Qin moyao suddenly realized, and at the same time some shame, how did he forget this stubble. What's more, Chen Yang was injured because he protected himself.

In other words, it's also the normal performance of Chen Yang's goods. It's like a man who has nothing to do with it.

Qin moyao was ready to go downstairs. Chen Yang then said, "by the way, buy me a set of underwear and pajamas in the convenience store."

Qin moyao nodded and said, "good!"

Chen Yang happily took a hot bath, which he took for half an hour. Hot water washes through the body, opening every pore. This made him feel comfortable, at the same time, the feeling of exhaustion also rose. As long as a good sleep, the next day will be able to live.

At this time, Qin moyao also put underwear and pajamas outside the door, and Chen Yang changed into new underwear and pajamas. After that, he smelled the fragrance again. Then follow the taste to come to the table.

Qin moyao put a bowl of noodles on the table, her hair was also disordered, this meal made her a little embarrassed.

Chen Yang saw shredded meat and eggs on the noodles. However, the eggs are a little burnt.

After Chen Yang sat down, as soon as he picked up the chopsticks, Qin moyao said with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry, my craft is not very good."

Chen Yang laughed and said, "I can understand." "How many eggs did you buy?" he asked

"Twenty!" Qin moyao said.

Chen Yang said, "go and make boiled eggs, just cook them well."

Qin moyao said quickly, "good!"

Then he picked up his chopsticks and frowned. Naturally, the quality of the noodles can't be compared with that of Su Qing. However, Chen Yang has a strong sense of hunger in his body, so he doesn't care about so much. He eats it.

After a bowl of hot noodles, Chen Yang felt his spirit was shocked. The body quickly absorbs all the nutrients it absorbs.

About 20 minutes later, Qin moyao took the boiled eggs again. The egg was still very hot, but Chen Yang took it in his hand as if nothing had happened. He just knocked it gently, and the egg shell fell off completely.

This scene was so magical that Qin moyao felt incredible. "How do you do it?" Qin moyao couldn't help asking.

Chen Yang ate an egg, then picked up an egg, said: "this is a kind of control of strength, strength master, can fight cattle across the mountain, my hand is nothing."

Qin moyao immediately came with a strong interest and said, "can you teach me?"

Chen Yang shook his head and said, "no!"

"Why?" said Qin moyao

Chen Yang said, "because you can't teach."

Qin moyao could not help but feel a little discontented and said, "why do you say I can't teach? You haven't taught."

With a smile, Chen Yang said, "at your age, you have passed the most spiritual stage. The most important thing in learning martial arts is to have a mind free of distractions. You have too many thoughts now, and you are not pure. "

Qin moyao said, "there are so many ways to learn martial arts? Is not squat horse step, strength training big, footwall steady, speed is OK? "

Chen Yang ate another egg and said, "even if ordinary people practice to death, they don't find the knack. How fast and how strong can you be? " After a pause, he said, "let me tell you, people often sweat when they exercise. Sweat is the vitality. If you lose it, you will be more and more tired. If you want to get started, the first thing you need to do is to make your hair stand up and close your pores. People are suddenly stimulated by the cold wind, will be creepy, all over the goose bumps, that is to close the pores. You look at me? "

He stretched out his arm as he spoke.

Qin moyao immediately saw Chen Yang's hair stand up.

"How do you do it?" Qin moyao asked in surprise.

Chen Yang stopped and said, "the mind is free from distractions, the mind is strong, and the whole body is under control. It's so simple."

Qin moyao couldn't help but tried it for a long time, but he didn't feel anything.

Chen Yang said with a smile: "in fact, this kind of feeling is more appropriate to describe in a vulgar way. It's the feeling of a sudden meal when you're in a rush of shit. "

Qin moyao immediately blushed. She was a girl's family and could not accept such a vulgar description.

Chen Yang added: "in ancient times, many kung fu masters passed on male to female. It's also because some things are hard to describe and teach to women. "

Qin moyao was quite surprised and said, "there is such a layer."

The two people talked like this, and soon Chen Yang ate all the 20 eggs.

Later, Chen Yang said, "give me a place to sleep. I want to have a good rest."

Qin moyao nodded, and she went to make the bed in the next bedroom for Chen Yang.

Chen Yang enters the room, closes the door and says goodbye to Qin moyao. Then he goes to bed and starts running the Dayi Yuejue.

In this process, he fell into a deep sleep.

At this time, his body function is rapidly absorbing nutrition and recovering body function.Qin moyao took a bath and went back to bed. She and Chen Yang together, feel particularly at ease. Although Chen Yang is a man, she is a woman, a lonely man and a widowed girl, Qin moyao is not worried that Chen Yang will be unfaithful to her.

