Chen Yang opens the document and Qin moyao stares.

Two people see clearly, face color is one change.

The document is a statement of life and death, the content of which is that Chen Yang volunteered to participate in the martial arts golden sword competition until the end of the competition. During the competition, if there is a death accident due to fighting, there is no difference with others.

In the final analysis, this document forced Chen Yang to participate in the martial arts golden sword competition.

"It's still the inner gate of Shaolin." Qin moyao immediately realized that she was angry, and her forehead was green. She said angrily, "these despicable things are treacherous. I'll call my grandfather."

"Moyao!" Chen Yang quickly stops Qin moyao. His face is also ugly. But he still said, "it's no use. Now they come out through the Dragon King. They just don't want to fight against your grandfather. Now you go to your grandfather, and they won't admit it. "

Qin moyao couldn't help staying. She immediately grabbed Chen Yang and said, "let's go. You can't sign this document."

Chen Yang was sitting there motionless. He looked at the Dragon King and said, "master, if I guess correctly, you don't have the right to decide this matter, right? You're just doing things for people. If I don't sign this document, Xiaoxue's bone marrow matching will never be given to me? "

The Dragon King's face showed a trace of bitterness. He said faintly, "yes. I'm only responsible for letting you sign the documents. As for the rest, you will be contacted naturally. "

Chen Yang was silent.

This moment, he thought a lot.

He already knew that Xiaoxue must have been cheated by the people in Shaolin, but he couldn't guess how. But there is no doubt that if he does not compromise, Xiaoxue will die this time.

At this time, Chen Yang thought a lot of strategies in his mind. But there is no strategy to force the people in Shaolin to obey. This time, I can't revenge Yang Ling, because the struggle is no longer in this level of Yang Ling.

Moreover, I can't blame the inner gate of Shaolin, and I can't expose this fact to others. Because there is no evidence, because the inner door of Shaolin cleverly hid behind this time.

What to do? What should I do?

The inner gate of Shaolin has come to the point where it has to kill itself. This time, if you go to the martial arts golden sword competition, you will die.

But today, I really want to go this way, not sign this life and death certificate. So Xiaoxue will die!

In a flash, Chen Yang fought with heaven and man.

Qin moyao is looking at Chen Yang. She is more nervous than Chen Yang. She doesn't want Xiaoxue to be in trouble, but she is more afraid of Chen Yang's accident. She would rather Chen Yang be selfish this time. But she knows that if Chen Yangzhen is that kind of selfish person, she will not care about him so much.

Sure enough, after hesitating for a long time, Chen Yang looked at the Dragon King. He seemed to have exhausted all his strength and said to the Dragon King, "OK, take the pen and I'll sign it."

"Chen Yang!" Qin moyao can't help being anxious. She stops in front of Chen Yang and looks at him with a pleading look. "Don't sign. Let's go, OK? Think of it as I beg you. "

Chen Yang faint smile, this smile appears some bleak helpless. "I'd love to go too, but I'm sorry, I can't," he said. If I could do it, you would have died. "

Qin moyao understood what he meant. If Chen Yangzhen could be so selfish. At the beginning, she was killed by Bai yinshuang in the haunted house.

Lord long asked Hua Tiangang to pass a pen to Chen Yang. Chen Yang took over the pen, and he quickly signed his own name. Later, Chen Yang stood up and said: "master Dragon King, I have signed the word. Please tell the people behind that I will take part in the martial arts golden sword competition, and ask them to save Xiaoxue quickly. If there is something wrong with Xiaoxue, don't blame me for not paying attention to my work. "

After that, Chen Yang turned and left.

The Dragon King suddenly stood up. He called out, "Mr. Chen."

Chen Yang was slightly stunned and turned to look at the Dragon King.

Chen Yang of the Dragon Dynasty bowed slightly and said, "you are a man worthy of my respect. Take care of yourself."

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, he didn't say much, turned around and took the lead out of the coffee shop.

Qin moyao followed quickly.

After a while, they were out of the king's club.

After getting on the bus, Qin moyao drives. She didn't know what to say. Chen Yang could not be blamed for signing the document.

The car quickly sped out, two people at the same time silent, each is a complex mind.

I don't know how long it took. On the open road, Qin moyao suddenly stepped on the brake to stop.

Due to their inertia, both of them suddenly hit the front.

Qin moyao looked at Chen Yang. Her eyes were red and she asked with tears: "is it in your heart that the life of others is always more important than your own?"

Chen Yang can't help but smile bitterly. He looks at the street lamp in front of him, and his eyes look a little distant. After a long time, he said, "Mo Yao, I'm afraid of death. I don't want to be a great person. I never think I am a great person. I even want to be far away from the word "greatness""Then why did you sign it? If you don't sign, the people in Shaolin can't do anything about you. " Qin moyao immediately asked.

