Lin Qingxue's villa has a panoramic roof with a good view. And also decorated out a swimming pool!

At this time, on the rooftop, the morning sun shines on the swimming pool, and suddenly it is sparkling.

Chen Yang and Lin Qingxue are sitting in the chair under the sun umbrella.

Lin Qingxue slightly difficult asked: "my brother is really not in?"

Chen Yang nodded heavily and said, "yes."

Lin Qingxue eyes red, she asked: "when things?"

"Six months ago," Chen said

Lin Qingxue held back her tears. After a long silence, she said, "what has my brother been doing outside these years? Why did he sacrifice? How did you get to know each other

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "since your brother killed for your uncle, he fled to a small country in Africa through your uncle's relationship. That small country is called the regional flag. Originally, your brother was a general who took refuge in the regional flag. Unfortunately, it was not long before the general was attacked by the rebels. The general died. Your brother couldn't help it. He finally joined the mercenary. At that time, I just joined the mercenary. At that time, your brother was the weakest and was often bullied by his teammates. When I saw him pitiful, I helped him. Then I often teach him Kung Fu and gunshot. Gradually, we become good brothers

After that, he said, "because the team is so good. The captain couldn't accommodate me and even tried to kill me. When your brother knew about it, he told me that I left the team with your brother that night. Later, the two of us gritted our teeth and created a troop of mercenaries. This mercenary team is called blood wolf. I'm the wolf king. Your brother is a wolf. After three years of development, our team has become the leading mercenary in Africa

"Just half a year ago, on a mission, your brother died. I know that he is most distressed by your sister, so I disbanded the blood wolf employment team and returned to Binhai to take care of you

After hearing this, Lin Qingxue burst into tears. She then asked, "where is my brother buried now?"

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "I buried him in the jungle of Africa."

Lin Qingxue said with sadness, "can you take me to worship my brother?"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "of course. We'll leave whenever you want to. "

Lin Qingxue said: "there are some things that the company can't get rid of recently. In about a month, I'll have time. "

Chen Yang said, "OK, I'll wait for you."

Lin Qingxue deeply looked at Chen Yang and said, "no matter what, I should thank you."

Chen Yang felt guilty and said, "don't say that. I didn't take good care of your brother. It's my fault. "

Lin Qingxue said: "I don't think my brother would regret having followed you." Tqr1

Chen Yang remained silent. He remembered the brotherhood that he and Lin Nan had together in those years. They were sleeping in the mud at night and chatting with each other. Their friendship can block bullets for each other.

But now, Linnan has been buried underground for a long time. And I'm still alive.

At this time, Chen Yang felt very guilty and sad. "Qingxue, I'm sorry, but I lied to you. Linnan didn't die in a mission. "

Lin Qing was shocked.

Chen Yang is actually a perceptual person. On the one hand, he doesn't want to let Qingxue know that Lin Nan has stains. On the other hand, he doesn't want to cheat Lin Qingxue. I don't want to escape the fact that Lin Nan's death is related to him.

"What the hell is going on?" Lin Qingxue's face changed and asked in an urgent voice.

"Half a year ago, we received a single task. To help Chechen rebels blow up a bridge. But Because the enemy organization knew the news in advance, they sent a female spy to seduce Lin Nan. Later, because Lin Nan accidentally revealed our whereabouts. Eight people were killed and wounded in our team on that mission. We got out of here by the last ditch. At that time, we all knew that there was a spy among us, and everyone was very angry. At that time, your brother stood up and confessed to me

Lin Qingxue's body trembled violently and said, "so you killed my brother?"

Chen Yang shook his head and said, "No. I was so frustrated that I wanted to disband the blood wolf. But I didn't tell your brother. I told him that he would quit the blood wolf and have nothing to do with us. But I didn't expect your brother to be so tough. He took advantage of my carelessness and shot himself in the head. Before he died, he told me that he was born a blood wolf and died a ghost of blood wolf

Chen Yang said here, is still painful self reproach. "Snow, I'm sorry. The blood wolf mercenary Corps was founded by Lin Nan and I. I should have thought of Lin Nan's feelings for blood wolves. If I thought more, maybe Linnan would not die. "

Lin Qingxue smell speech is a long sigh of relief, she is really afraid that Chen Yang killed his brother. She would never be able to forgive Chen Yang. Fortunately, it's notInstead of blaming Chen Yang, Lin Qingxue said, "don't blame yourself. You were angry at that time, so I didn't think so much. This is my brother's own choice. I believe that even if my brother is underground, he will never regret having followed your elder brother. "

Lin Qingxue's words made Chen Yang feel better.