In the heart of Qin moyao, Chen Yang seems to be the only real man!

To three o'clock in the morning, Chen Yang suddenly rushed out of the room, and then went to the bathroom a crackling excretion.

This is because he ate too much today. Now he is discharging all the dregs in his body.

There is no toxin or dregs in his body.

After that, Chen Yang felt really comfortable.

A good night!

The next day, Chen Yang slept until 10 a.m. Qin moyao did not quarrel with him, but went to the restaurant below to bring Chen Yang hen soup.

Chen Yang wakes up in spirits and happily drinks jujube chicken soup. After that, his body almost recovered.

Qin moyao took out a new suit of clothes to Chen Yang and said, "I can't wash your old clothes for you. Take this and wear it

The clothes are a set of fresh white sportswear. Chen Yang takes the sportswear and smiles. And then I went back to my room.

After that, Chen Yang picked up his mobile phone and changed his clothes. The mobile phone has no power to turn off, he asked Qin moyao for a charger to charge. Today's smart phones and chargers are universal.

After that, Chen Yang and Qin moyao sat on the sofa and began to discuss the next journey.

"Chen Yang, are you going to Yunnan to find Xuanyi gate?" Qin moyao asked.

Chen Yang leisurely drank a cup of yogurt, said: "of course, this is the promise of Bai yinshuang."

Qin moyao said, "when will we start? I'll go with you. "

Chen Yang said, "I don't know what moths are in Xuanyi's door. I think I'll go myself this time."

Qin moyao immediately said, "how can that be done. Cheng Jianhua has a homicide case in his body. I am a policeman. It is my responsibility to arrest him. I must go with you this time

"I don't intend to hand Cheng Jianhua over to the police," Chen said. Bai yinshuang has a complaint. I plan to escort Cheng Jianhua to the golden age. Only in this way can the golden age bar see the light again. "

Qin moyao said, "that's no problem. Even city leaders will support us to do so. " She paused and said, "I'm a police officer with an official identity. The people of Xuanyi gate will be afraid, won't they

"I'm afraid there will be danger inside. I can't protect you," Chen said

Qin moyao said, "don't worry, Bai yinshuang is a ghost, so I can't deal with it. But Xuanyi door is full of people, my shooting is very accurate, I will never become your burden. You don't have to say much about it anyway. Even if you don't let me go, I'll lead the team. "

"Never!" Chen Yang was startled, then said: "Xuanyi door do not know what mechanism, if you lead the team to go, beat grass to frighten the snake. Once Cheng Jianhua got wind of it in advance, he ran away. It's hard to find him again

With a sly smile, Qin moyao said, "then take me with you."

Chen Yang was helpless and said, "OK."

"When shall we start?" Qin moyao asked excitedly.

Chen Yang said, "if you plan a route to Yunnan, I'll go back first and say hello to Su Qing."

Hearing this, Qin moyao said, "she's not your wife. Why do you have to report everything?"

Chen Yang said, "Damn it, it's the minimum courtesy and respect. How worried should she be that I'm gone in silence. "

Qin moyao said in a bad mood, "go ahead."

After a while, Chen Yang said, "you are very jealous. Captain Qin, are you in love with me

"Love your sister!" Qin moyao immediately said.

Chen Yang laughs, and then goes to get the mobile phone that hasn't been charged much electricity, and then leaves Qin moyao's home.

After Chen Yang left, Qin moyao was still a little sulky. He didn't know what he was angry about.

She couldn't help coming to the mirror.

In the mirror, she was wearing a royal blue police uniform shirt, and her hair was curled up. She was heroic and beautiful. The skin on the face can be broken by blowing bullets.

Where it should be, where it should be, where it should be.

In fact, Qin moyao is a natural beauty. What she was upset about was that Chen Yang didn't seem to call her at all. She didn't think she was a beauty?

For Qin moyao's troubles, Chen Yang had no such worries. He didn't think about anything at all.

After driving back to the rental house, Chen Yang went to see Su Qing the first time.

Su Qing is washing clothes in her rental room, and it happens to be washing her underwear. Seeing this situation, Chen Yang was not calm. Su Qing is happy to see Chen Yang, but she quickly reacts, not from a pretty face red. I quickly hid my underwear in my clothes."Ha ha!" Chen Yang smiles and says, "sister Qing, I can't believe you like to wear such a sexy dress..."

Su Qing's face immediately blushed and said angrily, "shut up."

Chen Yang laughs. He doesn't know where he is. Su Qing's whole body, as well as underwear, has not seen clearly there. He also knew that Su Qing had a T-shirt.

In fact, Chen Yang knows that Su Qing looks virtuous and gentle. But in the bone, there is still a kind of rippling feelings, but she repressed.

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