the last time I saw you was five years ago. You are still as beautiful and young as before. And Shuang'er, you too..."

Qin Yunshuang also immediately shouted sweetly, "Hello, Grandpa Nangong!"

Naturally, Chen Yang couldn't treat it as a piece of wood, so he bowed on the spot and said, "Hello, Grandpa!"

The old man Nangong looked at Chen Yang, but he was not arrogant, he said with a smile: "The little guy is very good, he has the spirit of a young man. I heard Yao girl talking about you, saying that you lived overseas since you were young, and you are also Don't want to be a native of the country, and want to return to our country and be an upright native of Xia, don't you?"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Yes, Grandpa!"

Taking the ethos of 2005, some rich and famous people in China are keen to change their children to the nationality of the country.

Therefore, it is somewhat surprising that Chen Yang took the initiative to enter the Xia Kingdom nationality.

Old Man Nangong smiled and said, "You grew up abroad, how can you have such deep feelings for the motherland?"

Chen Yang said as a matter of course: "Because my blood is the blood of Yanhuang!" In the main universe, he really went to see the sea of ​​stars and countless planets. However, the root in his heart has always been in the earth, in China.

This will never change.

Therefore, even if he is reborn as a human being this time, it is absolutely impossible for him to enter the nationality of Liguo.

The old man Nangong liked Chen Yang's answer very much, and said, "Okay, okay, this is the good man of our Xia Kingdom. If the young men of our country can do this, the country will definitely be stronger."

The feelings of the older generation towards the country are incomprehensible to the younger generation.

After chatting for a while, Luo Tianyao gave a greeting gift.

The old man Nangong didn't refuse either. After receiving the gift, he expressed his joy. Then arrange everyone to sit down...

After being seated, the old man Nangong said: "Yao girl, if you have nothing else to do today, just have a light meal with me and drink with me, how about it?"

Luo Tianyao smiled and said, "I'm here, and I didn't plan to leave on an empty stomach."

Old Man Nangong laughed and said, "Okay, okay, okay!" After a while, he said, "How is your father lately?"

Luo Tianyao said: "He has been in retreat and hasn't come out for a few years. I think he has reached the key point!"

Old Man Nangong said, "Your father is also a very good boy. You have also done a lot for the motherland over the years. We remember every bit of it in our hearts."

Luo Tianyao said: "Grandpa Nangong, please don't say that. We are all sons and daughters of Yan and Huang... Abroad, we are just trying to make a living! In the future, we will all return to our roots."

Old Man Nangong smiled and said, "We welcome you home at any time." After that, he added, "Although I have been staying in the country, I know a little about your situation. The Holy See, and the Ghost Society. You have always been very strong, and you need a lot of wisdom to survive in the cracks. Especially in these years, your father has been in seclusion again. As a girl, it must be even more difficult to support this huge family business. "

Luo Tianyao's eyes suddenly darkened when she was spoken to.

She forced a smile and said, "My father left the family business to me, no matter how difficult it is, I have to do my best."

Grandpa Nangong's eyes were sharp and he said, "If there is any difficulty, you can tell Grandpa here."

Luo Tianyao was at a loss for words.

The old man Nangong smiled and said: "Yao girl, you don't have to have any scruples here. Don't underestimate our strength... The Holy See is indeed a good force, but if we really want to warn them, they still have to lie down."

Luo Tianyao naturally knew that the motherland represented the East, and the spiritual power of the East was not comparable to that of the West.

I just feel that everything is not yet clear. It is also very difficult to rashly expand the conflict.

The entire foundation of the Temple of the Sun is abroad. If it falls out with the Holy See, it will be very difficult to deal with.

Immediately, he said, "It's a small conflict, and it's not easy to solve it with force. If it's necessary to use force, I will definitely ask you for help!"

Old Man Nangong said, "Well, that's good! In short, remember that the motherland will always be the solid backing of your overseas children!"

Luo Tianyao's eyes turned red, but this time she was moved from the bottom of her heart.

She also clearly felt that the motherland has become stronger and stronger over the years.

After chatting for a while, Mr. Nangong simply arranged for the gentleman in military uniform to accompany Chen Yang to settle his identity.

The man gave a military salute and said, "Yes, Chief!"

After that, the man took Chen Yang out of the compound.

They drove out of the compound in a military vehicle, and the man introduced himself to Chen Yang. His name was Sun Jing.

With Sun Jing's company, many things have opened a green channel.

After about two hours, everything was done.

Chen Yang deliberately let the name on the ID card be called Chen Yang, he just likes the name Chen Yang.

Of course, the ID card can not be obtained immediately. But the police station first got Chen Yang a temporary ID card.

As for the household registration, it falls directly on the collective household registration of the compound.

At the same time, passports and these are also processed at the same time, special affairs!

In less than three days, Chen Yang will truly become a native of Xia, with a fully legal and qualified identity.

In the afternoon, Sun Jing took Chen Yang back to the courtyard, and then came to the home of the old man Nangong. The old man was very chatty and chatted a lot with Luo Tianyao.

After Chen Yang came over and said hello, Sun Jing withdrew.

The old man Nangong also greeted Chen Yang to take his seat. In a blink of an eye, he talked about the glorious years of the year and so on.

Luo Tianyao couldn't help but sigh and said, "It's not easy for the country to have what it is today. It can also be said to be a miracle, a miracle belonging to our Xia Kingdom."

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