The two then fell into silence, which was a mourning for Lin Nan.

After a long time, Lin Qingxue remembered something and asked Chen Yang, "will the people in Shaolin trouble you again?"

Chen Yang shook his head and said, "it should not be. This time, it was Qin moyao's grandfather who said, "how can people in Shaolin give such face?"

Lin Qingxue also knew that Qin moyao's identity was very important, and he put down his heart when he heard the speech.

This day, Lin Qingxue still insisted on going to work. Chen Yang is worried about Lin Qingxue, but Lin Qingxue is very normal, so he doesn't say much. Helpless, Chen Yang only asked Tang Qingqing to take good care of Lin Qingxue.

Although Tang Qingqing didn't know where she was, she also saw that there was something wrong with Qingxue, so she said to Chen Yang: "don't worry, Qingxue and I are the best sisters. I will look at her."

Chen Yang nods.

During the night, both Chen Yang and Tang Qingqing seemed to be steadfast in an instant. They don't fight like that anymore.

As a matter of fact, the night was also full of ups and downs for Tang Qingqing. She heard Chen Yang's crisis in Qingxue. She saw Qingxue saying that Chen Yang was dead. At that time, her heartache was unable to breathe, as if there was a kind of huge, unspeakable grief.

Later, Chen Yang was alive and fine. She seems to have experienced a transformation of life and death.

Tang Qingqing realized that Chen Yang was in danger because she and Qingxue had offended Shaolin's inner door. Her mood became more complicated.

For Chen Yang, her feelings are undoubtedly very special.

At noon, Chen Yang went to the tea house.

In the rest room of the tea house, Chen Yang and Mu Jing sit opposite each other.

"After yesterday's life and death, do you have any new insights?" Mu Jing smiles and asks Chen Yang.

Chen Yang couldn't help but smile and said: "yesterday was twice hovering on the edge of death. For the first time, we couldn't fight back in front of that man. That's because we have no experience. The second time, I played two tricks with that man. Although I still failed, I found a key problem

Mu Jing said, "Oh, what's the problem?"

Chen Yang said: "I usually fight against people, even if it's a sword, I never fear. But in the war with that man, his momentum still scares me. In the face of his fist power, I can't help but avoid it. The more you avoid it, the faster you lose. "

Mu Jing said: "yes, I also found this problem."

"Later, I overcame my fear," Chen said. I suddenly felt that although the man was powerful, he was still a person. So, I can do two things with him. "

Mu Jing said: "people have demons in their hearts. Their desires and emotions are always attacked by them. The most powerful part of that man is that he can arouse people's heart demons. And you are not so much overcome the fear as overcome the demons She paused and said, "I got something last night. It was after you left that I realized it

Chen Yang slightly surprised, way: "Oh, what harvest?"

Mu Jing said: "the flowers bloom and wither, and the tide rises and falls. The people around me, my friends, will live and die. Including you, you will die. These are all natural phenomena. And I'm in it, and I want to be immortal. I look at you, look at myself, look at Qin moyao's sadness, look at all these emotions, I think I am a spectator in the world of mortals. "

Chen Yang was surprised and said, "sister Jing, you are not good. Are you going to be a nun

Mu Jing said: "I will do what I want to do. I want to be that immortal person and not be troubled by seven emotions and six desires. This is the way I pursue

Chen Yang can't speak, he and Mu Jing are in the same position. The road ahead all needs two people's exploration, so he can't say Mu Jing is wrong. Mu Jing can't say he's wrong.

At this time, Xu's two brothers came to chat with each other outside.

"Brother Chen Yang, Miss Xu Qing is here. She is looking for you."

Chen Yang slightly surprised, he then stood up and said: "good, I'll see her."

When he was about to go out, Mu Jing suddenly said, "Chen Yang."

Chen Yang was stunned. He looked back at Mu Jing and said, "what's the matter, sister Jing?"

Mu Jing said: "if you really like Su Qing, why should you suppress your original intention. If you don't want to get married, don't get married. If you like her, marry her. I advise you, or follow your own heart, as you please. So you can go where you want to be

Chen Yang couldn't help but smile and said, "if I want Su Qing, I won't marry her. That Su Qing will not be happy, she is not happy, I will not be happy. If I marry her, I will be unhappy

Mu Jing said: "so you can never enter the golden elixir if you don't clear up this mess one day." , the fastest update of the webnovel!