Chen Yang sighed slightly and said, "just for peace of mind."

Qin moyao couldn't help staying. All of a sudden, she understood Chen Yang's mind.

Chen Yang also said: "the people in Shaolin have lost a lot of face here. Now they are going to kill me. This time, their meaning is obvious. If I don't agree, there will be a second after Xiaoxue dies. Maybe it's you, maybe it's Su Qing, maybe it's Qing Xue. In a word, if I don't promise for one day, they won't give up. Moreover, they are now cleverly hiding behind, so we can't argue with them. They will never admit that they have done such a thing. "

Qin moyao couldn't help but get angry and said, "can't you just leave it at their disposal and wait to die?"

Chen Yang's eyes suddenly appeared a ray of cold light, he said: "it's not necessarily, I'm not kneaded. They pushed me again and again. If I don't fight back, won't I make them think I'm really a sick cat? "

Seeing Chen Yang's appearance, Qin moyao's eyes lit up and said, "have you thought of a way? You want the boy back? "

The boy she said naturally refers to Ye Buyi.

Chen Yang shook his head and said, "it's not good for Xiaoye to come back. He is not the opponent of that person. He doesn't have the gold medal your grandfather asked for. I won't let him come back and die. "

"What are you going to do?" Qin moyao asked curiously. Tqr1

a shred of cunning flashed in Chen Yang's eyes and said: "they planned to prepare the Wudao golden sword competition with all their heart. They wanted to manipulate the competition and kill me in the competition. But one thing you don't forget is that they've been hiding behind. If I let people step in and seize the initiative of the competition, then will they not be able to manipulate the game? "

Qin moyao was so excited that she said, "yes, I didn't think of this one. As long as you don't let them operate in the dark, it's not difficult for you to survive the competition At this moment, she thought Chen Yang was too clever. This kind of radical method can also come out.

After rejoicing, Qin moyao made another crime: "but who should we let take the initiative? It is difficult for outsiders to get involved in this matter, which is led by Dong Haiyun. "

Chen Yang pondered: "if we want to seize the initiative, we must have a more respected Wulin master. But this kind of martial arts master, I think even your grandfather is hard to move. "

Qin moyao didn't believe it and said, "no, there are still people who my grandfather won't move? Don't want to mix up? "

Chen Yang, with a wry smile, said: "people who practice martial arts have bad temper. From the bottom of his heart, he laughs at Gongqing's arrogant princes, and the emperor calls not to board the ship. In particular, the famous Wulin elders have a bad temper. So it's hard for your grandfather to move

Qin moyao began to worry and said, "what should I do? Don't let me have a good time

Chen Yang's heart is warm, Qin moyao for him, his heart can not say how moved.

"It's not hard." Chen Yang smile, said: "the martial arts golden sword competition is not like before, everyone used high-tech. It's estimated that all candidates will be selected by computer. At that time, we asked hackers to hack their networks, so we could arrange the candidates? Besides, if they don't use computers to choose people, then we can unite all the competitors to boycott and say that there is a black curtain and so on

Such a difficult problem was easily solved by Chen Yang.

Qin moyao praised: "it's really a good way." "I'll find the hacker," she said

Chen Yang nodded and said, "you have to look for it. This hacker must be very powerful, otherwise it will be bad."

Qin moyao said: "don't worry, Shaolin inner door is very good, but if it comes to the Internet, they are still primary school students. I'm going to call in a hacker team. "

Chen Yang is naturally at ease about Qin moyao's ability, so he doesn't say much about it now.

It was already three o'clock in the morning, and the world was silent.

Qin moyao was sleepless. She said to Chen Yang, "let's go to the bar and have a drink."

Chen Yang couldn't help laughing bitterly and said, "I haven't slept for two days. Go to your house to drink, and I'll go to bed after drinking."

"That's OK," said Qin moyao

At present, Qin moyao turned the steering wheel and went home.

On the way back, Chen Yang suddenly received a call from Su Qing.

Before he could speak, Su Qing asked in a cold voice, "where are you?"

Chen Yang was embarrassed. He took a look at Qin moyao and said, "I'm outside."

Seeing Chen Yang's strange expression, Qin moyao asked curiously, "who is it?"

Su Qing just heard this on the other end of the phone.

Su Qing's anger and sadness suddenly broke out, and she said angrily, "Chen Yang, I've misread you. I'm blind. Xiaoxue's life and death are uncertain. You're still in the mood to be romantic and romantic outside. You're really a heartless person. " She then hung up the phone and gave Chen Yang no chance to explain. , the fastest update of the webnovel!